Chapter Eighteen- Alone and Defiant

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It had been many weeks since I had spoken to anyone. I kept my head down, I did my schoolwork, and I took my meals to the room of requirement. I was tired of just being useful- a weapon for the wizards in the goblin rebellion, the sidekick in taking down Harlow, and the person who can take torture. I know I should be spending time with my friends by playing in the snow or even drinking hot chocolate but I just didn't find a reason to be happy anymore.

I was a weapon- that's it. Not anymore though. I won't allow myself to be like that any longer. Even Fig has been using me without me realizing until yesterday. I just wanted to be normal and wanted to be happy. I started making my walk towards the room of requirement when I heard a familiar voice call out my name. I spun around to see the two people I least wanted to see- Lavina and Lenora.

"You know, you've been making a fool out of me recently. Time and time again, I've been a running joke but that ends now. I may be a Hufflepuff but I'm also a pure blood meaning I have connections to certain things- certain information." Lavina threatened, each word taking a step forward to me.

"What information do you have access to Lavina? Spit it out or-"

"Jacob Druidport" I could feel my body run cold and my blood turn to ice. Any color on my body faded away. My eyes widened, ensuring Lavina had the right information. "How would our classmates feel knowing you're a half blood of a famous dark wizard- but also murdered him?"

"It was self defense Lavina. You don't know what you're saying so let me make this loud and clear- back off. If you tell anyone about this, you'll regret it." Slamming my shoulder against hers, I made my way down the halls. I couldn't even enjoy going to the one place meant for me anymore.

I began to zone out and just let my feet lead the way. Thoughts of that day ran through my head at the speed of light. His evil smirk, his sand blonde hair, even the way his tacky fur coat flew off as the blast went forward.

"Merlina!" A yank on my arm brought back my attention to reality. I went from the astronomy tower to the DATDA corridor and was being dragged by Ominis into the undercroft.

"Ominis! Let me-" I started, trying to pull his arm off but he pulled me in closer to him. His face has never looked so serious as his eyebrows were practically one with how close they were and his chin puffed out slightly.

"No. We need to talk." With a light push, I entered the undercroft with no one in sight. The gate closed behind Ominis, causing a loud clang I had never really noticed until today. "I want to talk about you."

"...What?" I asked, confused.

"Professor Fig told me about your mother's death. After the scriptorium, I noticed you're always there for Sebastian and I whenever we call but you don't have anyone to talk to. Then I overheard Lavina and Lenora's conversation on them looking for you and-"

I fell to my knees, tears streaming down my face. I would never wish blindness on anyone but was I ever so glad he couldn't see the river running down my face. He slowly approached me, kneeling down and buried my face into his chest. I never wanted to look weak- especially in front of him. He held me tightly, rubbing my back with one hand and my head with the other. It wasn't until twenty minutes after crying I was finally able to calm myself down.

"I did it you know... I murdered my father."

"From what Professor Fig told me, it was self defense. If you don't mind me asking though- what happened?" Ominis asked. How could I not tell him after he told me all about his family? I sighed, wiping away the last bit of tears.

"My father's name was Jacob Druidport. He was a dark wizard in America and who's parents worked for MACUSA, or the Magical Congress of the United States of America. There's a law that enforced muggles and wizards not to interact. They're not supposed to know of anything that could relate to magic.

"Well my father met my mother, Eliza Wood, and apparently decided they were meant to be. He kidnapped her and kept drugging her with amortentia. He took her to Massachusetts where he had a home for him and his gang to continue to work and commit horrid crimes. His own parents raided the house with other officers to discover my mother was obviously pregnant. After keeping her secluded to give birth and let her get over the potion, they worked with the ministry to get my mother and I in a safe place which apparently meant London."

"Oh wow..." Ominis muttered out, completely shocked by the tale.

"They told my mother he had been executed but he arrived at our flat last April. I didn't even know of magic or that magic existed until he came. I was getting home from school when I watched him perform the killing curse on her. Something happened I'm still unsure of... I casted something like depulso on him, making him fall out of the window and onto the concrete below. The Ministry came, explained the entire situation, and then Fig entered the room to change my entire world. I spent the summer not only learning magic but also mourning my mother."

I looked at Ominis, expecting him to go off or to say it was my fault. He didn't though- surprisingly he just smiled and rested his hand on my shoulder.

"Merlina, I don't say this very often but you are one of the greatest people I know. You are one of the few I completely put my trust in. So when I say this, I want you to know that you didn't murder your father. You didn't go after him with intent to hurt him. I know you and you are destined for something great."

"Ominis- let me ask you something... If you were able to tap into a sort of greater magic, and knew that with it, you could stop very bad people from doing bad things, would you do it? Even if you were scared and felt alone?"

"Of course I would because I know at the end of the day, I wouldn't be alone and that I shouldn't be scared. I would have you and Sebastian. But I'm assuming you're asking because it's you that can which if that's the case, you're anything but alone. You have Poppy and Natsai don't you? You definitely have Sebastian and Professor Fig but most importantly- you have me. No matter what situation we may be in at that moment, you'll always have me." Ominis stated softly, moving his hand from my shoulder to my face, running his thumb on my cheek.

"Thank you Ominis. I..I need to go but I'm going to explain everything to you tomorrow!" Before I could give a proper goodbye, I stood up and ran out of the undercroft to the map chamber. I was ready to complete the second trial.

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