Chapter Fifty-Six- Bandaged Love (Ominis POV)

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Sebastian and I tapped our foots, waiting for both Poppy and Merlina to get out of class when I heard the tapping feet of someone coming directly towards us. Just based on smell, I knew it was Lavina's and Morgana's friend. The same Hufflepuff that used to think she was cool just for being around them. What was her name...?

"Lenora, right? Can we help you?" Sebastian asked her in a rude tone. She was breathing heavy as if she ran three miles just to find us.

"Morgana... can't know that I... told you. She's... hurting Merlina." Lenora managed to get out in between heaves of breaths.

"Where?!" I shouted, not wanting to waste another second waiting. Why was it not a shock to hear those words? It was more surprising that Lenora was telling us than the matter itself.

"Slytherin... female... bathroom."

"I'll get Sharp. You go to Merlina." Sebastian demanded. I nodded my head and as best as a blind person can, ran to her.

Why didn't Lenora try and stop her? Why was she as bad of a coward as Duncan Hobhouse? Granted, as much as I cared about Merlina and Poppy, they were the only two brave ones of their house. I continued running until the chill of the dungeon air confirmed I was near the girls bathroom. I took a right turn and there she was. I could smell her perfume.

I opened the door and tried to call out her name but got no response. I knew she was there though- just probably unconscious. Whatever could Morgana do to make Merlina unconscious? My foot barely moved when it came in contact with something. Bending down, I could feel it was flesh and bone.

"Merlina?" I called out once more as I began to try wake her by shaking her leg. Nothing. I could barely hear the breaths escape her mouth as if her body had been through so much pain, it was debating whether to give up or not.

The door swung open and immediately I knew it was both Sebastian and Professor Sharp. A gasp escaped both of their mouths. Whatever she had done to Merlina must have been terrible to even witness the aftermath.

"Ominis... be glad you are blind." Sebastian muttered.

"Mr. Gaunt, stand back and Sallow- try to see if you can find Ms. Wood's wand. I need to try and heal this before it becomes permanent." I did as Professor Sharp demanded, standing by one of the sinks when whispers of some kind started to fill my ears. Ones like the scriptorium. Was there another room Salazar created in Hogwarts near here that needed me to speak parstletongue?

Bringing me back to reality, Merlina's screams bounced off the walls. Whatever Professor Sharp was doing was putting her through worse pain than she most likely had already suffered. My heart began to ache at the noise. There are things you don't want to hear from the person you love most and their screams of pain as if they're being tortured is one of them.

"Professor Sharp... why is it bleeding again and why is she screaming? You have to stop now!" Sebastian demanded but Professor Sharp yelled at him to stop yelling.

"What's going on? What's bleeding?" I asked, hoping someone would answer me.

"Morgana carved the words 'dirty squib' in Merlina's arm."

"You said Ms. Avery did this? Impossible... this was done by something imbedded with an unforgivable curse. My guess is... crucio. Anytime anyone will try to heal it with anything, the pain she felt when it was being done with surge through her body again. A lot of the twenty-eight have things similar to this. I need to let the Headmaster know but first... Sallow- How strong are you?" Professor Sharp explained while struggling to get up.

As if Sebastian knew where this question was leading to, I could hear him walk to me and hand me her wand before scooping her up. Sebastian was hurting just as much as I, if not possibly more just because he can actually see her.

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