Chapter Forty-Four- Dinner with the Ministry

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As we entered and made our way to our designated tables, the smells of various foods flooded every nose in the Great Hall. Poppy couldn't wait and dragged me to ours despite eating all the sandwiches and cookies her grandmother made, five different candies (including mine), and was still ready to eat the food. One thing I could say about Hufflepuffs is not to undermine their appetite.

As we took our seats, I noticed a man that sat in the seat where Professor Fig once sat, speaking to Professor Sharp. His hair was short and off to the side but the same color as Morgana's and Edward's. His eyes glanced at me twice before just obviously staring, not caring that I would not back down or cower at him. He was trying to figure me out clearly but that would not work.

"Poppy... who's that sitting where Professor Fig sat?" I asked, still not removing my eyes from his death stare.

"I... I actually don't know. He looks familiar though- like, you've seen him in the papers over an article talking about him being handsome kind of familiar. Forget about it though. You need to eat Merlina." Poppy demanded. He finally took his eyes back to Professor Sharp and whatever conversation they were having. I chose to ignore it and do as Poppy said, finally taking a bite into my mince pie.

We continued to eat until the group of first years entered to be sorted, following our favorite ginger teacher- Professor Weasley. The dusty hat and a stool were waiting for them, making it's yearly appearance. Everyone in the room could feel their mixture of emotions. Nervousness. Excitement. All of it.

Twenty Slytherins, fifty Gryffindors, thirty Ravenclaws, and twenty-three Hufflepuffs. Once the final student had made their way to the Ravenclaw table, Headmaster Black finally made his way back to the podium and cleared this throat as Professor Weasley took both the stool and the hat away.

"Last year was one for history as the Goblin Rebellion of 1891 had been ceased on these castle grounds. This year- we will make history once more. With permission from our gracious Minister, we will be holding something like the Triwizard Tournament but call it... the House Cup Tournament! As it's been ten centuries of our great school's founding, we will be turning the house competition into a house tournament with each test to do with something involving our founders. The only way to earn points for your house this year is if the person representing yours does fairly well." Headmaster Black announced, his hands held out wide and a smile plastered on his face.

The entire school erupted in cheer with Garreth's and Imelda's shouts being somehow the loudest. Poppy and I could only clap and wiggle our eyebrows in a joking manner until Headmaster Black told the entire school to shut it. After a few seconds, the Great Hall was quiet once more. He stepped to the side and an almost identical, younger version of him with less wrinkles and no facial hair took his place behind the podium.

"My name is Arcturus Black, son of the Headmaster, and I will the the representative of the Ministry watching the House Cup this year to make sure all rules are applied and that at the end of the day- we are safe. Anyone can vote a representative of their house but the person they pick must not be a prefect, on the quidditch team, and at least a fifth year. We will announce who the members are on the night of Halloween and then the week after will be the first trial. If you have any questions, I will be here all year so you can find me if needed." No one dared to erupt in cheer, but instead whispered to one another about who they would pick. Headmaster Black took the podium once more and held his hand up in the air as a way to silence the school once more.

"We also have a new staff member joining us to teach Magical Theory- please welcome Orion Avery!"

The man who kept looking at me stood and slightly bowed. It all made so much sense now. He was probably here to keep an eye on Ominis and I- making sure we couldn't do as we pleased. To make sure the future groom of his daughter's wedding stayed pure. I turned to Poppy who was already looking at me with wide eyes. Morgana and Edward's father replacing Professor Fig... one could say that is more important than knowing some Ministry worker wants to talk to you.

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