Chapter Sixty-Three- Goodbye Last Care (Ominis POV)

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How could Merlina have not told me sooner that Sebastian used an unforgivable curse yet again?! I pushed it behind me last year since I thought the death of his uncle may have awoken him in the way that Merlina and I couldn't do so. Apparently not.

I knew he was in the Undercroft completing his homework lessons. Merlina stopped calling after my name a few hallways ago, giving up on stopping me. She must have known how truly livid I am at him. But not just at him- at her as well for not telling me sooner. This is Anne all over again. Always putting Sebastian over everyone else. As the saying goes- you're bound to repeat history if you don't learn from it. I entered the Undercroft and Sebastian immediately started talking to me about his homework.

"Sebastian... I know what you did to Morgana." I interrupted in a calm voice. I could feel his body language shift and still, he started trying to deny what I was calling him out on. "Look where the dark arts have already gotten you in life Sebastian. You could have gone to Azkaban if it wasn't for Merlina protecting you. You are a single twin and orphan."

"Clearly Merlina isn't protecting me enough if you know that I used the imperious curse on her." His voice sounded cold and distant just like last year.

"That's not the point Sebastian. Why did you cast it on Morgana?!"

"She was attacking Merlina and I, trying to figure out what we did to her to find out about her and Albion. I had to make her leave before she said anything else in front of Merlina." Sebastian explained. What wasn't he telling the group that he knew about??

"Don't use them again Sebastian. Who knows who you're going to get killed next."

"Or what Ominis? Are you going to send your best friend to Azkaban?"

Anger took over and I managed to be strong enough to not only pin him to the cold floor of the Undercroft, knocking over one of the piles of barrels, but also pressed the tip of my wand against his throat. I could feel him immediately regret those words he spoke so cocky just moments ago. I couldn't stop myself as tears started to pour from my eyes.

What happened to the friend that let me hide away at his house during the summers? The friend who stood up for me against seventh years? The friend who was smart and cunning enough to pass off as a true descendant of Slytherin compared to me? He was disappearing before my own eyes and becoming this crazy person I barely knew.

"I'm sorry Ominis but I can't promise never using the curses. If I need to use them to protect you, Merlina, or anyone else important to me... than I will use them time and time again." He spoke softly.

I got off of him and began dusting off the knees of my pants. There was no bringing the same Sebastian Sallow back. There was only protecting Merlina Wood from half of her heart. She would hopefully see sooner rather than later that he was slowly becoming a monster who didn't care about what it would take to get what he wants. I couldn't save my best friend... but perhaps I could save my one true love.


I arrived upon dinner late but knew I needed to find Merlina as soon as possible. Before even getting off the Grand Staircase, I could hear Morgana and her brother Edward arguing above me. As best as I could do, I hid by the entrance to the kitchens and Hufflepuff common room.

"What do you and father have planned? Tell me right now Morgana!" Edward shouted.

"Why? So you can go run off and tell your Hufflepuff squib? You chose your side the moment you started trying to befriend her." Morgana responded, clearly not taking him seriously.

"Did you really think I was talking to that disgusting halfblood for fun? Do you not remember what father and Mr. Gaunt said? She knows where the repository is. Who better to lead us to it than the girl directly?"

I knew Edward was a threat as well. He had fooled Merlina and didn't truly care about her like he claimed. Morgana didn't seem to believe him though, laughing directly in his face immediately after he explained himself.

"You seriously expect me to believe that. You still don't have the watch that dad wanted. But if you must know- dad has a plan. Albion and I have our own plan as well. You'll just have to see who you can stop first." With that Morgana began walking away and toward the direction of the Grand Staircase. Edward called after her, running off in her direction. I needed to tell-

"Ominis? What are you doing here?" Merlina's voice spoke soft behind me, signaling she had just left the Hufflepuff common room and was late to dinner as well.

"Did you hear all of that?"

"Hear what?"

I sighed, shutting my eyes tight as I used my free hand to pinch the bridge of my nose. Spilling everything I had just overheard, I could feel Merlina's brain putting puzzle pieces together.

"They must have something planned for the last competition. We need to separate into teams. I can deal with Edward and Albion. You and Sebastian need to follow Morgana and Poppy and Garreth follow Professor Avery. The day of the competition, we cannot take our eyes off of them or else we are screwed." She spoke, already forming plans.

"Why are we including the Gryffindor? He's not-"

"I know you and Sebastian don't necessarily like him but Garreth is important to Poppy. Also, it'll look less suspicious if she's with a student rather alone or even with Professor Sharp. Speaking of him, I need to get to his lesson and see where he disappeared to. I'll also tell him what you said. Maybe he has a plan." I could hear her walk off but I needed to speak my mind before it's too late.

"Merlina wait!" I shouted to her.

As swift as I could be, I grabbed her hand and pulled her into a tight hug. Holding her for a few seconds, I could feel our bodies almost become one. My heart started to beat quicker with my brain and heart agreeing on the same thing: to kiss her. I placed my fingers under her jawline and made my move with surprisingly no fighting back. She was already limping her body as I placed my wand in my pocket and used my other hand to hold the back of her head, running my fingers in her hair. It only last a mere few moments but I would treasure them until the next time I could taste her lips once more.

"Be safe darling, okay?" I whispered, finally pulling away from the kiss.

"I promise I will Ominis."

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