Chapter Twenty-Two- The First Kiss

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Ominis had been ignoring me for days and specifically only me. I would see him still talk to Sebastian and Poppy but if I tried, he would quickly excuse himself and walk in the opposite direction.

I understood why he was upset but not at only me. If he was truly upset about me letting Sebastian take it, he should also be giving this silent treatment to him but they still speak.

I stood in the viaduct courtyard, watching the snow stick to the ground as I sat in the stone arch. Sure, it was cold but if the great Merlina Wood freezes to death, so be it. The students had left for winter break but without a home to return to- I stayed here. It was the case with the vast majority of the students, even Poppy, but not Sebastian, Ominis, and I.

"Merlina? What are you doing out here? It's freezing." Imelda pointed out, walking past me with two other Slytherin girls I could only assume were also on the quidditch team.

"Trying to freeze to death." I answered, smiling softly and pulling my knees even closer to my body than before. All three girls laughed and continued walking into Hogwarts.

Twenty minutes had past and the snow still had yet to pick up. I started to consider going back into the castle when I felt a thick but itchy blanket draped over my shoulders. Ominis than sat on the other end of the archway, handing me a cup of a dark brown liquid one could only assume to be hot chocolate.

"Imelda, not having anything better to do but gossip since quidditch was cancelled, said you were out here trying to kill yourself. We can't have that now, can we?" Ominis asked with a coy smile.

As much as I wanted to roll my eyes and smack the hot chocolate out of his hand, I still took it and thanked him for it. Placing the liquid on my lips, it was one of the best drinks I had ever tried in my life. I glanced back at him and he had a blanket of his own, wrapped around himself.

"Why did you come out here? I thought you were avoiding me?" I commented in a petty tone, gripping the hot chocolate so he wouldn't take it away.

"Because I want the person I love dying of frost bite." He answered sarcastically.

My eyes widened and a smile crept on my face. It took him a few moments to realize what he said before his ears got red and blush rolled on his cheeks. His hand started to nervously scratch at the back of his neck. He started trying to backtrack but I was not going to allow him to ruin this moment.

I threw the hot chocolate on the ground and the blanket off, leaning towards him and placing my lips on his. Although they were slightly chapped, they were still as soft as a freshly baked croissant. He didn't hesitate to pull my face in, making the moment even more passionate. Everything moved in slow motion around us. He removed one of his hands, moving it to my waist and pulling me in closer while never removing his lips from mine. When we finally separated for breath, a smile was plastered on both of our faces until he quickly realized my blanket was not on me anymore.

"Grab your blanket and let's sneak into the undercroft. It's freezing in here." Ominis demanded more than suggested. Immediately after grabbing my blanket, Ominis grabbed my hand and began to lead us into the castle.

Our footsteps echoed the empty halls of anyone that would usually bother it. Seemingly, Peeves must have stopped being a nuisance and gone into hibernation since even he hadn't been seen in a few days. By the time we reached the undercroft, we had laid out the blankets on the floor and laid on top of them. Ominis began removing his robe and tie as his way of 'getting comfortable.'

"Shall we continue where we left off?" Before I could even answer his question, he got down to my level and used his index finger to lift my chin. Delicately, he placed his lips back onto mine and started to place his body on the side of mine.

It felt like it lasted for hours of us switching between cuddling and kissing. I found myself resting my hand and arms on his chest while he played with the ends of my hair.

"Ominis... did you mean what you said earlier?" I asked, hoping to hear him say yes. I looked up at him and could tell he was trying his best not to smile but his ears were red once again.

"About me caring whether or not you had frost bite? Oh absolutely. Only one of us can have a medical issue and I already claimed it." He pointed at his eyes and started laughing at his own joke, making me laugh even harder and bury my face in his button down. Today the honey was the stronger scent and all I could smell.

"Now can I ask you something? Your mom... do you think she would have liked me if we met?"

"My mom would have absolutely loved you Ominis. She would have found all your sarcastic remarks hilarious. She worked as a seamstress for a rich family though so I'm not sure you would have seen her very often. What does your mother do?" I asked.

"No one in my family works. They believe that since their Gaunts, people should just bow down and bestow all their riches to them. It's quite terrible but do you remember how I told you they perform crucio for sport? Well if they need it, they also steal from whoever they perform the spell on."

Merlin's beard... it was no surprise Ominis hated his family as much as he did. Having to watch or most likely help your family members steal is one of the biggest nightmares anyone would have to experience.

"Is it alright if we sleep here tonight? I'll let you use my robe as either a pillow or blanket if you want." I couldn't help but agree, smiling from ear to ear and nodding my head repeatedly. We folded my robe into a pillow for him and used his as a blanket for the both of us. My head went right back onto his chest, resting it and inhaling the remains of his cologne.

"Even if you don't say it again Ominis, I want to let you know I love you too."

I began to doze off into a blissful rest to the vibrations and humming of Ominis. The last thing I felt a soft peck be placed on my forehead with words whispered 'goodnight darling.'


A foot collided with mine, kicking me awake. Slowly I opened my eyes and there he stood- tall and pissed. Sebastian's arms weren't crossed as usual but instead hanging by his side with his fists balled up.

"Good morning Merlina. I hope you slept well... with Ominis." Sebastian spoke through his teeth. I had never seen him this angry before. Why was he so upset at me and only woke me up? Before I could even ask, he stormed off, leaving me to follow behind him as quickly as I could. We were running up stairs, home after him and trying to keep up as best as I could.

Somehow, I managed to catch up to him in the corner of the hall full of centaur statues and tapisseries. He stopped directly in the middle of the room, his back facing to me.

"Sebastian? What's the matter?!" I shouted, trying to catch my breath. Every word I spoke echoed, bouncing off the stone walls. Without a sign of warning, Sebastian ran up to me and slammed his lips upon mine. Unlike Ominis' lips, Sebastian's were rugged and warm, taking whatever they wanted.

I pushed him off as quickly as I could, wiping away the kiss like a young child who thinks they're too old. He looked at me, shocked, as if it had never happened before.

"I won't tell Poppy or Ominis about that but don't ever do that again Sebastian. I care for you... but not like that. I only feel those feelings towards Ominis."

I could tell Sebastian wanted to say something but I didn't give him the chance. I spun around and walked away, trying to keep my composure. How could he do that? He knew at least how much Poppy cared for him but thought I would too? Or just leave Ominis for him? Whatever it was, I hoped that would be the end of that.

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