Chapter Forty-Eight- A Dagger To The Heart (Ominis POV)

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Sebastian Sallow? As in my best friend, Sebastian Sallow? I knew he seemed off when I asked about her over the summer. I should have expected this but never did I. Not even in my wildest dreams. How could he have not told me? How could she have not told me sooner? I needed to keep my cool though. Whoever Merlina saw Morgana kissing was definitely anyone but me. How did they get a piece of me though to do a polyjuice potion?

Entering the Slytherin common room, it could pass as empty if the cackling of the flames wasn't on. I knew it was passed curfew but unsurprisingly, Sebastian was still awake. Was it for me, so he could babysit me? I could smell his natural dog-like scent by the fire. Anger began to boil my blood and I could performed a deadly curse right there and thin if it wasn't for him being my friend.

"Ominis! I'm glad you're- why do you look so upset?" Sebastian asked, setting what I could presume was a book down on a table. He began walking toward me but I scoffed, completely annoyed.

"Oh piss off Sebastian! I don't want to hear from you right now." I stated but Sebastian ran in between the stairs to the dormitories and me, blocking me from entering.

"What is the matter with you?"

"You knew just how much I loved her and you had to take her from me. You've had almost every girl in school however you wanted and they still come after you like lions in heat. Yet you still chose to chase after Merlina! My love!"

"She's not yours Ominis. You chose to give up that right the minute you broke her heart on the train back home."

"She is not a toy you can play with for a few months and then throw away the minute you get bored with Sebastian. She is not an object of possession. Just tell me this... how long have you two been together?"

The silence was louder than any words could have been spoken. Thankfully, it was just us in the common room or else this would have been the best play anyone would have seen in years. A drama about two best friends in love with the same girl. Two best friends who are willing to do anything just to taste her honey lips or feel her silk skin upon their fingertips.

"Since her birthday." He finally answered quietly. Rage consumed me, making me think unclearly as I slammed my fist directly into his jaw. I could hear his body fall onto the metal steps that would lead to our room but still, he was managing to block it. "I deserve that."

"You deserve that?! Why, thank you for your permission Sebastian! Why did it have to be her? Why couldn't you have chased any of the other girls lusting after you?!" I shouted, at this point not caring if I was to wake anyone up from their beds. He couldn't let me be happy with the one thing that gave me hope in life. He had to take those feelings, those emotions, everything that came with Merlina from me.

"Because she's not like them. She's perfect in every way. Why does it matter to you anyway? As I walked Merlina back to her common room, you were clearly running down the hall with Morgana. I could tell that was the reason why she was crying on the staircase and you don't even care."

Two eye witnesses. Two eye witnesses confirming this horrifying haze of a nightmare. I needed to find out just who this guy was and whether Morgana was in on it. She could be a victim to something she's too stupid to realize is the truth. When I told her I would never love her- I meant it.

"That wasn't me. I have never kissed Morgana Avery and don't intend on doing it any time soon." I announced, finally plopping down on the ground in front of him.

"You mean... you mean someone was using a polyjuice of you?"

"I believe so. It was during the confession that Merlina apparently saw me kissing Morgana that she also admitted you and her have been together. You're going to help me reveal who it is so we can see once and for all who is it. Maybe I can blackmail Morgana to get out of this foolish engagement."

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