Chapter One Hundred And Nine- Happily Ever After

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Five years later

It had been five years since I last saw Sebastian Sallow. Five years since Poppy and Garreth got married. Four since Ominis took my last name in holy matrimony and three since Fig Aesop Wood was born two days after Poppy's twin boys. Life couldn't have been more blissful, even if it wanted to.

"Darling! Do you know how much longer Sharp will be?" Ominis called out from the front yard.

Today we were expecting Poppy, Garreth, their boys, and Sharp for the village festivities. Ominis should have realized Sharp would probably be arriving around noon. Normal children don't wake up at four in the morning. Unfortunately... Fig wasn't normal. He was the product of a Gaunt and a Keeper.

"Why would you like to know? Wondering if he finally noticed you?" I joked, grinning from ear to ear while getting the lemonade ready.

Before I could get a response, Fig's excited squeal was loud enough to be heard even from where I stood. It was barely eight and yet I could faintly hear Sharp's voice from the yard. I set down the knife and wiped my hands on my apron, making my way to the front door to see the three males I care most for.

In the summer sunlight, I could finally see how everyone only saw Ominis when they looked at Fig. He had my old brown hair and freckles but he was pale just like his father. Even at his age, when most toddlers have chubby cheeks, his were hallowed out.

"You're getting old grandpa!" Fig shouted to Sharp, laughing loudly.

"I am not! Who told you such a thing?" Sharp denied, laughing as well and picking up Fig. "Was it your mother?"

"Sure was old man." I joked, finally stepping out of the house and into the fresh air.

Once Sharp saw me, his smile had relaxed slightly. It was like he was reminiscing from the first time he had seen me in Professor Fig's classroom all those years ago. We said our hellos once Fig was back on the ground, hugging tightly. Even though Fig was fussing, wanting to be back in Sharp's arms, we continued hugging.

"I actually need to speak with your mother on a private matter Fig. I'll be right back though." Sharp promised with a wink once he pulled away.

We entered the tiny cottage once more and straight towards the kitchen. I resumed to cutting the lemons for the lemonade and Sharp took one of the barstools in front of me. His expression had changed from normal to serious.

"What's the last you heard of Sebastian?" I halted my cutting and could feel the smile fade from my own face.

"Nothing," I lied. "How is he doing?"

I had been keeping tabs on him from Edward since the minute he left my property. Sebastian didn't even bother to attend Poppy and Garreth's wedding, leaving Ominis to become the best man. All I knew of Sebastian was he had taken on the Malfoy name and married the youngest sister. I didn't keep tabs on him for regret though- it was for the safety of my family. He had already tried to kill Ominis once before. I wouldn't put it past him to try again.

"His son, Abraxas, is a year younger than Fig. Yet there are rumors he's still not showing affection towards his wife. I wonder why that could be." Sharp stated calmly.

"He tried to kill Ominis. I could never forgive him. Albus even claims-" I started but cut myself off last minute. Even five years later I'm keeping my mouth shut to protect him.

"I know he uses the curses Merlina. You don't have to hide it any longer." Sharp spoke bluntly. I couldn't believe what I had heard, freezing my breathing. There was no way he could have known. Surely Sebastian or one of the others must have snitched. "I'm an auror. I know the signs when someone has used them."

"So why haven't you said anything?"

"Because I knew who Sebastian was. He wouldn't have used them unless he felt it was absolutely necessary."

"Sharp... why are you bringing up Sebastian after all these years? Be honest with me..." I requested, looking him directly in the eyes.

"He says he has come upon a way to return magic to people. He's been looking for it ever sense you lost your magic and asked if you'd be willing to go on one last adventure." He answered, pointing to the necklace around my neck.

Since the day of the repository blowing up, I have never taken off the necklace. As if acting on instinct, I grabbed the blue glowing pendent at the end. No one but us two knew what it was which just made this conversation even more serious.

"I know you miss it. You can deny it all you want Merlina Wood but I know you probably better than anyone else does. What harm could be done in one final adventure? Fig and Ominis can take care of themselves and I'll be with you to make sure nothing could go wrong."

Sharp was being even more convincing than he usually was. Of course there were days where I missed using magic. Days where I wish I could join in the fun memories Ominis was creating for Fig. If I was to get my magic back though... the day of the Keepers wouldn't end. I was the final Keeper and I intended to keep it that way.

"I'm sorry Sharp but tell Sebastian I decline on the offer."

No more Keepers needed to exist any longer. There was no need for them... or would there be in the future?

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