Chapter Seventy-Six- New Friends

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One week. One goddamn week of us working on this charm for only flickers of light to radiate from my wand. I'm supposed to be one of the strongest spell-casters of my generation yet I can't even lock down this spell. I was at the point where I was ready to give up.

"Ms. Wood! Will you come into my office please?" Professor Weasley called out from the doorway between her office and classroom.

All of the students in the classroom (except Ominis) began ooing as if her asking me to come into her office meant I was in trouble. It's only been one week which meant we haven't even had our first test or pop quiz yet. Granted- it's only been one week and I have already broken curfew everyday so far and snuck into the Restricted Section on textbooks they may have on Ancient Magic to see what all I could do with my gifts. I had brought all of Miriam's journals with me but they were only theories.

I got up and ignored everyone while making my way into her office. She slammed the door behind me and locked it behind her. How odd... I spun around and she was smiling. Walking with her chin held high, she directed me to sit in the seat across from her desk as a tray of tea floated over to the wooden desk and began pouring itself into the cups.

"You have exemplary grades and have been top of the grade for two years despite how new you've been to magic. You should be proud of yourself Ms. Wood." She complimented with a smile. I could feel my nerves relax themselves knowing it was a conversation about how incredible I am and not how many times I've already broken the rules.

"Why thank you Professor Weasley. I've worked hard." A complete lie. Dealing with a possible wizarding war was more difficult and time consuming than dealing with my grades. How people failed was beyond me.

"I can tell. So can the Ministry. They want you to take your NEWT exam during Winter break and if you get good enough grades, graduate early and become an auror. A very rare opportunity."

I didn't know what to say. My jaw was hanging and my mind completely blank. I wasn't even sure what I wanted to do after I graduated Hogwarts. I did all of the auror training with Professor Sharp but only because I want to be prepared for whatever Morgana and this Puppeteer would throw at me. I knew with my grades I could have whatever job I wanted in the wizarding world but with everything that's already happened in the last two years, I couldn't even imagine what the future would hold.

"Thank you Professor Weasley but I decline the offer. I want to take the NEWT exams when my friends do."

"I don't think you understand Merlina. The Ministry is the one who wants you to-"

"Please relay the message and tell them I decline then. I'll take it when the rest of my peers do." I didn't allow her to push the topic further. The bell to dismiss us from class rang and although I knew she wanted to convince me more, I chose to stand and walk out of her office.

The classroom was empty except for Ominis who stood holding both of our school bags by the door. Despite my rejection, nothing changed between us. I thought he would be furious with me and ignoring me but he did quite the opposite. I thanked him and grabbed my bag before walking out into the Transfiguration Courtyard where I could see Morgana bothering that first year everyone whispered about. They sat on a bench with two other Slytherins acting as bodyguards. Whatever she was saying was clearly upsetting him and making him anxious.

"Merlina, don't-" Ominis started but I chose to walk away and stomp in the direction of Morgana.

"You know, I agree with-" Morgana started until she saw me walking towards her. She directed her attention towards me, smirking and wiggling her eyebrows. "I was wondering how long it would take you to talk to me squib."

"Leave him be Avery. Or you're going to regret it." I threatened.

Morgana and her two Slytherin bodyguards laughed as if I was some puny second year with barely any magic in my pocket. They must have not gotten the news that I know more than them. Albus smiled a little and tried to stand but Morgana pushed him back down onto the bench.

"We were just having a little discussion. Tell me, how's that scar you got last year?"

"Is that supposed to scare me? Leave him be. I won't tell you again." I demanded, now grabbing ahold of my wand. By this point, the entire courtyard had all eyes on us but I didn't mind the show. Neither did she apparently as she grabbed her wand and held it up high as well before directing her eyes to something behind me. She hesitated before setting her wand down and huffing.

"You're lucky you have the teachers or else I would have just killed you right then and there." She spoke low enough for only me to hear while scrunching her nose. While her and the two Slytherin boys got up and walked away, I turned around and there stood Professor Weasley with her arms crossed. I turned my attention back onto Albus who was gathering all of items into his bag.

"Why was she so interested in bothering you?" I asked bluntly, hoping he would answer me.

"The same reason why all purebloods are. They think I hate muggles despite being a half-blood. Thank you for stepping in but I could have taken her down."

"Yes; you and your three spells could have taken down a seventh year." Ominis responded sarcastically.

"What my friend meant was that she was-"

"Albus!" Garreth's voice across the courtyard interrupted as he ran towards us with a smaller pudgy Gryffindor boy covered in pockmarks and like green skin following after. "Oh... hey Merlina and Ominis. I see you met Albus. Everyone, meet Elphias Doge."

"I used to have Dragon Pox but not anymore. Please don't be afraid." Elphias pleaded, clearly nervous about being judged. Albus just smiled and put his hand out for a handshake.

"Albus Dumbledore. Would you like to join me in the library?" He offered with a small smile. The two ran off, leaving Garreth, Ominis, and I alone.

"What the hell is Dragon Pox?" I asked once I knew they couldn't hear me. Ominis and Garreth waited for only a moment before both of them began cackling as if I told the joke of the year.

"It's similar to chicken pox but from the Peruvian Vipertooth." Ominis explained through the laughs.

"Yeah yeah alright. You both can stop laughing now." I informed while rolling my eyes. Despite being a halfblood, they seem to forget I was raised in the muggle world. I just stormed off with them trailing after me, laughing and apologizing even though I knew they were anything but.


I was alone in the Viaduct Courtyard. A place that was starting to become the only place I felt truly comfortable in. I didn't need to even look to know Sebastian's heavy footsteps were making their way towards me. He sat in front and looked upon the sunset with me for a few moments while people were shouting and laughing at whatever conversations they were having.

"What's wrong? You seem upset." He asked, finally looking at me and not the sunset.

"Professor Weasley says the Ministry want me to take my NEWT exam early. She thinks I have a shot at being an auror." I explained.

"I don't see how that's upsetting news. You'd be a great auror." He encouraged.

"I'm most sure I want to be an auror."

"Well... what do you want to be?"

"Happy. Safe. Relaxed. I'd settle for any of those honestly." I responded with a light chuckle.

"That's fair... Well whatever you choose, I'd support you no matter what." He placed his hand on my leg, resting it there while we look upon the sunset once more.

I know it's not how Dumbledore and Doge met in the books but I wanted to change it. Please don't come at me and make me cry.

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