Chapter One Hundred and One- Avery Estate

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Today was the day we would attempt to sneak into Edward and Morgana's home. Barely a plan in tact. Edward, Ominis, and I would sneak into the house while Poppy, Garreth, and Sebastian searched the grounds. The goal was to find pretty much anything that could tell us about the Puppeteer. Someone that was starting to become a boogeyman at this point.

"I'm just saying it might be better if I go into the house instead Ominis. I'm one of the best duelers." Sebastian complained, walking around the tent while buttoning up his shirt.

"We don't need a duelist. We need infiltration and because of Ominis being blind, he has amazing hearing." Poppy quickly defended on Ominis' behalf.

It was her plan and I wasn't going to argue with her. I wasn't even sure why Sebastian was honestly. It was the most solid plan we had. At this point, I was sure Sebastian was just complaining just to hear his own voice. Him, Ominis, and I exchanged glaces though, having a silent conversation on whether to tell everyone he wasn't blind anymore. At first, it made sense not to but now it was just dumb to hide it.

"Ominis isn't blind anymore. He still has his incredible hearing but his vision works now." I blurted out.

Everyone turned to me, facial expressions different depending on the person. Shock, confusion, and even clear anger from Sebastian.

"But how? His eyes are still hazed. Is this a joke because if-"

"It's not a joke Garreth. I can see every notable strand of ginger mess sitting on your head." Ominis interrupted.

Silence surrounded us of who was daring to speak next when Poppy bursted into laughter before running up and hugging Ominis. He didn't know how to act, confused at first before patting her head lightly. What is with these men and not knowing how to hug back properly? Poppy pulled away, a wide smile on her face.

"I'm so happy for you Ominis! And this just makes the plan even better!" Poppy exclaimed.

Only Poppy would turn a multiple month deception into something to celebrate. If only Sebastian shared her emotions. I couldn't understand why he was so upset and jealous of Ominis. I wasn't stupid. I knew that before I came along, Sebastian had almost every girl wrapped around his finger. What made him so upset at Ominis just being in my presence?

"As amazing as it is that you can see, we need to leave. Let's go to the estate." Edward instructed.

One by one, we each took hands before letting Edward apparate us away. One moment, we were standing inside a tent and the next outside of a metal fence made of some kind of black stone. Edward spoke in some language before the gate swung open and showed us a magnificent garden in front of what I would easily say was a castle.

Despite always getting a gothic vibe from both Avery children, the mansion was made of soft cream colored bricks with many balconies facing toward the garden. Even in winter the garden itself was as green as ever with many flowers still surviving. It must have been magic keeping them well.

"Ominis, Merlina... are you two ready?" Edward asked, not removing his eyes from the mansion. He must be terrified being here again. Last time he was, he returned to Hogwarts covered in blood. I wouldn't put it past him to even have the cold sweats.

Ominis and I agreed in unison before running down the stone ground with Edward. Were we really about to just walk through the front door? Surely Edward couldn't be that dense. The smells of the flowers mixed in with the sound of my heart pumping adrenaline. We walked up the stairs until finally approaching the double wooden doors painted white. Edward froze in terror, his hand hovering in the air instead of reaching for the door handle.

"Are you ready Edward?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

He sucked it up, swallowing his fear and burying it deep inside of him before turning the silver colored handle. The door creaked open but no noise came from inside the mansion. I wonder if all purebloods have large mansions such as this one. Coming from old money, I wouldn't be too shocked.

Ominis, Edward, and I entered and closed the door as quietly as we could behind us. The floor was black old wood, freaking under every step we took. The walls had white wallpaper with flowers and vines decorated on them. I could almost swear they flowers would move every time our eyes looked away. It must have been a trick of the eye but it could have also been magic knowing this damn place.

A small whimper echoed off the walls and out of the room. Could the Puppeteer have gotten Morgana? No... this sounded different than Morgana's usual tones. Whoever it was caught Edward's attention. His eyes went wide and started shouting a name, clearly forgetting this is supposed to be an infiltration mission.

"Opal?! Opal where are you?!" Edward screamed out, running straight into the hallway.

"So much for secret." Ominis muttered before we both started to run after Edward.

We entered into one of the largest libraries I had ever seen. Almost as big and magnificent as the one in Hogwarts. If Professor Fig was still alive, he would have never wanted to leave this room. The dark wooden shelves reached up to the tall ceiling, black wooden tables decorated with various marble statues, and couches covered in silver and black cloth for the cushions. Laying on a black fur rug was a house elf was could barely past my knee. The house elf was smaller than any I had ever seen and wore a black pillow case. All over her body were cuts and bruises with one of her ears being nicked. I barely agreed with having house elves but whoever did this was going to pay.

"Master Morgana... she... she killed Opal's... Opal's mother!" The house elf exclaimed, her tears mixing with the blood from her cuts. Edward held her closely, shushing her and rubbing her head in an attempt to calm her.

"Is Morgana here now?" I asked, anger seeping from every word. The house elf looked up at me and shook her head no.

"Opal was supposed to die with Opal's mother but the woman stopped Master Morgana."

The woman? Surely she had to be speaking of the Puppeteer. Morgana wouldn't listen to just anyone. Ominis shrunk down to her level and handed her his white handkerchief, smiling softly. A smile that could woe anyone.

"Can you describe the woman Opal? It's very important you do." Ominis requested, speaking quiet enough that I could barely hear what he said.

"She was tall and old. Hair like fire but not down enough for Opal to see everything. She wore... what are they called Master Edward... glasses! Yes, glasses! Lots of dots covered her face as well." Opal informed.

I could feel the ice run down my entire body. No... it couldn't have been. She's been there from the beginning. She always seemed to care about us. Edward and Ominis clearly felt the same chill as I did before looking up at me.

"The Puppeteer is Professor Weasley."

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