Chapter Fourteen- "Sick"

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For the last three days, I had barely been able to get out of bed. Since learning of what happened between Ominis and Anne, I felt like a pit of my stomach was missing. I wasn't hungry. I wasn't thirsty. I was just... there.

I have never been the type to let boys get to me like this or even anything really emotional. Knowing the sacrifices Anne was making for him and that he was still trying to see her, I couldn't put myself in between that. That, to me, sounded of true love.

"Merlina... how are we feeling today?" Poppy's faint voice asked as she rubbed my back. I glanced at the wooden clock next to her bed that could very well be taller than Professor Sharp to see it was already six in the evening. "The nurse is here to see you. Professor Fig was worried about you and so he asked her to come by and have me let her in."

"Tell her to leave. I'm not in the mood to be lectured." I demanded, barely getting the words out of my throat.

"That will be for me to decide."  Nurse Blainey shouted from what I could assume was the doorway. She sent Poppy off and with a flick of her wand, she sat me up on my own bed. "Now while walking here, Ms.Poppy says you haven't been speaking to anyone or even leaving this bed to take care of basic necessities. Is that correct?"

I nodded my head and could barely keep my eyes open.

"I will need you to strip into your undergarments. You're looking quite pale and..." her eyes trailed off to my arms with the red spots forming on them. With little resistance from me, she shoved my night gown sleeve up and even a mark I had never seen before had formed on my arms.

"By Merlin's beard... when were you around devils snare? This is the worst case of it I have ever seen! And did you cast a fire spell on it?! I need to take you to the hospital wing immediately." Something was actually wrong with me? Suppose I can't be too shocked that the one time I pretend to be sick so I won't have to deal with my emotions or seeing Ominis I actually have something wrong.


The hospital wing was as clean as ever with its white walls and white floors. Unlike last time, I was alone. Nurse Blainey had me strip into my undergarments to look at what apparently was the 'worst bruising and burning combination she had ever seen.'

"Stay right here Ms.Wood. I'm going to get some healing bandages and potions ready. For now, you are alright to put your night gown back on and lay on the bed. I'll try to be as quick as I can be." She ran off into her office and there I was, resuming my emotionless face and staring at the clock swing.

Left.... right... left... right... For what felt like hours I watched it swing until I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turned and there was Poppy, Ominis, and Sebastian. Ominis was holding a bouquet of random flowers probably stolen from Professor Garlick's personal garden.

"Poppy told us you were here... what happened?" Ominis asked, softly and setting the flowers down next to me.

"I ran into some devils snare and attempted to get it off using confringo... I'm not really sure what's going on but Nurse Blainey is getting some stuff together to try and cure it." I informed. A glance at Sebastian and I could see his eyes start to water. "I want to say it's no one's fault though. Just in case they thought it was."

Poppy, catching me look at Sebastian, could catch on perfectly but remained silent. As if reading my mind on wishing Sebastian didn't have to see this, she dragged him away to have him help her with something. Now I was left alone with one of the only people I didn't want to see right now- Ominis. He sat on the side of the bed and placed his hand in mine, gripping it tight enough to make sure I couldn't let go but not enough to hurt.

"Merlina... try to stop ending up in here. I get so worried and-"

"I know about you and Anne." I blurted out. I'm not sure what came over me. Jealousy? Confusion? He looked just as shocked I said something but sighed in defeat.

"Yes, Anne and I do have a history. Is that why you've been in bed instead of getting help for this? Poppy said you've been laying there without saying a word."

"Yes..." I admitted. He sighed once more and used both hands to grip on top of mine. Although I knew he couldn't see, he was looking me directly in the eyes.

"Yes, I was with Anne for two years. She became cursed and asked to stop seeing one another because she didn't want me to see her like that. The truth is... I'm not as affected by it as I thought I would be. Do not mistake me, I am saddened by the idea of Anne not existing. I feel as if though, if I was truly in love with her, my heart would break over this."

"Ominis... can I ask you something?"

"Besides the details of a previous and so far only relationship I've ever had? Please do." He agreed, a chuckle escaping at his own joke.

"How do you know how to cast magic on targets, walk around school without bumping into many things, or even just see the wand movements for the spells?" His smile faded into a serious face.

"Well... people assume I only see darkness all day and night but that's not true. I can see my wand light but everything around me is just an extreme blur. Colors tend to mix together to the point it almost makes one color. The red blinking light on my wand though helps me use it as a sort of walking stick." I had never been so fascinated by him until this moment. He walks through the world not able to see the stars, the trees, the flowers, or even appreciate the views the world gives.

"Ominis Guant! You leave right this instant young sir! There is no reason why a young man and woman should be alone!" Nurse Blainey shouted, holding a weaved basket full of cloth bandages and a large bottle of purple liquid. He kissed my hands and winked, then left us to start the healing process.

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