Chapter Fifty- Resourcful Salazar

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The day of the first challenge came with us to meet outside of the Forbidden Forest at eight in the morning, even though the tournament didn't start until nine. We were to wear whatever was comfortable to us which in my case was pants and a white blouse with a golden vest over it. Chatter and cheers of all sorts surrounded me as Poppy and I exited the barrel with good lucks and break a leg.

"Are you nervous? Do you know what you're going to be facing?" Poppy spit questions back to back. It definitely seemed she was more nervous about me than I was.

With her for once out of her uniform and wearing a brown skirt with a white long sleeve blouse and a simple yellow ribbon around her neck. I wished she would be more comfortable like this more often but perhaps she felt as if people would judge her. I sighed was began placing my hair up, still walking.

"Not nervous necessarily. More of annoyed already." I answered as we past the kitchens and up the metal stairs.

"Do you have our new friend ready?"

She was referring to the Graphorn I rescued while we were practicing interview questions. He was no Lord of the Shore but him barely passing the age of a baby, he was perfect to ride. Even with his slightly smaller body- we saw him take down boulders. Whatever was being planned would not be too much for Kristof to handle.

I nodded my head and patted the little velvet satchel on my waistband lightly. With the Room of Requirement being used for whoever had taken it over, I was able to learn the spell to turn whatever bag I had into a storage big enough for Kristof to have his own shore to run wild in. Poppy nodded her head and the walk to the Forbidden Forest was more with ease. You would think Poppy would stop worrying about me considering everyone that's tried to come for me has efforts ended in prevail.

Unsurprisingly, Poppy and I were the first ones to arrive. Both Professor Avery and Sharp were putting up wooden makeshift bleachers for whoever was watching to sit and enjoy themselves. Headmaster Black and his son were nowhere in sight and Professor Weasley stood guard at the entrance to the bridge. The cool air sent chills up and down my arms, wishing I had been smart like Poppy and wearing a long sleeve blouse instead of my short one.

I couldn't help but look out to the Forbidden Forest. The trees swayed lightly and even from this side of the river, I could tell that the forest was hidden from any light. I wasn't going to let my nerves get the best of me though. I've been in there loads of times but it felt strange to me now. As if I was expecting a group of Rookwood's men to appear and start attacking me.

"Ah hello Ms. Wood. It would appear you're the only one who heard what time to be here." Professor Weasley announced. She was clearly already annoyed with all of this, as she looked like she hadn't really slept in weeks. Whatever Black had her doing for these competitions was wearing her down.

"Yes... is there anything Poppy and I can help with?" I asked, offering whatever services I could. She sighed and shook her head no, telling us to relax but how could we?

We watched as they set up the last bleacher standing at least seven feet up in the air. Each one began to change it's natural wooden color to match the designated house of it's seaters. The brightest (whether Professor Sharp and Avery did it on purpose or not,) was clearly Slytherin with it's bright green.

"Thank you professors! I know Headmaster Black would have appreciated it as much as I am now." Professor Weasley thanked on Headmaster Black's behalf.

With Professor Sharp smiling and going on about how much of a problem it wasn't, Professor Avery couldn't take his eyes off of me. Once again, like the night we met, we entered a stare match of our own. He must think of me as a coward, afraid under the eyes of a grown man. Little did he know that grown men were my favorite victims.

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