Chapter One Hundred- Worry Of A Father

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The tent we were all staying in was unlike any of the other ones I had slept in. Although on the outside it looked like a simple white sheet folded, the inside was almost mansion like. It had been separated into four bedrooms with a large common room area to relax in. Couches and chairs sat around a large fire pit where we would cook the food.

Although I could hear everyone outside of the sheet door laughing and enjoying themselves, stress from everything Arcturus Gaunt told me earlier was finally settling in. We already knew the Puppeteer was a staff member at Hogwarts but to try and take it over? That would be impossible with Headmaster Black still in charge. They clearly weren't over murder so was his life in danger now? Would they kill a member of the House of Black?

From the opening of the door, I could hear someone clear their throat to call on my attention. I shot my head up and there stood Professor Sharp, studying me like he always did whenever I was not talking. By his side was his travel bag that he brought for the mission.

"You're going back to Hogwarts already?" I asked softly, not wanting the others to hear me. Professor Sharp just sighed and placed it down on the floor, next to the small wooden dresser before sitting on the uncomfortable bed with me.

"You told me to... I did want to see if I could convince you to come back to Hogwarts with me though. Nobody can protect the storage like you." He responded.

He meant the repository but was taking caution in case I hadn't told the others yet. I probably should have at least told Garreth since he's the only one still in the dark of it's existence. Edward hadn't seen it with his own eyes but that was just for the best.

"She can't. None of us can. We know that Morgana and the Puppeteer have been using Edward's house. We're going to sneak in and scout the place." Sebastian answered casually.

Both Professor Sharp and I glanced up to see everyone but Edward standing in the doorway now. All of them wore the same facial expressions of seriousness mixed with an aged look. We weren't kids anymore. We couldn't afford to be any longer. Professor Sharp didn't seem to have the same mentality though. He stood up, shocked and furious.

"No! You five cannot do that! I... I won't allow it. All of you can protect the rest of the students." He shouted, unworried whether anyone would hear us.

"Sharp... we're doing it. Besides, we can't die. Who else would annoy you?" Garreth asked with a small chuckle escaping between words.

"Garreth's right. We're going to play it smart Professor Sharp. We promise." Poppy assured as kindly as she could.

"You five already have a plan then?"

"Well clearly. Give us some credit." Ominis answered rather quickly. I should be one to point out that we, in fact, did not have anything remotely close to a plan.

Professor Sharp sighed, realizing there was no point in arguing with us. I couldn't blame him for trying but it was out of his hands now. We knew where Morgana and the others on her side of the war were staying and if we don't go of our own free will, the Minister would probably send us anyway.

"Besides, we have to do it. Merlina might blow up from madness if we don't." Poppy joked, gaining chuckles from everyone but Professor Sharp. He was too serious for his own good.

"Fine... I'll return to Hogwarts and send word if anything happens. You five stay safe please? I don't ask much of you but I don't want to attend any funerals."

"We promise Professor Sharp. You just protect the storage and the other students still there." I responded, giving him a hug from the side.

"Very well... I'll be getting back now then and returning word to Headmaster Black. Merlina, will you walk me out?" Professor Sharp requested, standing up and grabbing his bag.

I quickly nodded my head and watched all of my friends return to the common area of the tent. As Professor Sharp and I exited the tent, the snow flooring crunched under our footsteps. Not a single thing around us was visible but the sounds of various animals in the distance filled what air wasn't being taken by the sound of my friends laughing.

"Professor Sharp... why aren't you married or have any children of your own?" I found myself asking. The words escaped my mouth quicker than I could even process what I had asked. A sad expression crossed his face and yet another sigh was released.

"I was once a husband and father once upon a time. I come from a small village called Cokeworth where my wife and daughter rest. They were both named Rose. One day while I was on a mission sent by the Ministry, a rogue auror that I had difficulty with killed them. They were 21 and 2. They died early deaths because of the Ministry."

"I'm so sorry to hear that Professor Sharp."

"You're a lot like how I imagine Rose would have grown up to be. Perhaps that's why I see you different than I see the others." He admitted quickly. "Anyways, I'll be off now. If you need me Merlina, please send an owl. I'll arrive any day at any moment."

I waved goodbye with a soft smile before watching him disappear. What a sad thing to know. A lot of Professor Sharp's actions began to make sense though. His distrust towards the Ministry. The way he always tries to distance himself from people. Even the first time I met him in Professor Sharp's office, he tried to rush out of there.

I entered back into the tent and saw each of my friends drinking and eating cooked legs from a turkey. How they found one was beyond my understanding. The rest of the night was filled with stories and laughter but I couldn't join in them. My mind was only rethinking my choices with Professor Sharp.

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