Chapter Six- Midnight Strolls

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I hadn't even realized how late it was when Deek finally came to get me from my gardening section. Thirty minutes past curfew? How could I be so careless and with the Hufflepuff dormitory on the other side of the castle. Deek insisted I just stay in the Room of Requirement but how could I? Since Lavina's hair went back to normal, she's been looking for any way to get me in trouble. From making up lies to try and get me in detention the sending her goons after me, as if they didn't already learn their lessons.

I sped down the stairs until I entered the DATDA Tower when I heard an annoying little voice screech about how much fun he was having- Peeves. Peeves was sure to snitch on me to Moon or the prefects if I wasn't careful. As if somehow reading my mind, the poltergeist spun up from behind me and blew a horn directly in my ear.

"What are you doing out this late Hufflepuff? No lying; I know when they bluff!" He flew off shouting for Moon and the prefects, signaling a student was out of bed. His laughter of madness echoed the empty halls, leaving me barely able to hear between that and the horn. I quickly sped off and down the stairs until I ran into a familiar scent- honey and scented cypress. I looked up and there he was, Ominis, also on the ground looking disgruntled.

"Ominis, what are you doing out of bed this late?"

"I was in the Undercroft. What are you doing out of bed this late?" Before I could respond, three prefects were in earshot distance asking Peeves where he saw us. I grabbed Ominis' hand and ran into the only door I could see which unfortunately turned out to be a tight closet space that barely had enough room for both of us with all of the brooms shoved into it.

"Where are we?" He whispered, breathing hard. His warm breath was hitting my face and our breathing in sync. I glanced up at him, sweat beating down his face from what I could assume was nervousness.

"A broom closet- literally. Now by Merlin's beard, shut it before we get caught." I wasn't usually snappy but the thought of letting Lavina win horrified me. Maybe Poppy could cover for me if I got caught. Or maybe Professor Weasley wouldn't give me detention with Deek telling her I was late because I was too invested in my school work. With the silence surrounding us, I swear our heartbeats were what would get us caught. The thumping from both, hard and loud, could wake the entire castle.

Clumsily, my foot got caught on a broom, making me almost trip if it wasn't for his hand. The long fingers wrapped around my waist and had pulled me in closer, with the palms of mine resting on his chest. I looked up and although still facing straight ahead, the little light that escaped through the door showed his slight smirk and flushed cheeks.

"Ominis... I-"

"Shhhh they're coming." Pulling me in tighter, a whimper escaped my lips but I followed his orders nonetheless. He was right. Two of the prefects stood directly out of the door and speaking about how I must have casted the disillusionment spell and slipped away. Why I hadn't thought of that in the first place, I hadn't a clue.

Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as I glanced once more at Ominis. I couldn't help but wonder if he was feeling everything that I felt. His heart pounded into my hand and his grip harder than before. We waited there for what felt like hours until Ominis gave the confirmation he couldn't hear anything anymore. Exiting the closet, his robes were crooked and wrinkled and I'm sure mine were the same way.

"I'll see you in class tomorrow... darling." Ominis waved his farewells and made his back back into his common room, leaving me looking like a fool in the middle of the empty corridor.

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