Chapter Forty-Six- Snake VS Badger

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A month of school had passed as we had officially entered the autumn air. Leaves fell from their trees, skies streaked of oranges and reds, and in front of every table was a large decorated glowing goblet with each glowing their house color. The Slytherin's had a silver snake wrapping around the rim of the cup, Ravenclaw's stem being black with metal crow wings sprouting out of it, Gryffindor's golden lining giving off an extra glow, and the Hufflepuff's glass having metal vines and flowers wrap around the stem of the glass.

Exactly a month before the House Cup Tournament and it was definitely the talk of the school. We would watch people with folded slips of parchment place their votes into the glowing liquids in each cup. The staff kept their eyes on the goblets, whispering to one another, and no doubt placing their bets on who would be voted.

"I'm willing to bet everyone is going to choose you to represent our house." Adelaide Oakes stated, taking a sip of her pumpkin juice. Honestly, I wasn't even sure why she was speaking to me. Maybe she was bored and just wanted someone to talk to.

"I sure hope not. I already have enough on my plate as it is with all these advanced classes." I sighed, looking at the textbook from Professor Weasley's class. She was expecting thirty inches on turning real gnomes (you read that right, real which I'm still shocked over,) into garden gnomes and I could barely keep up.

Sure, I was turning poachers into barrels and using them in combat last year but it was still quite difficult to grasp. My attention was only taken off the pages when I could feel someone hovering over my shoulder. Slowly, I turned my head and there was Professor Weasley herself with a tiny grin on her face.

"Hello Ms. Wood. I'm glad to see you're taking my class serious, unlike your two Slytherin comrades." I could see where she was looking to see Sebastian giving some kind of speech with a grin and Ominis burying his face in his hands. "Anyways- have you voted for who you want representing Hufflepuff in this competition?"

"To be quite honest Professor Weasley, I have no interest in the matter. Especially if you keep assigning these homework assignments." I responded, making my attention entirely focused on the book.

"Well I'd be careful Ms. Wood. I know you've already gotten a few votes. Have a good day girls." Professor Weasley left and made her way to the staff table, taking her seat and starting to eat her lunch.

Great- that was just what I needed. People voting me into a dumb tournament while I have piles of homework I will need to complete. I sighed, giving up and slamming my face into my book as a way of giving up. Not even a minute had passed when Poppy came bursting through the two wooden doors of the Great Hall.

Poppy looked frantic, as if searching for me already. The minute our eyes locked, she ran over and hid under my skirt like a child. I tried to ask what she was doing but shouting by the door caught my attention. Two Slytherin girls- Imelda and Morgana specifically, ran in looking a mess. Silence fell as all eyes were on them, watching their heavy breaths. Once both Imelda and Morgana saw me conversations went back to place and they both had the look of anger in their eyes. Whatever Poppy did- it was enough to make them furious.

"Where is she?! Where's your mandrake wielding maniac?!" Morgana squealed like a pig. Mandrake wielding maniac eh? I should call Poppy that more often. Even if her preference are the cabbages.

"I'm assuming you mean Poppy and I'm not sure. I haven't seen her since this morning." I lied, scooting my body closer to the table so they couldn't see the giant lift from my dress.

Sebastian and Ominis soon appeared, no doubt hearing all of the shouting Morgana was doing. They tried to distract both of the Slytherin girls, asking what was happening, when Morgana once more yelled at everyone to shut up. The entire hall went silent once more, watching her temper tantrum go off the rails.

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