Chapter Eighty-Seven- A Halloween Disaster

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We all sat at our respective tables, eating the spread of food that laid before us. Poppy shoved her face with pumpkin pastries and conversations bounced off the walls. I always loved the Halloween spread the school put out. That was the case at least until the doors swung open and appeared Edward with two other Ministry workers. They glanced around at the students, eyeing every single one as the room fell to silence.

"We are looking for the following people! Ominis Gaunt, Sebastian Sallow, Aesop Sharp, Poppy Sweeting, Garreth Weasley, and Merlina Wood! We have a Ministry of Magic order, signed by the Minister himself, to question these people for a case we are working on!" One of the unfamiliar aurors shouted.

Poppy and I exchanged glances amongst one another, confused at the information. Last I had seen of Edward was a month ago where he promised Professor Sharp and I to get the Ministry's attention on the missing children. We didn't suspect it to be like this. Professor Sharp stood tall and once he made eye contact with me, nodded his head to follow their demands. I couldn't believe what was happening.

"Are we under arrest with the Ministry? Because I-"

"Garreth! Do as your told and go with them. You're making a scene!" Professor Weasley interrupted Garreth's outburst.

We each stood up and slowly, but surely, began the walk until we were side by side with them. One of the men was tall and thin while the other was short but every pound was pure muscle.

"Edward? Should we be worried?" I whispered, keeping my voice low enough so the other two workers wouldn't hear.

He wouldn't look me in the eye which was more troublesome than anything the Ministry could accuse us of. Since day one, Edward has always smiled and flirted with me. He was never really the serious type which could often be refreshing after seeing and dealing with what I do on a consistent basis. Edward nodded his head slightly though, never taking his eyes off of the ground.

"We need a place to talk privately. Have one in mind Professor?"

"We can go to my classroom but first I must insist on what this is about. These students and I have done nothing wrong and-"

"It happened again." Edward interrupted quietly enough for all of us to hear.

"Very well. I'll lead the way."

Once the doors shut behind us, I could hear the conversations take place back in the Great Hall like nothing had even happened. As a group, we moved as one in the castle in silence. Whatever Edward and the Ministry knew must have been bad. Especially with Professor Sharp looking so clueless.

We entered the vacant classroom and once the door was shut, the aurors started casting charms left and right. Ones to make sure no one was present. Locking the door. Everything you could think of. The knowledge they had must have been extremely important. Once everything was cleared, Edward let out a large sigh.

"Edward tells us you all have been working on this case of the missing students. We need to know everything you have knowledge of immediately." The skinny auror demanded.

"Hold on. Why should we tell you anything? How do we know you are not working for the Puppeteer?" Sebastian spat out, taking a few steps towards him to come off more intimidating.

"Samantha Dale and Everett Clompton went missing two days ago. We found Everett murdered last night with a couple of house elves." Edward dropped.

The room went silent in grievance. I didn't know Everett that well but he, in a way, helped me learn to fly my broom. Samantha... she was one of the sweetest people I had ever met. Despite the stereotype that Ravenclaws only care about intellect, she made sure everyone around her felt same and warm.

"Why would the Puppeteer take Samantha? She was a pureblood, wasn't she?" Poppy spoke softly, taking her eyes off the stone flooring for an answer.

"She was... but Everett Clompton was a muggle-born. With her being in a relationship with him, that's deemed worse than being the muggle-born themselves." Ominis answered.

I started to explain everything once more. If Edward clearly trusted them to know, then they must be good. Sure, these two strangers were aurors who answered to whatever the Ministry wished but perhaps Samantha Dale sparked something. The Ministry didn't care when it was first years and just muggleborns going missing. Now that the Puppeteer has taken her, they needed to find her.

"Very well... Edward will stay here until we catch this 'Puppeteer.' Aesop, we need to talk with the Headmaster. As far as you five go- you do not search this any longer. It is now Ministry business and you could corrupt the investigation."

"Fuck that! You only know all of this BECAUSE of us!" Sebastian argued.

"Sebastian's right. We don't need your permission." Garreth sided.

"Boys! Remember who you are speaking to!" Professor Sharp shut down, giving them a look that could freeze the dead. "Very well. Let's leave now. Merlina... I trust you and your friends will still watch the snakes, yes?"

I couldn't even answer before Professor Sharp, the aurors, and Edward walked out of the classroom. Despite putting up a front, he wanted us to continue looking into this. We just had to be more sneaky. Especially if Edward was staying here. Once the door shut, we all grouped together and began forming a new plan. Samantha Dale and Everett Clompton were going to be the last ones to go missing if I had a say in it.

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