Chapter One Hundred and Six- St. Mungos

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I awoke in a room that was like the Hospital Wing at Hogwarts but newer. The walls were of a soft teal color and the floors white tile. I could hear there were other people in the room but none as far as my eye could see. Sitting up in the bed, I pulled on the yellow curtains beside me and revealed a young nurse working on a little boy who's face had become a duck.

"Excuse me, where am I?" I asked.

The nurse looked up and had a shocked look to her face before smiling wide like receiving fresh baked treats.

"St. Mungos dear. Your father will be so happy to hear your finally awake!" My father? And finally awake? I wonder just how long I was asleep then. "Let me finish with James here and then I'll go fetch him."

I nodded my head and closed the curtain once more. I hadn't realized until now that all of my clothes had been removed and folded on a nightstand next to me. The only thing I had on was the necklace storing power from the repository and a hospital gown matching the color of the walls. The curtain opened once more but the nurse was gone. The boy stood small and even though I couldn't see any true facial features, his eyes looked sad.

"What's your name?" He asked. It took me off guard seeing a duck speak perfect English but I tried to remain as collected as ever.

"Merlina. And you?"

"Cornelius... will you tell me a story?"

"Yeah I'll tell you a story. Come here."

I scooted over to make room for the little boy who already looked tired. He cuddled up next to me as I told him a story of a knight and princess. It was a terrible story but a story so he couldn't complain. Ten minutes in, a quaking snore was loud enough to make me giggle.

"Merlina?" I looked up and at the end of the bed stood Sebastian looking cleaner than before.

I shouldn't be surprised he told them he was my father but who would ever believe that? If it was Professor Sharp, I could see it but Sebastian and I were clearly the same age. Still, it didn't stop me from climbing out of the bed and running towards him, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck as he held me.

"Professor Weasley? Did we...?"

"She's in Azkaban. Only people that we knew who died were Morgana, Imelda, and Leander. A few teachers and students died before the battle commenced but it's all over now." Sebastian spoke quietly enough for only me to hear.

We separated and made our way to sit on Cornelius' bed seeing as he stole mine. Sebastian told me everything from me being asleep for a month to the bodies of Howin and Garlick along with the Headmaster. I hoped his son was doing alright. How could someone that looked so interested in her student's lives be so evil?

"Where is everyone else?" I asked.

"We all became teachers for the rest of the year. I was the only one who could get away to come see you although Sharp wanted me to tell you he'd be in later." Sebastian answered with a stupid grin.

"You're all teachers? What classes?"

"Poppy took over Beasts, I took over Defense Against the Dark Arts, Garreth took over for Transfiguration and Ominis... Ominis has Fig's classroom now."

Ominis teaches Magical Theory... very fitting for him. And Poppy for Beasts? She has her dream job. It looked like everything was worked out for everyone.

"It's only temporary though until they can find other teachers. The school doesn't even have a Headmaster. The Minister says there's no point in bringing one now so he just divided the responsibilities among the teachers."

Before I could get another word in, the nurse from before came with a doctor who looked like the most official doctor I had ever seen. He was lanky with silver glasses and no hair on his shiny head.

"Ms. Wood? I see the rumors are true then. How do you feel?" He asked, keeping his distance from Sebastian and I.

"Good. When can I get out?"

"We'll... We will get to that in a bit. I have to go over some medical things with you. Would you like your visitor to leave for a moment or to go somewhere more private?"

"No I'm fine. You can say it in front of Sebastian."

"Well... very well." With the wave of his hand, the nurse quickly brought a thin wooden chair I was sure would break at any moment for him to sit on.

"What you have... I have only seen two cases of in my hundred years of being here. Whatever you did or whatever spell you casted... it should have killed you. Magic is almost like a thread in our muscles and if it runs out, we do too. Do you understand what I am saying?" The doctor asked but I shook my head no. "You... you have no usable magic left. You are equal to a squib. Your new white hair is proof of that."

My eyes went wide and my mouth dry. The irony of it all... Only being able to experience magic for three years and now it was just gone. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It explains why the color of my hair faded away. Instinctively, I grabbed at the ends of it.

"One of the two men I have seen go through this survived as well though and his children had magic even though he was with a muggle. So even if you don't have anymore, your children should still be able to go to Hogwarts just like you and experience the same joys you have. I'd like to keep you here for another month though just to make sure nothing happens unexpectedly."

I nodded my head slowly while grabbing onto Sebastian hand. How was someone supposed to take news like this? If this was the price I had to pay though for getting rid of that damn repository... it was worth it.

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