Chapter Seventy-Seven- Fly High Big Bird

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This is a SMUT chapter so run away if you don't want people around you being nosey!

"Ugh! This is useless!" Garreth shouted in annoyance.

I know Professor Sharp told us it was a difficult spell to master but I never thought he was serious. None of us had managed to even come close to perfecting it. His glowing blue fox rested peacefully on his desk, curled into a tight ball and just enjoying a delightful nap. Both Sebastian and Ominis had taken their robes off and loosened their ties to try and focus on casting the spells. Poppy and I had taken a page out of their book but only removing our robes.

"You have to remember, dementors are prone to eating fear and sadness. What better way to fight them then with happiness. Think of the most cheerful memory you have and then try to cast it." Professor Sharp shouted as if we weren't in his small, dusty classroom.

A cheerful memory... there hasn't been many in my life. Still, I tried my best to think of one. I squinted my eyes shut and flooded through all of my memories until my brain landed on one in front of Professor Fig's house with him. He had just given me the used wand as a birthday present. We stood there, practicing a basic cast against the strong oak tree in front of the house. He was so proud of me like I was his own child.

I could feel the tears start to form and a blue light began to glow brightly along with the sound of something flying by my ear. I opened my eyes and flying around the classroom was a small bird but with a giant wing span. An albatross. Professor Sharp cheered while every of my other friends clapped hard. I suppose Professor Fig is the person I have to thank for it.

"Great job Merlina. Seeing as it is now ten at night, I'm going to go to sleep. I suggest you all do the same. Tomorrow, you all will come to my class by noon and continue trying." Professor Sharp demanded. Garreth groaned but Sebastian was already grabbing his robe before running by and yanking my hand to drag me along with him.

I couldn't even ask where he was taking me but I didn't need to. We ran directly across the Grand Hall and into the library. It was empty with no ghost or librarian in sight. I couldn't believe what luck we had. He casted ice to rid of the flame and we were back in our small hidden away room.

"Sebastian, why did you-" I started but he slammed his lips onto mine and was already throwing our robes into the chair off in the corner. I remembered my promise to Ominis, pushing myself off of Sebastian as we both took deep breaths. "Sebastian! What the hell was that all about?"

"I know you don't want a relationship with either Ominis or I right now. As much as I want it, I'm willing to wait. I don't see why that should stop our wandering hands and gazes. Ever since we got back here, I've been craving your kiss and imagining just how... well, if you're comfortable with it, I'd like to show you how experienced men do things." Sebastian spoke.

I suppose he did have a point. Plenty of women in our year have sex without being in a relationship with the men. Were majority of those experiences with Sebastian? Yes. Maybe it's time to see if the rumors live up to the real deal. Maybe I should give into my deep desire.

I tugged down on Sebastian's tie, leaning him forward to kiss me in response to his suggestion. He picked me up and placed me down on the table behind me that rested against the wall. With one hand, he held both of my wrists above my head and began to tsk away.

"I'm in charge here. You're going to be a good girl, right?" His voice was deeper than I have ever heard it be before. I couldn't believe the Sebastian I was seeing in front of me. A gasp escaped my lips as he used his free hand to shove a finger inside of me.

One again, his lips met mine but he was definitely a pro at multitasking. I could feel myself get wetter and wetter by the minute before he added another finger in. He was really taking his time for the build up. He slipped them out and removed his hands only to start unbuttoning my button up as I did with his. We were both shirtless and tugging on our bottoms until we were able to stare at one another in our undergarments. I found myself removing my bra, allowing my breasts to be fully on display.

"Oh wow... I always knew you were beautiful but this is just... wow..." Sebastian complimented, unable to avert his gaze.

He removed his undergarments and sprung it to life. Every girl has heard the rumors of Sebastian Sallow's size but to see it in person is just something else. I thought Ominis would have the bigger size but Sebastian won that competition. I was hurting for days after Ominis... who knew if I could handle Sebastian.

"Are you okay? You seem nervous." Sebastian whispered, moving a bit of hair from my face to behind my ear.

"You're... you're huge! You might have to carry me to the Hospital Wing after this." I blurted out. He chuckled a little before nodding his head.

"I promise to go slow and easy, alright love?"

He laid me down on the floor and positioned himself before going all the way in. So much for slow and easy. I gasped and wrapped my legs around him, unintentionally putting him deeper. He allowed me time to adjust before thrusting into me slowly. There was no pain like last time- only pleasure. He reached over for his tie and wrapped both of my hands with it and holding down my wrists from above my head. Sebastian took his brown eyes off of me and onto my breasts, picking up the pace just to watch them move quicker.

"Sebastian..." I moaned out, unable to control myself. I never knew sex could be this enjoyable. He was already living up to the rumors and I could tell he was far from finished.

"Yes... take it like a good girl." He demanded in a rugged voice. My legs that were once wrapped around his waist were now up with my heels resting on his shoulders. He was doing so many new things I hadn't even heard of.

It didn't take much longer for knots to start forming in my stomach and I could tell he was feeling it too. We didn't need to announce it because our moans and facial expressions did it enough for the both of us. Waves of water splashed around him right before he pulled out and came as well. With both of us naked and sweaty, we just laid right next to one another gasping for air.

"We... should have... gotten water." Sebastian spoke in between breaths. I chuckled and scooted closer to him to lay my head on his chest.

"You smell gross. Like salt."

"You're one to talk." He joked, looking down at me. Even then, I could see the large smile plastered on his face. Even then, I could feel myself dozing off with a loud yawn. "Go ahead and sleep. We can use robes as blankets."

"Here? What if someone catches us?" I asked half-awake, half-asleep.

"Then they'll think I'm romantic enough to fuck you by a fireplace." I smacked his chest and through the groans also came laughs. Still, I was too weak to feel any urge to get up. Any physical movement was not worth it at the moment. As best as I could, I grabbed Sebastian's robe and threw it over me before falling asleep.

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