Chapter Eleven- Halloween

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As soon as the sun rose, I ran towards Professor Fig's classroom where he had barely entered before I told him everything that happened with Peeves and the library. The necklace, what Peeves said, everything.

"Hm... this does seem very peculiar and dangerous. The thought of a staff member working with the likes of Ranrok could prove extremely troubling." Professor Fig stated, pacing back and forth but never taking his eyes off the necklace. With a closer look, I was able to see it was a simple thin gold chain with a large pendent of a ivory woman.

"How do we know it's a staff member? What if it's a student?" I asked, admitting the troubling thought of it. Everyone knows teenagers/children are more likely to give in to evil than the adults whether it's out of fear or pure hatred in their hearts.

"Yes... it could be one. Today though is Halloween so do not fret about this a minute longer. I will look into it more but please... just be weary of who is paying attention to you." I nodded my head in compliance and said my goodbyes, leaving for class.

All day in class, people were just playing around from casting jinxs to charms. Garreth made a potion blow up on Professor Sharp... on purpose. Somehow, he was still shocked when Sharp gave him a month's worth of detention and fifty points from Gryffindor.

"Merlina!" I heard Poppy shout from behind me. When I turned around, she looked as if she had been running for miles with how red her face was and how deep her breaths were.

"" She managed to get out in between breaths.

"Thank you Poppy for telling me. Are you going to be alright to get to the Great Hall or do you want me to come with you?"

"I'll be...fine. Just need... to pass out." She plopped on the ground with a loud thud, earning confused glances from the other houses. Hufflepuff just sort of expected this thing from her I suppose. I nodded my head and made my way to the Transfiguration Courtyard where her class stood in the corner.

Before I had even entered. I could hear a sort of hissing noise from behind a column. I walked to the sound and there was Natty, back pressed on the stone.

"Natty? What are you-"

"You're in danger. Do you remember how I told you I was following Harlow to get information on him?" I nodded my head, telling her to continue. "He and Rookwood have a student under their control. I guess this girl agreed to get you alone so they could grab you."

"Did they say her name?"

"No... only that she was a student. For all we know, it could be Poppy or Lavina."

Lavina... why didn't I think of that sooner? Of course it would be one of the few Hufflepuffs that do not represent kindness but she could definitely be the loyal type. Loyal to evil and Ranrok.

"Thank you Natty. I appreciate you for telling me this." With that, I entered the crowded classroom of Professor Weasley but kept my head down in the back.

I'm not sure exactly what she was teaching but whatever it was had everyone wanting to fall asleep or exchanging notes. By the time her class was done, I don't think a single student learned anything. How that was possible with transfiguration- I haven't a clue.

"Ms. Woods! Yes, I had a question for you. Both Peeves and the students in the library yesterday stated that he was wearing a necklace that you took. Do you know what happened to it?"

"No honestly. I did use Accio but after he was calmed down, it went missing. I had completely forgot about it until this morning and when I went to find it, it wasn't anywhere on me. Perhaps it's still in the library?" I played dumb, lying as much as I could.

"Perhaps... I just wonder what sort of magic could cause a poltergeist to be even more of a nuisance than his usual self. Very well. Thank you Ms. Wood and have a good day."

With that, I was dismissed from the conversation. Dinner was one of the most extraordinary meals I had ever witnessed with Halloween themed desserts, pumpkin juices that changed color ever with every sip, and the best shepherds pie that had ever touched my lips. The entire time, Poppy, Sebastian. Ominis, and I laughed and joked about random things until the conversation changed the tones epically.

"Oh Merlina! I'm going to see Anne in Feldcroft on Saturday. Would you care to join me?" Sebastian offered with a soft smile on his face. Ominis, on the other hand, looked as if a ghost had just passed through him. The sound of his fork hitting the plate could turn all heads if they weren't interested in their own conversations.

"I'd love to. Ominis, are you coming with us?"

"No uh... Poppy is helping me with potions class." We all turned to Poppy who had a mouth full of an apple spiced cupcake. She turned to us, obviously confused, and quickly swallowed.

"I am?"

"Clearly you forgot but yes. We will indeed be quite busy but please do give Anne my regards." With that, he got up and walked away from the table. Whatever that reaction was for, I'd find out on Saturday.

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