Chapter Sixty-Nine- One Less Gaunt (Ominis POV)

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These last few weeks have been bliss considering I'm able to do what I'm sure every male at Hogwarts dreams of- including my own best friend. Waking up, kissing, cooking, dancing, reading, and of course, fucking the Merlina Wood. I couldn't believe how I was spending my summer. We were currently laying on the ground outside as she was describing to me everything she sees. The stars, the moon, the night sky. Although my vision is more blurry than just emptiness, that didn't apply to the night. At night, I could see nothing.

"What would you wish for if you could wish for anything?" Merlina asked, resting her head on my legs while I ran my finger through the waves of hair. What more could I wish for? I was spending my summer alone with Merlina. I suppose of I had to wish for anything realistic, it would be that she would choose me over Sebastian time and time again. I couldn't tell her that though.

"My vision. I would love to see the world the way I was supposed to." I answered. I knew that was the most unrealistic thing one could wish for. Even in a world of magic where it's believed anything is possible- I was destined to be blind.

"Ominis... what if I told you there's a potion that restores vision? Perhaps I could do what Garreth does and-"

"Let it blow up on you? I'd rather keep you in one piece Merlina. I know all about the Oculus potion. I've taken three separate variants of it where people changed an ingredient or two. I was bound to this life and I've accepted that Merlina."

I could feel the energy shift from carefree to shifty. It was silent until claps from behind us echoed the empty air. I knew immediately who it was. Without pushing Merlina off, I stood up and put my wand in front of me in a defensive mode. I may not have had my vision but I could hear Merlina do the same.

"Ominis! Little brother! You didn't come home this summer after you ruined your engagement. Ashamed to face father, are we?" His voice boomed as if he was enjoying a show.

"Ominis... what's going on?" Merlina asked, catching on immediately.

"Marvolo! Leave now!" I demanded, ignoring Merlina and calling out to Marvolo.

"You let this mudblood get in the way of a Sacred Arrangement? I can't blame you. She has a nice body. Maybe I'll-"

"You shut your damn mouth and just tell me what you want before you regret it." I interrupted him, also speaking in parseltongue.

"Ominis, what's happening?" Merlina asked again.

"Let's go inside. Why don't you make yourself useful and make my brother and I some tea?" Marvolo demanded. Merlina must have known I was about to yell at him because she grabbed my wrist and whispered 'no' before walking into the direction of the house. My brother snorted like the pig he is and made his way into the house with me being the last to enter.

"Why don't you two go sit inside the living room and talk while I make tea for all three of us?" Merlina suggested, showing Marvolo to the living room. I agreed for him and thanked her before sitting on the living chair shoved in the corner and Marvolo on the opposite side of the room.

"How did you find me?" I asked, not even giving him a second to speak.

"You don't think father has been keeping an eye on your little girl after Orion announced your engagement was off? He has followers in the village you guys bought your groceries in." Marvolo announced with a hard laugh, continuing to show off his parselmouth skills.

The two girls must have been those 'followers.' I should have known since the one mentioned her cousin lived in the same town we lived in. I sighed and pinched the top of my nose. I have been in this bliss haze with Merlina that I couldn't even enjoy a possible life away from my family.

"Why did you come here? And speak normally. It's rude to speak a language your host can't understand."

"Very well. Grimm is dead. Father wants me to bring you home for the funeral. You know our traditions... you know what must be done." A Gaunt Funeral. All of the family will be there from both the British and Scottish branches.

"How did Grimm die?"

"We always knew he would die young. You're blind and Grimm had something that made his mucus and sweat thick and sticky. Mom and dad used to say he wouldn't survive past fifteen. It's a shock he even met twenty-five."

Merlina entered and suddenly the mood shifted. He didn't trust Merlina with the information of our brother as if she would go around telling people that the Gaunts aren't immortal. Marvolo was always stupid and always will be stupid. I sighed and felt Merlina place the tea cup in my hand. She already made it the way I like it and sat on the arm of the chair by my side.

"If you don't come with me back home, father will have her killed. In fact, he has ordered me to use crucio on her if she gets in the way of you coming home." Marvolo threatened, sipping obnoxiously on the tea. I couldn't let Merlina get hurt yet again. She's already been through so much this year alone.

"Give me a moment to pack my bags and explain to her." I sighed. Without explaining myself yet, I grabbed her hand and began leading her up the stairs to the room I was staying in. Once I shut the door, she started shouting random nonsense until my lips crashed onto hers once more, holding her head in the palms of my hands and embracing this moment as if it would be my last.

"Merlina... I have to go. My oldest brother, Grimm, has apparently passed. My father is requesting my presence there and if I don't go... well let's just say my father already knew where we were. Darling, I love you but I cannot take the risk of whether it's a bluff or a true threat. Should Sebastian come, you can tell him our deal is off until school starts. He'll understand what I mean." I explained.

I could feel Merlina's inner debate as she wanted to question everything. She should have been in Ravenclaw for that damn curiosity that gets her. She decided to bite her tongue and just agree, hugging me as tight as she physically could. After a few moments, she began helping me pack in silence. Even though she wasn't making noise, I could tell she was silently crying, not wanting me to leave her side. She handed me my suitcase full of my items once more.

"I promise the second I get on the train, I will find you and join you. I give you my word Darling." I stated, placing my hand under her chin and lifting her face to look up at me.

She didn't respond, clearly still upset. I couldn't blame her. I'd be upset too if the last time she went to her family's home, she left engaged and in worse shape than before. I started trying to walk out of the room but was hugged once more but from behind. I could feel the back of my shirt start to get wet as she muffled her cries.

"Please... just don't get hurt. From what you and Sebastian have told me, I'm scared they'll hurt you." She announced, finally backing away from me. I couldn't help but start to tear up myself. No one has ever accepted and cared for me as much as Merlina has. And now I was leaving her alone in what feels like a giant house.

"They'll be civil. It's a funeral for their favorite son." I lied. Everyone who saw my family knew Marvolo was but Merlina didn't need to know that. She sniffed an 'okay' before leading me down the stairs and out of the house where Marvolo waited for me. I hugged her once more, whispering she needed to be safe as well before walking off to say a final farewell and to join my oldest brother.

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