Chapter Seventeen- Scriptorium

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As soon as I had seen the letter from Sebastian to meet after class in the dungeons, curiosity grew inside of me, to the point it was all I could think about. Was it because of the scriptorium? If it was that, why would Ominis agree to go? What did it take and what was all at stake?

"Merlina? Are you alright?" Cressida asked, bringing my attention back to transfiguration class. We were put in groups for a project at random and I was chosen with Cressida, who I barely knew. I had only seen her a few times besides that one favor where she had unleashed all the books in the library, including her diary where she spoke rudely of all the students.

"Oh yes, I'm quite fine! Thank you for asking Cressida." I lied with a passing smile. I wasn't fine- I was worried Sebastian may have done something to force Ominis to change his mind.

"You know, you can always talk to me if you ever need to. In fact- why don't we-" Cressida was interrupted by class ending and me running out of the classroom. As quickly as I could, I ran from the courtyard and past potions until I could see Sebastian standing alone and muttering to himself. Although I couldn't understand a single thing he was saying, I could definitely tell he was upset.

"Sebastian! I received your owl but... where is Ominis?" I asked, glancing around but not seeing him anywhere near us.

"He told me last night we could do it but had a change of heart this morning. He started saying something along the lines of him and I staying away from you and-"

"Staying away from me? Did I do something wrong to him?" I asked quickly, ignoring anything else he could say next. What could I have possibly done to Ominis that would make him not want to be near me any longer?

"I'm not so sure honestly. Our problem though is only he knows it's location and he won't tell me. I know where he is if you want to find out. I can lead you to him and leave you both to chat- if you convince him to take us to the entrance of the scriptorium."

"Okay Sebastian, deal."

We started walking and making small talk through the black stoned hallways with silver arches for the doorways. It didn't take long though until we finally reached the hall where I saw Ominis standing at the end and using the wall as support for keeping him up. I didn't even wait for Sebastian as I found myself running towards Ominis. Anger controlled my feet though, making the heels on my shoes bang instead of click against the stone flooring.

"Merlina? What are you doing here?" Ominis asked before I could even fully approach him.

"What's this I hear that you and Sebastian are supposed to stay away from me? Can you explain why you would feel the need to keep your distance from me?" I spat out in anger rather than confusion or even sadness. Ominis was taken aback, never seeing this side of me.

"Merlina, my aunt Noctua felt that this place had the answer to changing my family's traditions and she died in there. I cannot let you and my best friend enter. I... I cannot risk loosing you. And Sebastian of course." Ominis explained, his face saddened. I let go of my questions, sighed.

"I don't blame you for being afraid Ominis. It all sounds a bit unnerving. Even if it may lead to answers to what exactly happened with your aunt, we shouldn't risk it."

"Maybe you're right... this could, in a way, be in her memory right?" Ominis asked, needing assurance for his choices. "Very well. I know Sebastian is the one that told you to convince me so tell him to come over here. I'll wait for you both."

I went down the hallway to see Sebastian hiding behind a corner. His robe had at some point been taken off and his tie loose. I almost wanted to ask why but he interrupted my thoughts- asking about Ominis and the scriptorium.

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