Chapter One Hundred and Seven- Home

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It's been two months since I found out I was tied to the life of being a squib. It took a while to get used to but I have learned that this was the best choice I could have ever done. A life without the Ministry hounding my ever move. Sure, it now took me an entire day to do laundry but I didn't mind it.

Edward stops by as often as he can, seeing he has more freedom than my other friends. I wrote letters to each of them and Professor Sharp but it wasn't the same. I missed mine and Poppy's conversations. Sebastian's touch. Ominis' kisses. Even Garreth's stupid jokes and potion explosions. I missed it all.

The sun was high and nature finally having it's green back. The village was buzzing with laughter and joy like when I brought Ominis here on his birthday. That felt like a lifetime ago. Children ran around the streets, playing with their toys and friends when I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I spun around and to my surprise stood Edward. How he found me here was a clue I wasn't going to bother searching for.

"Edward! How are you?" I asked with a smile.

"I'm good. I just got off a mission with Mary Slughorn." He responded, grabbing the bag of groceries for me.

I wiggled my eyebrows and made 'ooo' sounds to only receive an eye roll but a grin. With all of my friends being teachers, Edward and I have gotten even closer. We spoke of his crush on Mary and how saving me months ago is what brought them closer. I hadn't met her personally but from what Edward described, she was lovely.

"Speaking of wedding bells, Poppy asked me to hand you this." Edward explained, reaching into his coat pocket.

Edward pulled out a small envelope with a heart shaped sealed wax on it. I took it and opened to see it was an official wedding invitation. According to this, Poppy and Garreth we're going to get married at Garreth's house the day after the school year ended.

"Oh wow... I didn't imagine it would happen so soon." I commented, tucking the parchment into the envelope.

"Wedding bells are calling... so when are you going to make a choice on who answers them?" Edward asked.

"I... I don't know. They're both so different that I could see my life with both of them."

"If I get an opinion... go with Sebastian. He's not as... vanilla from what I hear."

I looked up at Edward who wore that damn smile before laughing. I'm sure he would know since Morgana has tried her shot with both of them. Plus, Sebastian's 'conquests' have been everywhere. It wouldn't shock me to know if there were people in the Ministry who knew how experienced he was.

"I have to go soon... Mary and I are supposed to leave on another mission. A smuggling ring for dragon eggs. Have fun doing muggle things Merlina." And with that, Edward tucked away into an alley so he could apparate.


I stood in the kitchen, cooking my fish and rethinking Edward's words. I knew what Aruna's vision was. Maybe I was doomed to live a life of a torn heart. I couldn't imagine my life without either of them and I know if I make a choice, I'll lose the one I didn't pick. It wasn't fair to them though for being put in this situation. What if I choose neither and just live the life of a single old woman? Finding stray kids and cats and collecting them until this cottage can't take anymore

Just as I was thinking, I could hear the front door close and a familiar voice call out my name. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Putting the wooden spatula away, I went into the entryway and there stood my favorite Gaunt. Ominis held up flowers and a small smile rose on his face.

"Ominis! What are you doing here?" I asked, running to him and hugging him.

"The Minister canceled all elective classes in light of what happened. I'm surprised Poppy isn't here." Ominis commented, hugging me back with one arm and placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Come... I already have fish cooking."

I'm sorry for such a small chapter!! I promise the next chapter will be even better but just wanted to build a filler one between last and next one!!

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