Chapter Ninty-Five- One Last Trip To Hogsmeade

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In the previous years, Sebastian, Ominis, and I made it a habit to watch the train leave together. Unlike the last two years, the students didn't leave on trains. Just as Headmaster Black had informed, half of the student body left on a ship that sunk beneath the lake while the other half were in the sky, traveling by carriages. They were going to their new schools.

The only two people who went home to families were Poppy and Garreth. They were to report back to Hogwarts December 27th for the NEWT exams. Ominis, Sebastian, and I literally had the entire school to ourselves besides various staff if they were still around. Professor Onai left back to Africa with Natty's remains.

"Well... what kind of havoc should we do now?" Sebastian asked us. "We literally have the entire castle to ourselves."

I guess me yelling at Sebastian and Ominis worked. If it didn't, they were a lot better at hiding it from me. I just wished I could actually make a choice. Or as crazy as it sounded, perhaps not have to and just keep both of them forever. I knew neither of them wanted to share though.

"Perhaps we should break into the Restricted Section like the good old days." I joked, turning my back from the lake and facing both boys.

"Why can't you two adrenaline junkies go two seconds without plotting break ins or murders?" Ominis asked, pinching the top of his nose and squinting his eyes hard.

I looked up and coming out of the castle was Professor Weasley with multiple bags of luggage. Certainly she couldn't be leaving when she's pushed so hard for us to take our NEWTs and join the Ministry?

"Professor Weasley? Are you leaving Hogwarts as well?" I asked, running to her to help with her bags.

"Just for the next two weeks. I wanted to see the look of my brother's face when he meets Ms. Sweeting AND finds out his son already proposed to her." Professor Weasley informed with a hard laugh at the end.

"So you'll be back in time for our NEWTs?" Sebastian asked, double checking her words.

"Probably by Christmas night if I can get a Ministry approved carriage. You three stay safe though."

With that, Professor Weasley ran off with each of her bags, leaving us three alone once more. Even Edward was sent back to the Ministry to help. I sighed, looking back on the two faces I adored.

"Should we go to Hogsmeade? One final round of Butterbeer?" Sebastian suggested. Honestly, it was a brilliant idea.

"Let's go!" Ominis and I agreed in unison.


We all crossed the bridge to enter Hogsmeade, greeted by the smells of cocoa and peppermint floating in the air. In front of the blacksmith shop were a group of carolers singing classing holiday music. We skipped all of the shops and walked straight into the Three Broomsticks. To no surprise, the place was quite crowded with witches and wizards sipping their tankards and eating whatever food Sirena had made.

"Sirena! A round of Butterbeers please!" Sebastian requested, leading us to a table in the corner already.

With both guys sitting on opposite sides of me and making direct eye contact, I could see they had gotten over their little feud. They didn't have the same fury glances that could set the other on fire anymore. Sebastian still stood up, putting coins on the table.

"This round is on me. I'll be right back." Sebastian promised, grabbing my hand and kissing it before running out of the bar.

"Where did he go?" I asked Ominis, confused.

"Him and I agreed on what we were going to get you for Christmas this year and-"

"Ominis! We talked about this. I said I didn't want you two to get me anything this year."

"I'm assuming you already got us something though?"

Shit... he knew me so well. How could I not get them anything? Before I could even think of a lie, I glanced up and floating towards us was a plate full of tankards with a foamy cream dripping down the sides of it. Once the platter was placed town and coins replaced the tankard, it zoomed right back to the bar.

"So are we going to do what we do every year? A sleepover inside the Undercroft?" I asked, giggling while grabbing my tankard.

"To a certain extent but no pillows and blankets are needed. Sebastian learned how to conjure an entire bed from his travels with Professor Sharp apparently." Ominis answered, grabbing his and already chugging it.

Talk about a useful thing to know. Especially with whatever the Ministry is going to send us to do once we graduate Hogwarts. I decided to take a page out of Ominis' book, chugging the warm liquid as fast as I could until the bottom of the tankard was just foam. Ominis looked at me, shocked before laughing.

"You're going to be drunk by the time Sebastian gets back."

"No I'm not! I can handle my alcohol." I argued, despite already feeling a wave of warmth spreading over my body.

"Sebastian and I come here at least once every two weeks. When was the last time you had any alcohol Merlina?"

"When I was with... my mom!" I tried to joke but a burp escaped my mouth between with and my.

Ominis and I joked some more, ordering a few more rounds. By the time Sebastian came back, I could feel I was drunk. Every ounce of me wanted to flirt with both of them but I had to gain self controls

"Ominis! How many did she drink?!" Sebastian asked, sounding like a worried parent.

"Four. I told her to stop after the second one but she seems to think she can out drink me even though there is no competition going at all." Ominis explained, taking a sip of his.

"Merlina, let's get you home. You need to lay down." Sebastian sighed, already wrapping his scarf around his neck.

No matter how much I tried to fight back or argue that I was fine, neither of them would listen. Both Sebastian and Ominis had to drag me out of the bar with both my arms thrown around their necks. How did I manage to trap two perfect gentlemen? The trees that were once full and green had not a single leaf on them but piles of snow weighing down the branches. Rivers frozen, trapping memories beneath the thin ice. I love winter time.

"You know... you two are really amazing. I'm not sure how you both like me." I admitted, my words slurring.

"You'll find out how on Christmas Eve." Sebastian joked with a wink.

The rest of the walk was long but full of conversation. Well... more like me being the glue of the conversation and doing most of the talking. Once we had reached the barrel to enter the Hufflepuff common room, Sebastian and Ominis both lightly dropped me against the wall.

"Sleep it off love. And here... wear this for the sleepover." Sebastian reached into his inner robe pocket and handed me a beautifully wrapped present with a golden ribbon on it. "We'll see you later."

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