Chapter Nine- Moonlight Dance

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The air had finally turned to a crisp and the trees naked of their leaves. Hello and welcome to autumn. It had been a while since I was in the hospital wing and the nurse able to heal my arm and shoulder. Madam Kogawa has already cleared me to fly and finish her extra assignments... as long as I stayed on school grounds at night. I agreed but obviously it was a lie. How was I supposed to stay on school grounds when Ranrok's loyalists are still at large?

Ominis and I were on our way to Hogsmeade for tea and cakes since apparently Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop had the best tea in the entire country. As we approached the bridge though, I noticed a note stuck to the top of the column.

"Ominis wait! Let me read this!"

My dearest Apollonia,
Would you care to join me for a picnic? I know you enjoy a good Cornish pastry as much as you enjoy a good mystery. See you soon, I hope.
Sincerely, Richard

"So this guy set up a picnic? I wonder where it's at." As Ominis spoke those words, three skinny candles already lit flew up and started moving forward.

"Ominis there are floating candles! Let's follow them!" Without giving him the chance to argue with me, I grabbed his hand tightly and ran after them as quickly as I could.

"Where are we going Merlina?!"

"They're taking us into the Forbidden Forest!"

The continued without a single stop, picking up speed the closer we got to them. Although the sun was starting to set and the moon rising, nothing was going to stop me from this. Maybe there would be treasure at the end of this chase.

Finally, it stopped in front of the river with a table and two chairs already set up. Music started to play, conjuring a violin from behind a tree.

"Merlina, where is the music coming from?"

"A violin. I wish you could see what I see Ominis. It's quite breathtaking." I explained, in awe from the light of the moon hitting the river. Despite how dark everything was I could still see perfectly clear thanks to the three candles and the moon above.

"Well there's music... shall we dance then?" I turned to Ominis who already had his hand out. His skin glowed in the light and his eyes, despite still being pale, seemed even more full of life somehow. The smile plastered onto his face was so faint and adorable. How could I possibly reject this offer?

I placed my hand softly into his and my other hand on his shoulder. His free hand rested onto my hip, pulling me as close as we were in the closet. With him taking the first step back, he led with ease. I couldn't help but wonder how someone blind could be so great at dancing.

"This is much better than tea and pastries, no?" I asked, never taking my eyes off of him and chuckling. His smile grew crooked, leaning to one side, and laughed a single but loud laugh.

"Nothing is better than tea and pastries. Dancing with you though is pretty damn close if I have to admit." The feeling I felt in the closet returned, causing my stomach to flutter in all sorts of ways. He rested his head on top of mine and with every hum, I could feel the vibrations to the music.

This was everything I could ever want honestly. This is what normal girls do. They don't hunt goblins and poachers, they don't see ancient magic, and they definitely don't try to take down one of the biggest threats to the wizarding world. No- they dance with boys. Why can't I always stay normal? I hadn't even realized that I was crying until Ominis stopped mid-step and changed his facial expression from a smile to the most serious face.

"Merlina. I need to ask a favor. It's something I've always wanted to do but have never felt comfortable enough to ask- even with Sebastian. Can I feel your facial features?"

Seeing how serious he was, I held back by laughter and grabbed his hand. Placing it under my chin, I started to explain all of my facial features. He worked his way up from my chin to my puffy cheeks, than to me small nose, to my silver eyes and then my forehead. With each description, I felt his smooth hand run it's coarse.

"I know it's strange to say out loud but I know for certain... you're the most beautiful person I know. Soul, looks, everything Merlina."

"Thank you Ominis."

"We should go back to Hogwarts before Sebastian misses us too much."

I spent the rest of the night remembering the feeling of his hands on my face and wondering just how long he would have done it if it wasn't for curfew.

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