Chapter Fifty-One- Deja Vue

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Completing a challenge and rescuing a headmaster? Easy. Apparently not scaring boys so they would ask you to a ball? One could see how that was a little more challenging. All over the school, girls were receiving flowers or boxed candy with the questions. I couldn't help but feel disappointed. Why was nobody asking me? Even Sebastian hadn't asked me.

Poppy and I were sitting in the Viaduct Courtyard and as creepy as it sounded, watching all the happy couples. Even Everett received a loud yes from Samantha Dale as she jumped onto him in excitement. I could definitely admit I was at the point of just going by myself. Who would stop me? Headmaster Black after I just saved his life?

We heard a throat clearing and turned our heads to see what was quite an unusual sight. Garreth Weasley had clearly used too much water to flatten his hair, as it was still dripping onto the shoulders of a three piece suit and ruffles on his chest that were so fluffed up, they reached the three hairs on his chin. You could see he was clearly nervous, as the bouquet of various flowers stolen from Professor Garlick was shaking tremendously.

"P-P-Poppy Sw-Sw-Sweeting! C-C-Can I spe-speak to you a-alone?" Garreth stuttered. He looked like he might throw up at any given moment. I looked over at Poppy and smiled, nodding that this was actually happening.

We had thought Ominis was lying but hearing that Garreth was going to ask one of us to the ball but seeing it with our own eyes. Poppy pushed her hair behind her ear and walked away with Garreth to wherever he was going to ask her the big question. I couldn't believe that Ominis was telling the truth.

"Awww look at that Omi. Merlina hasn't been asked to the ball yet. I guess it's true that even if you're good at dueling, you can't change ugly. Isn't that right Mandrake Merlina?" Morgana shouted out with laughter. I turned to her and there she was standing next to Ominis with a single rose in her hand.

I shouldn't have to put up with this. The dance wasn't for another month anyway. I got up and began storming into the castle with Ominis calling my name out and chasing me as best as he could. Every step I took away from him, the louder his shouts got to the point people were starting to stare at us awkwardly. Finally, I stopped and allowed him to catch up at the very top of the Grand Staircase where it lead to nowhere. I had cornered myself.

"What do you want Ominis?"

"Look, ignore Morgana. You... you are anything but ugly." Ominis stated as if he could actually see. I couldn't help but scoff and roll my eyes at the clear lie he spoke.

"I don't care if she was right or not Ominis. Plus, you are the last person I would ask about my looks. You don't even know how I-"

I started to yell at him but none of that mattered as he slammed his lips into mine and pushed me against the wall. This wasn't his usual kissing technique though. His kisses were usually soft but this time was as if he had been deprived of it for years. Like he was parched after not drinking water for weeks. Desperate for even a taste of my lips. His eyebrows furrowed and eyes were shut, slamming his hands on either side of my face. He caged me in but what was I supposed to do?

I pushed him away, muttering that we shouldn't be doing this but the look of hunger was already in his eyes. He didn't care about Morgana. He didn't care about Sebastian. He pulled my body into his, gripping my hip and the back of my head as he kissed me once more. I couldn't help myself this time. It was natural for me to wrap my arms around his neck to pull him deeper into the kiss. His lips sweet like candy. Quiet moans escaped both of us and muffled into the kiss. His hand began to start to inch lower than my hips before I pulled away from him.

"We should definitely stop. You've already done this... we wouldn't want it to lead to things worse." I spoke quietly, making sure to fix my robes and uniform.

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