Chapter Fifty-Eight- Shattered Hearts

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Garreth seemed to become an official member of our group as he was now sitting at the Hufflepuff table with Poppy giggling and whispering. It was a truly rare and weird sight to see a ginger sitting next to Ominis and Sebastian next to me. At this point, I wasn't even sure why they had house tables if sitting with your house wasn't mandatory. Ominis and Sebastian were talking about the competition and arguing on whether Sebastian would have been able to have Slytherin win if it was him instead of Edward competing against me.

Since I had left early after the last challenge, I found that Edward had actually gotten last place but only because Hugh saved more beasts. The next competition was next month and we had one month to train for bravery whatever that meant. In total, Slytherin was at 1100 points, Ravenclaw 1500, Gryffindor 800, and Hufflepuff in the lead with 1700 thanks to me. I glanced back down at my new scar thanks to Morgana and a new bit of fury had kicked into me. I needed to get my priorities back in order.

"Love, are you alright?" Sebastian whispered. I looked up and everyone, including Ominis who couldn't even see me, were staring. I saw a single tear drop fall from my cheek and onto the table. I hadn't even realised I was crying. They probably thought I was sad but these were anything but tears of sadness. They were tears of anger. That I was weak in that moment and weak enough to let it happen to me.

"Yes! I uh- I need to go to class. I'll see you all in a bit." I rushed myself, wiping away the tears and grabbing my potions textbook. I knew class didn't start for another hour but I needed to speak with Professor Sharp. Although I liked the other teachers here and one could argue I should put my faith in them, the only one I could fully trust was him. Professor Fig trusted him with information on Ranrok and time and time again, he's pulled me out of dangerous situations. If anyone could be trusted with the truth that I was even keeping from my own friends, it's him.


I knocked on the door to see Professor Sharp writing away at something. When he saw me, he smiled and set the quill down, grabbing his cane and getting up. He glanced up at the grandfather clock next to his desk and saw the time was still early for class to have even began.

"Ms. Wood! I'm assuming you're not here to prepare for class early?"

"No sir. I was hoping to talk to you about the new scar I have and who has done it. I also ask that once I've told you, you do not speak a word about it to anyone including any staff, student, or Ministry worker." I requested, finally entering the classroom and setting my book down in the usual station I worked at.

I could see a subtle surprised look cross Professor Sharp's face but he still agreed. After running and closing the classroom door, I began to spill out every bit of information out of my mouth. I began telling him about the ancient magic, the repository that led Ranrok here last year, the fact that Albion and Morgana are the only two confirmed people we have that know about it from Rookwood and are working together. The more I told him, the more focused his face became. Everything was starting to make more sense to him and I could tell he was putting puzzle pieces together.

"You see sir, since you used to be an auror, I was hoping you could help me. Train me to be like an auror so I may have a fighting chance. If there are spells or potions I haven't mastered yet, I would like to ask you teach me outside of school hours. You can pick the location and the speed of your teachings but I feel I must start learning them immediately." I explained. He looked to the ground as if trying to figure out what answer he should give me.

"You made a good case Ms. Wood. Meet me in here after dinner and we'll start working on the basics of concealment. I do have to let staff know that I'm working with you but we'll claim it's for Headmaster Black's competition just to take precaution. I do have one question though- Do you think Professor Avery also knows of Morgana's actions?" Professor Sharp asked.

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