Chapter Ninty-Eight- NEWTS

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Just as Minister Spavin had instructed, we each took our seats at one of the desks. Professor Sharp and Professor Weasley had been pushed to the sides of the hall like nuisances but allowed to stay in the room for moral support. The one good thing Minister Spavin was doing today. I glanced over to Professor Sharp who had a soft smile, mouthing 'you can do this.'

Headmaster Black was pretty much sitting on Minister Spavin's lap with how close they were sitting together at the small wooden table in front of all the desks. I guess they were the ones to administer the tests. It was silent enough to hear even hear Moon's whistle while shoveling snow outside. The dramatic sound of doors opening once more sounded with Edward entering. His body had been cut up and bruised. It looked like he apparated here from the middle of a battle only told in stories.

"I need... Merlina." Edward barely got out between pants.

A single second passed before he crashed down to the ground, still conscious but in pain. Screwing what he just requested, everyone in the room ran to his side. Even Minister Spavin seemed interested in the message he had for me.

"Morgana and... the Puppeteer... are hiding... in our old house." He announced, never taking his eyes off of me.

"How many are there Mr. Avery?" Professor Weasley quickly asked.

"I saw... maybe... twenty people. I think... they're using it... as a... new base."

It would make sense. With the cave I was trapped in, they were clearly using that as a base of operations. Now that the Ministry knows of its location, they needed a new place. I just couldn't believe Morgana would offer it so easily. Before, she could have denied her involvement or even say she was under the imperious curse. Now she was just making it too easy.

"Get him to Nurse Blainey or to St. Mungos. We will start the test so these five can investigate it immediately." Minister Spavin demanded, waving off Professor Weasley and Professor Sharp.

We watched the two professors take him away before returning to our desks with packets already waiting for us. My heart picked up its beat as I glanced at the quill.

"You five may began."


Poppy and Garreth finished their tests at the same time. Ominis, Sebastian, and I had been waiting for a while but not in any mood to rush them. They must have had their thoughts on the same topic as mine.

Edward was inside the Avery estate, acting as a double spy. This much I already knew. For him to have come back here to Hogwarts looking like how he did... his cover was blown. Who knew he was acting on our behalf though?

What was going to happen to us five? Would Garreth and Ominis go undercover while Poppy and I work with aurors? Would Sebastian have to pretend to flirt with Morgana once more and be her lover to try and gain intel? So many questions ran through my mind at the speed of light that I barely noticed when Headmaster Black and Minister Spavin stood with smiles on their faces.

"Congratulations you five! You each passed and have now graduated Hogwarts." Headmaster Black announced, clearly proud like he actually did something.

"Well... what happens now?" I asked, making direct eye contact with Minister Spavin.

"Ms. Wood, check on Edward Avery real quick. Everyone pack your bags and be back here by nightfall." Minister Spavin answered, instructing us like we were already on his payroll.

Each of my friends and I glanced at one another, all having the same thought. Who was Minister Spavin to boss us around so quickly? No objections spoke from any of us before we each went our separate ways.


Poppy and I were in silence but glanced around the Hufflepuff common room once more. The dancing cacti. Pastries that filled the room to smell like a fresh bakery. This was the last time we would be able to enjoy it. The portraits said their goodbyes with some crying no matter how many times we begged to stop. Three years in this room and I was being pulled out of it. But into what?

"What do you think Minister Spavin will have us do?" Poppy asked softly, feeling the same emotions I was.

"Who knows... as long as we're together though, nothing can stop us. You, Garreth, Sebastian, Ominis, and I are an unstoppable team. Nothing the Puppeteer or Morgana could throw at us will end that." I answered, pulling her into a hug.

What if I was wrong though? I was wrong to ever bring my friends- no, my family into this. We left the common room once last time and made our way up the stairs, entering the Great Hall to see all of our friends and their bags waiting. All of us were out of uniform and in normal clothes, proving that this was it.

"Alright you five... your first mission is going to London with Edward. You leave tonight." Minister Spavin informed.

"When do we get there?" I asked the question on everyone's minds.

"Tonight. Professor Sharp will go with you but this will be the only mission it happens on."

Just as Minister Spavin spoke those words, Professor Sharp came in with a small bag on his shoulder and a smile on his face. At least we would have a familiar face for this mission. Beside him was Edward looking slightly better than when we saw him earlier.

"Well... let's go."

I'M SO SORRY FOR THE LATE CHAPTER! I went on a camping trip last minute and barely had any connection! Hopefully better chapters will be coming. Anyways! Happy 4th of July to my American fans!

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