Chapter Seventy-Eight- Patronus Practice

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Sebastian and I barely made it to Sharp's class by noon. I couldn't believe just how much him and I slept in. If it wasn't for two screeching gossiping first years talking about how attractive Professor Sharp was, we would have been late. I needed to find them after to thank them for their services. Gossipy services, but services nonetheless. We arrived on time but earning glances from Professor Sharp. Garreth erupted in laughter as Poppy kept adjusting her tie as if trying to hint something.

"Merlina... Sebastian... I hadn't realized you both switched houses. Very well. Let's get started now that you both have arrived." I glanced down and sure enough, I was wearing a Slytherin tie and he a Hufflepuff.

There was no point in switching them out now. I did remove it entirely and shoved in into his robe before making my way towards Garreth and Poppy. Once again, Professor Sharp waved his wand to do the Patronus charm and there hopped the fox around the classroom.

"Since Merlina already got her's, we will be standing aside to watch you four." I nodded my head at Professor Sharp and made my way by his side to watch my friends. "You thought of Professor Fig when you casted your patronus, didn't you?"

I was taken aback by how Professor Sharp knew of it. I surely couldn't have been that obvious in the matter could I? As if my confusion was a joke, he chuckled and shook his head.

"The albatross is a very rare patronus. It means you are fearless, optimistic, and ambitious. I've only known one other person who could cast it and that was Professor Fig. He was quite a magnificent wizard. Let's just say it's good he had a kind heart rather than a heart that would side with the Puppeteer."

I was about to respond to Professor Sharp, the sounds of sparks caught our attention. In a matter of moments though, Sebastian went from struggling to fully conjuring a black swan. So far, it would appear we're a team led by birds. Poppy and Garreth clapped, cheering him on with wide smiles upon their faces.

"Very well done. What did you think of Sebastian?" Professor Sharp asked, limping towards him.

"My sister sir. I didn't expect it to work but as you can see sir..." Sebastian trailed off, looking upon the bird sitting in front of him.

"Well you still did very well. Now that just leaves you three-" Professor Sharp started but Ominis interrupted, storming out of the classroom. Before anyone could ask anything, I ran after him and down the steps by Professor Sharp's class only for him to halt directly in the middle of the hallway.

"Merlina... please. I don't want to hear anything." Ominis spoke softly, sounding weak.

"Then talk to me. I'll do all the hearing." I answered in the same tone, slowly making my way towards him.

"I... I'll never be able to talk to you about this situation Merlina. As much as I would love to I just... I just can't. Now please don't follow me."

I was left alone, dumbfounded by Ominis. I knew what it was about without him saying it though. He... he's started to develop a dislike towards Sebastian because of me. I'm breaking a friendship that's lasted years all because I can't make a choice. I sighed and returned to Sharp's classroom, seeing two new patronus casted. A magpie was fluttering it's wings around Garreth and a grey squirrel resting on Poppy's shoulders. Everyone had gained their patronus but Ominis now.

"Very good you... four. Before I send you on your way, Merlina and I will not be here next Saturday. We have been allowed to question Harlow and learn everything that he knows. While we are doing that, you lot, specifically you Weasley, are not to make a single peep or get in trouble. If I find out you are doing something against school rules such as breaking curfew, stealing stuff from Hogsmeade, or listening onto a meeting amongst teachers. There's stuff you don't know about and I promise to tell you about it after Harlow. I'm hopeful he'll have some knowledge on the matter." Professor Sharp explained.

"But sir-"

"No buts Ms. Sweeting. I assure you that it's for your own good. I don't want to hear you are putting yourselves in danger of detention- or worse. All you need to know for now is that your'e safer if you follow the rules." Professor Sharp demanded. He paused before continuing to speak, seeing if any of us would argue but none of us did. "As for you Ms. Wood, you will report to my classroom at sunrise on Saturday. We cannot talk about this during class so if you have any questions, see me after. Now all of you leave."

We did as he demanded once more, leaving the classroom until we reached one of the bridges, already seeing Ominis there. He looked calmer than earlier but still slightly annoyed. We sat with him, catching him up on everything and only lowering our voice if students were passing by. The wind kissed our skin, leaving it cool despite it being a hot day.

"So we're not going to sit in?" Ominis asked, somehow looking directly at Poppy.

"Fuck that! This is even more of a reason why we need to!" Poppy shouted. This wasn't the first time we have heard her use explicit language but every time she did felt like it was considering how scarce she does.

"Poppy! Professor Sharp said-"

"I know you respect him and his word Merlina. I usually do as well but something in my gut is telling me to ignore it. So here's the plan. While you and Professor Sharp go talk to Harlow, Ominis and I will sneak into the teacher's meeting and hide just like the plan was before. While we do that, Sebastian and Garreth are going to keep eyes on Morgana. What I realised last night was that the Puppeteer has been pulling the strings for years and we hadn't a clue. Let's use this time to catch up with her and her followers. There are six of us and as far as we know of, only two of them."

I wasn't going to lie... watching Poppy be the leader for once was actually quite great. I couldn't blame Garreth for looking upon her with lusting eyes. Hell, even I was finding it hot.

"Alright... you heard the Hufflepuff. We have our plan now." Sebastian agreed. "Let's call this Operation Split."

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