Chapter One Hundred and Three- History Repeats

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Whenever Professor Binns spoke of duels, only one had ever caught my mind. The great battle between Morgan le Fey and Merlin. Completing all of those damn Merlin trials ensured my curiosity. 'A battle of wit vs compassion' as Professor Binns had worded it. All I could think about while running towards the repository was whether or not I was wit or compassion. Whether I would be able to beat Morgana and protect the students of Hogwarts.

As I approached the deep dungeons with the frog statues ribbiting like real ones, I halted and grabbed ahold of the box deep in my coat pocket. Professor Sharp told me the next time I was needed at the repository, that I might need this. Maybe he knew what Morgana had planned with the news of who Professor Weasley really was.

I pulled out the tiny brown box and untied it's bow. All I knew about whatever was in here was that it was made of goblin silver- the same silver that formed the repository itself. Opening the box, I could see it was not any ordinary necklace but a necklace used to store magic in. The chain was made of a thick silver, almost as white as snow. The pendent itself was glass in a tear drop shape with more goblin silver surrounding it, swirls of details. I wrapped it around my neck, wearing it before continuing the run into the repository.

How could Morgana even find it? Was she using breaks and weekends to wander the castle? Surely that couldn't have been it. We had eyes on her majority of the time. It didn't matter how she found it I suppose but just making sure she didn't use it. I saw what it did to Ranrok. Who knew what it would do to her.

Just as I reached where the portraits of the Keepers laid and the Map Chamber's gate already opened, the ground beneath me shook hard. Almost enough to make me lose my balance if I wasn't holding onto the railing. She has already reached it. Hogwarts was screwed unless I could get to her immediately. I took off, running as fast as my feet would carry me. Memories of Ranrok and Professor Fig flooded me. Of watching all the teachers... even Professor Weasley... fight for Hogwarts against the goblin rebellion. I crossed the newly formed bridge, adrenaline finally kicking in as a boost to help me run faster. By the time I had reached the two doors hiding the repository, I saw just how late I was. Red strings of magic were flying around everywhere, zooming in the air. In the dead centre, Morgana stood with eyes crimson instead of golden. She was already drunk on power, laughing hard as she watched the rays of light flash by her.

"It's over for you squib! I was the power now!" Morgana shouted, pointing her wand right at me.

"It's not too late to do the right thing Morgana! I don't want to have to kill you!" I responded, already gripping my wand tight.

"Kill me? You really think you can when I have all of this power?"

Does she think Ranrok was still alive? Or maybe she didn't realise he had gotten as far as she did. I defeated him... what was once the great villain of my story. Now I had to defeat her. I didn't say another word before she struck, hitting me with her wand. Rays of magic exchanged, hitting one another. Words could not suffice enough to make her do good.

"Why Morgana?! Why have you become like this?!" I shouted out.

"A no good squib like you doesn't deserve this power! Only the pure do!"

She was stronger than Ranrok was with the magic. She can actually handle it just like Isidora. She may have a lot in common with Isidora but I was about to add one more thing to the list: death in this damn cave. She let her guard down, lining up on the edge of the stone flooring. With sheer luck, my depulso hit her before she could cast another spell. She left the world screaming, meeting her maker with a hard thud. I glanced down below and watched as the light faded away from her eyes. My face being the last one Morgana Avery would see.

The cave shook, proving the magic was about to get out of control. I wasn't sure whether it was even possible to seal all this magic up once more and even if it was, was it worth it? The constant worry of this magic falling into the wrong hands? The anxiety of keeping it hidden was just a burden I was done carrying. I held my wand up, trying to bring it towards my direction to seal in the necklace Professor Sharp had given me. I watched the red rays of light run to me, ready to tackle me and swallow me whole. As it flooded into the necklace, it felt like a tornado trying to come into my body. Every inch of my body was being pushed back until I could see the glass pendent fill with the shade of blue, making it appear to be a diamond lost in the depths of the sea.

Still, it wasn't enough. The magic flowing around me was still moving fast, ringing passed my ear. I wasn't going to seal it up anymore. I refused it. Taking a deep breath in, I held up my wand once more up in the air and tried to destroy every ray. The magic flowing through me was getting weaker by the second. Perhaps I was to die here as well. Maybe history would not repeat itself. If I was to die in this cave as well as Isidora, Morgana, and Professor Fig, I was going to take this magic out with me. My friends and any other student at Hogwarts would not be hurt by this any longer. A scream escaped my lips, pushing my wand even higher into the air than before. If it wasn't for my wavy hair being down passed my shoulders, I probably would have never seen the transition of brown to egg shell white. Whatever I was doing was literally taking the colour out of me. But just like that, the rays of red faded away into nothing.

The cave was silent. Nothing out of the ordinary but just a regular cave. The only sign something was ever here would be the necklace wrapped around my neck. My knees gave out, making me collapse against the cold stone. I was breathing heavily but a laugh escaped. A laugh of madness. I was alive and I couldn't believe it.

"Merlina! Where are you?!" Sebastian's voice shouted out.

"I'm right here!" I answered, laughing once more.

I propped upon my elbows and there stood Sebastian as handsome as ever. Covered in sweat with his long hair messed up. Once our eyes locked, a smile was plastered on both of our faces. I stood up and ran to him, hugging him tightly and receiving a hug back just as tight.

"Your hair... it's white." He announced.

"It happens when you're old like me." I joked, pulling away to look him in his eyes.

His hand rested on my cheek before pulling me into a kiss. A kiss as soft as ever before. We parted for a moment, allowing us to breathe and rest our sweaty foreheads against one another.

"I thought I was going to lose you Merlina. I couldn't imagine what I would do if...-"

"Sebastian... I'm alive and the repository is gone. We're safe now." I looked up at him once more and could see the tears flooding his eyes. "Are those happy or sad tears?"

"Joyful ones. Now come on... let's go back upstairs."

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