Chapter Ninty-Six- Paris

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This is a SMUT chapter so run away if you don't want people around you being nosey!

Christmas Eve sleepovers with Sebastian and Ominis were the only thing I looked forward to when it came to the holiday season. Not the empty halls or the feast Hogwarts gave the students who stayed at the school instead of where they live. That's why looking at Sebastian's gift he told me to wait until today had me even more confused.

"Why would he buy me a nightgown?" I asked out loud, muttering to myself while lifting the dainty piece of clothing.

It was pure white with the waist cinched and lace on the bottom of it. A blue ribbon formed a loose, but cute bow in the front. It didn't even cover my knees. This was the type of clothing women of the night wore. Why in Merlin's beard would Sebastian buy this for me? I couldn't possibly wear something like this! Maybe... maybe he didn't know what it was exactly. And it would be rude not to wear something he specifically told me to wear.

I sighed, giving in and wearing it. Looking at myself in the mirror, I hated how cute I actually looked in this. Throwing on my school robe over the nightgown in case there were still students or staff wandering the campus, I grabbed both of their perfectly wrapped presents and began the walk to the Undercroft. The castle was silent and dark with not even the moon's rays providing light. Only the candles on the castle walls that were about to flicker out.

Once I entered the gate, a scene unlike any other was in front of me. All of the barrels and boxes had been moved to the back of the room. Just as Ominis had explained during our trip in Hogsmeade, a bed that had been clearly conjured was in the center of the room. Not an ordinary bed like what I imagined though. A bed so magnificent, not even King George V would dare to rest his head on one of the pillows. The bed was clearly the spotlight with candles surrounding it.

The bed post was made of pure wood with each of the posts having thick golden swirls going up. Sheer curtains as dark as the shade of blood hung on the sides, making it extremely difficult to see past them. I was about to call out for both Sebastian and Ominis when my robe threw itself off of me, tossing it to the side like trash. Blood flushed to my cheeks, making me feel embarrassed to the point of trying to cover myself with my hands but a tsking sound came.

"I thought I told you to wear the gown. Only the gown." From around one of the stone columns that held up the room came Sebastian, only in his trousers. I couldn't even defend myself before I saw Ominis come out of the other stone column, also only wearing trousers.

"What do you two think you're doing?" I asked out loud, now more confused than ever.

Even in the past Christmas sleepovers, they had worn full pajama sets. What was in front of me was something I had never witnessed before... at least not with both of them in the room. Both Ominis and Sebastian began circling me like I was a sheep and they were the two wolves. Hungry. Ready to pounce and take their meal. Once they stopped, it was Ominis in front and Sebastian behind me.

"Giving you your Christmas gift darling." Ominis answered innocently despite every inch of his body saying otherwise.

Sebastian's hand quickly came around my throat, lifting my head up to pay attention to him before he slammed lips onto mine. Ominis attacked. his lips on my neck but his hand gripping my waist to pull himself in closer. Every second, I could feel them both grow against me. Was I really about to do this? My brain screamed at me to stop, knowing if I continue it would only make the decision much harder. Every other inch of my body was holding a blade at my throat, demanding not even to think about stopping this. They may have been hungry... but I was starving.

Ominis stopped, taking my hand and leading me towards the bed. I hadn't even noticed until now that the stone floor had various colored petals, leading me to where all of this was going to take place. Once both boys opened the curtains, I could see the giant bed had the most luxurious looking bedding on it. A quilt only a tad bit softer than the shade of the curtains. At least six to seven pillows on the giant bed that were about to get thrown off in any second. Ominis climbed up onto the bed, already starting to loosen his trousers.

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