Chapter Sixty-Four- Wise Rowena

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The day of the last challenge was finally hitting us. I should actually specify- the night of the challenge. We were told to stand in front of our tables while at dinner. Clearly everyone who wasn't competing was wearing their house colors and cheering on their competitors. The plan was already in motion though and nobody knew but us. When I had told Sharp what Ominis informed me, he said to leave Garreth out of it and he would keep an eye on Professor Avery but there was no way in hell I would do that. The more help- the better.

He had told me though to take my watch with me in case something happened. I gripped my pocket where the watch was kept safe, ready for me to use. The room was decorated in stuff involving all the houses from banners draped down from the ceiling to even the teachers showing their house support with Professor Garlick changing her hair to golden yellow and every inch of clothing on Professor Shah being different shades of blue.

Headmaster Black's son stood behind him wearing an official auror uniform of a long black trench coat and all black clothes beneath it with a giant white M on the jacket sleeve. Headmaster Black himself wore his usual outfit but had clearly gotten a haircut and trimmed his beard. He raised his hands once more, silencing the hall until the sound of a first year's fork getting smacked out of their hand was the only thing making noise.

"Hello students! We are on the last competition representing Rowena Ravenclaw. A wise woman who placed intelligence over anything else. What better way to end the school year than seeing if our challengers actually paid attention in class huh? You all will be put into a room with eight boggarts hidden around, not to mention the extreme puzzle you have to solve. You have all night to solve it. If all four of you survive the night and solve the puzzle- you will each receive 1000 points. If not, your house will become eliminated. Anyone who wants to leave now may do so."

We glanced amongst ourselves, waiting for one to back down but not a single peep came from Edward, Hugh, Albion, or I. Whatever Edward and Albion had planned for me, I was going to be ready for it. Sure, it might be more difficult with boggarts running around but who knows- maybe Hugh can help me if needed. Ugh even the thought of asking Hugh for help makes me gross on the inside.

"Very well! Follow Professor Shah and Professor Weasley. I hope your four survive the night." The choir and their frogs began to sing us out as we followed the two teachers. While walking, I glanced at each of my friends and they all gave silent nods, signaling they knew what to do.

We walked through the halls of the school with only the professors talking amongst themselves. I kept my eyes to the ground and gripped my wand tightly in case anyone would try to attack on the way to the challenge. A challenge full of boggarts. I suppose it would be nice to see what my deepest fear is considering I wasn't even sure.

We halted where the Room of Requirement was and suddenly everything began to make sense. The reason why it refused to open for me was because the teachers had been using it to prepare for the final competition. As the door began to show in the wall, Professor Shah held her hand to tell all of us to silence before we could interrupt her.

"After you four enter this door, we will not be able to help you until morning. No matter how much you pound on this door, we cannot open it. If you want to back down now- do it. Or face whatever may be behind this door." Professor Shah offered once more. We each shook our heads no. "Very well. The puzzle is to trap each of the boggarts and then try to escape the room."

She sighed and pushed the door open. One by one we entered receiving a good luck from both professors. Once the door was shut behind me, the once pitch black room lit up. The ceiling turned into a night sky with a giant moon and around us were towers and towers of random trunks, cabinets, and beds. Tight squeezes between each of the towers created a maze of sorts ahead. I had never heard of the idea that we could trap a boggart but I suppose anything is really possible when you're in the wizarding world.

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