Chapter Ninty-Four- Act Your Age

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The snow was starting to blanket the ground outside and students walking around in their winter robes. Even though we were able to stop one of the auctions, students were still going missing. Perhaps that was one of the reasons Professor Weasley had called each one of my friends to her office. To scold us or even ask for help.

Sebastian and I walked side by side in silence. Professor Sharp and Sebastian both explained it to me that he was acting as a spy to get information from Morgana. I've long since forgiven him but it felt almost awkward between us now. At least he helped kill Albion. We opened the door into Professor Weasley's Transfiguration classroom and inside were all of our friends, Professors Sharp and Weasley, and...

"Minister Spavin? What are you doing here?" I asked, completely forgetting my manners.

"Ms. Wood!" Professor Weasley shouted, already starting to scold but Minister Spavin just laughed like the crazy old man he is.

"I'm here to tell you all that at the end of Winter Break, you will each take your NEWTS and graduate early. Clearly the Ministry is in need of future aurors such as yourself if you're willing to fight the battle that is currently in front of us." He informed, smiling.

"I already told Professor Weasley that I wanted to graduate-"

"With your friends. Yes I heard Ms. Wood. If all of you are graduating early, nothing is holding you back is it?"

Clearly he was doing this just to get me to be an auror even though I wanted anything but. I don't care about honor or anything like that. I just wanted a life where I wasn't having to look over my shoulder every five seconds. Each of my friends whispered, smiling. They wanted this... who was I to deny them?

"Very well. I suppose we will take our NEWTS early then." I accepted before turning my back and walking right out of the classroom.

I knew I was being a little over dramatic but I didn't give a shit. I was seventeen years old and already have the stress and grey hairs to make me look thirty. Why would I want to add even more stress to my life and become a goddamn auror? Once in the courtyard, I saw the faces of two familiar first years laying on the ground and laughing, enjoying the snow. I walked over to both Albus and Elphias making snow angels.

"Hey you two... how have you guys been?" I asked as kind as I could, a small smile on my face.

"Better than you look." Albus joked, showing a goofy grin on his face.

"Yeah? Mind if I join you then?"

I didn't give either boys the chance to deny my request. I just plopped onto the cold snow already nipping at my skin and started to flap my arms like a bird. I could hear both Gryffindor boys laughing hard, doing the same as me. After a moment or two, Ominis' face hovered over mine with the same smile Albus had worn.

"And what are you doing?" He asked, trying to sound and look like he was judging me but I knew he was more than envious.

"Having fun. You should try it sometime. It's a quite enjoyable thing."

"Sarcasm is my department Merlina. Fun is yours."

I stood up and there he was, looking down at me with a smile. He could actually see me now. Nobody but Professor Sharp and I knew but it was more than obvious. Obvious and yet... terrifying.

"Ominis... come with me." I demanded, not even giving him a choice.

I grabbed ahold of his hand, leading him to the Undercroft. A place Sebastian, Ominis, and I hadn't been in for a hot minute because of everything going on with the Puppeteer and Morgana. By the time we had gotten there, the place was even more dusty than usual. I could hear Ominis' quiet gasp. I suppose it was the first time he had seen it since gaining vision. I finally let go of him to let him wander, admiring everything around while I stood against one of the stone columns.

"I always imagined this place... better. Less dusty too." Ominis joked, chuckling at his own humor. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Us! I mean... When you saw me for the first time, did I look how you imagined?" I asked, unable to look at him.

Imagine the irony he would feel if he saw Morgana and I. Thinking that Morgana was prettier and better. Regretting to cut off his engagement from last year for a halfblood like me. He walked over to me, confused but with a smile.

"Well, to a certain extent. I always imagined you with some sort of bruises and scars because of your hobbies. I didn't imagine you bleeding out though or-"

"Ominis! You know what I mean."

"Merlina," Ominis walked closer to me, putting one hand against the wall by my head and the other hand on my cheek. "You're even more magnificent than how I imagined."

Something about the position reminded me of the night Ominis and I had met. So much had changed since then. Back then, I thought Ranrok was my biggest worry. Professor Fig was still alive. Hell, Sebastian was still somewhat innocent.

"Since when the hell can you see?!" Sebastian shouted from the gate.

Ominis and I separated and turned our attention to the angered Sallow. His hands were balled into fists and his eyebrows furrowed. Even from here, I could see him grinding his teeth against one another. Was he angry about us not telling him or about Ominis having vision in general?

"Professor Sharp told Merlina and I it would have been best if nobody knew so we could use it to our advantage." Ominis explained but appearing unaffected by Sebastian's clear anger.

"So you thought to keep that from your best friend?"

"You and I are best friends? It hasn't appeared that way for quite some time."

"If it hasn't, it's your fault. Not mine!"

"Both of you stop it!" I shouted, standing in between both of them.

Did I do this? Did my selfish desires cause this drift between a bond that was once so strong, glass would shatter if it came anywhere near it? It must have... nothing else I could think of would cause this.

"You two have been friends since first sight. Brothers even! Do not let... me get in the way of that. You two stay down here and figure it out." I shouted, barely able to get the word 'me' out. It tasted like poison on the tip of my tongue.

I stormed off, leaving them both calling my name but I didn't plan on turning my back. I loved both of them but perhaps there was something deeper in Aruna Potter's vision. She said my heart couldn't take the pain of being separated any longer but maybe it wasn't me that was feeling the pain. It was Sebastian and Ominis.

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