Chapter Twenty-Eight- Good Riddance

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I paced back and forth, waiting for what felt like hours for Mr. Ollivander to complete the wand the keepers tasked him to complete. With Ranrok about to attack the final repository, time was running out. Lodgok died because of me but I was not going to let him die for nothing. This was all ridiculous. Everyone was trying to get ahold of me but if they understood what was at stake, they would agree that making them wait a day or two was fine. Why wasn't he done yet? How difficult could it be to make a wand?

"It is done." Mr. Ollivander announced, holding a long and thin emerald green case. He opened the lid and there it was- the Keeper's Wand. Beautiful spiral golden design was attached to the soft brown wooden wand. "I should warn you that I've never seen a wand like this. My suspicion- as Professor Fig warned- is that this wand will only work under a unique situation."

"Thank you Mr. Ollivander." I grabbed the case and exited the store to the most peculiar thing ever. In all the times I had visited Hogsmeade, none of the streets were empty and especially silent no matter what time do day it was. Even entering the wand shop, I had to pass three groups of people just to get in.

This time though, the cobbled streets were empty and actually able to collect a blanket of snow upon it. It appeared even the birds didn't dare to fly over me as they usually do. Instinctively, I held my wand in my hand, ready to go in case any spiders or goblins were about.

"I'm afraid you're on your own Merlina. I've ensured we have this little moment... to ourselves." Rookwood's voice bounced from one building to the next, echoing the empty road.

Although pretending to play innocent with his arms up in the air, I could clearly still see his wand as black as mine. He continued to walk towards me until he saw my wand pointed at him, halting and grinning even wider.

"Come now. No need for such theatrics. We need to work with one another, wouldn't you say? That repository belongs to wizards- not goblins. Wait... what's that you've got there?" Rookwood asked, pointing at the wand case. Before he could cast accio on it, I tucked it away but that didn't stop him from his curiosity.

"Might this... sudden interest to the wand maker have to do with our mutual pursuits?"

"I've no idea what you're talking about-" I started to lie but he cut me off, rage fueling him.

"That repository is my birthright!" He shouted, having a temper tantrum like a young child. I scoffed, rolling my eyes at the mere thought of him being right.

"Charles Rookwood wouldn't have wanted you anywhere near that repository. Now move out of my way or else you're going to regret it."

"The arrogance. And to think I hear you're a Hufflepuff. I should've known better than to reason with a student. I've always said... children should be seen and not heard." He spat out, the realization hitting me that Sebastian had been wrong the entire time. It wasn't a goblin that cursed Anne... it was Rookwood. Before I could even strike him though, two of his men grabbed me by the arms and apparated me to a camp site I had never seen before.

Snow covered the ground and the sky began to get dark. Waves upon waves of ashwinders tried to take me down but I stood tall, using whatever potions and harvestables I had on hand along with my amazing spell casting. After thirty minutes of dealing with wave after wave, Rookwood's limp body barely stood as blood dripped from each of his cuts.

"Avada Ka-!"

"Confringo!" I shouted, louder than him. It was a battle of who was stronger.

Sparks of green and red flew as our spells collided until ultimately, he was defeated. His body laid still, emotionless. Even in death though... he was ugly and weak. I chugged the last wiggenweld potion I had, hoping it would heal me quickly enough. I knew I needed to get this wand to the Keepers and Professor Fig as quickly as possible but I needed to do one thing before all of that- find Ominis.


The minute I returned to Hogwarts, I saw Ominis, Sebastian, and Poppy sitting in the courtyard as she helped them with whatever homework they needed help on. To be quite honest, I was surprised to see Poppy and Sebastian carrying on like nothing had happened but it was for the best obviously.

I hadn't even announced me being there before Poppy and Sebastian said their hellos. Ominis smiled his kind faint smile, also telling me hi but I cut him off with my lips colliding onto his. Poppy joked around, wooing but as much as I cared for her, I needed to ignore her in this moment.

"I needed to do that and to let you know that I meant those three words during break... before I possibly die. You three need to get to a safe place as soon as possible. I'm not sure what's about to happen but whatever it is... I just want to let you all know I am eternally grateful I met each of you." Before they could ask questions, I began the run away but had probably got about fifteen feet away before Sebastian grabbed my arm.

"Whatever you're doing, it's not going to be alone. Let me help you Merlina. I can't... I can't let you go out there knowing you could die. I can't-" Sebastian begged with me interrupting his surely long speech probably about team work.

"I'm sorry Sebastian but I don't have time for this right now. Petrificus Totalus!" He fell stiff to the ground, frozen and unable to break the charm. I muttered another apology and ran off to meet Professor Fig in the Map Chamber.

Usually in the school, especially during the day, I try my best to follow the school rules. Wear your school uniform, food only in the great hall and common rooms, no running in the halls. Today was a day of exception. Students yelled around me as I bumped into them but none of that was a bother to me.

Once I finally made it down to the Map Chamber- I told Fig everything about Rookwood and he agreed that I didn't have any other choice. Still... I know I will live with that regret for the rest of my life. We approached the Keepers, presenting the wand and there it opened... map beneath our feet was above the final repository. The irony in doing all this work when it was beneath our feet this entire time.

"Are you ready Merlina?"

"Yes... let's go defeat Ranrok."

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