Chapter Thirty-Eight- Sunshine Love

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With the sheer curtains on the window open, I could feel the rays of early sunlight hit my face. The breezes of fresh air came sweeping in one by one, making nostalgia hit from last summer. Mixtures of flowers and fresh grass flooded the room. With a slow stretch and yawn escaping my mouth, finally sitting up, I could see that every bit of my room was remained untouched from last year. We had come in so late last night, i hadn't even bothered to unpack my bag.

I threw off my nightgown and on my outfit for the day- the white blouse golden vest combo I found while at Hogwarts with pants that had a mini satchel attached to them, then ran the silver handled hairbrush through my hair and placed it in a bun. I was determined to go into the village near the house and get groceries. By the time I came down the wooden steps though- Sebastian was already cooking. It would appear he beat me to it.

"Sebastian, how long have you been awake?" I asked, completely baffled. Sure, he wasn't the one that was always sleeping (that spot was reserved to Ominis,) in our group but I never expected him to be an early bird either. He turned his head to me and smiled a goofy grin that I hadn't seen in a while.

"Good morning love. I hope you don't mind scotch eggs. Anne used to love them and I thought... I thought I'd make you breakfast." Sebastian started to fade but flashed an obvious fake smile. The smell of sausage and butter filled the house as Sebastian turned his attention back to the food. He must have walked to the village and bought groceries for us while I was still sleeping.

"It sounds great Sebastian. Thank you."

The house, although a two-story home, was completely made of light grey stone bricks with windows aplenty and curtains none, leaving every space you entered full of light. I took a few steps into the tiny room Professor Fig had designated as the living room. Each wall without a window was replaced by built in bookshelves with thousands upon thousands of books ranging from different variants of beasts, ancient magic theories, to classic muggle stories. Each book spine never matched the last, whether it be from size or different color hues.

The navy blue rug covered majority of the dark brown wooden flooring with various white and grey swirls decorating it, making it stand out against the dark blue couch and living chair. A fireplace made of stone sat on the far left of the room that hadn't been used in probably years. I couldn't help myself but reach for the white picture frame on the black coffee table in front of the couch, next to the pile of books based on divination and a lantern I could recall Professor Fig using all over the house.

Professor Fig and his wife, Miriam, both looked at the camera and smiled softly. They would move in their seats, shifting to get comfortable, but never take their smiles away. While Professor Fig still looked the same as the last time I had seen him, his wife was a fuller woman with glasses that sat on the top of her wide nose. Curls stuck out from her high bun and her eyebrows thin, to the point of them not existing. I couldn't help but wonder how she would have felt about everything that happened throughout the year and the decisions Professor Fig and I made.

"Merlina? Are you alright?" Sebastian asked, pulling me away from the moment. I wiped away the single tear on my face and set the picture down immediately, turning in the doorway to see Sebastian holding two plates. "We can eat in here if you'd like."

"I would love that... thank you Sebastian." He threw one of the plain white pillows on the couch over into the living chair and sat next to me, handing my plate of the slightly burnt scotch eggs.

Sebastian just stared at me, as if waiting for my permission to eat. I placed the ball into my mouth, quite surprised Sebastian made something so delicious. While the egg inside wasn't too runny, and the sausage around it was nice and juicy.

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