Chapter Thirty-Five- A Life Taken

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I landed on the outskirts of the tomb to already see Anne and Ominis both... hugging. She was crying into his chest as he held her tightly, the same way he holds me. I knew right now wasn't the time but jealousy was starting to fill me. I ran over to them, overhearing their conversation.

"Sebastian has gone too far Ominis. You saw what lies in that catacomb! I... I cannot stay here." Anne pushed away from Ominis, wiping her tears before seeing me standing there.

"Wait Anne! Please." Ominis begged.

"Ominis, he was willing to put the entire hamlet and himself in danger for a chance that the relic could heal me. I'm sorry Ominis." Before Anne left, she turned to me and grabbed onto my hands. "I know you had nothing to do with this. Sebastian cares for you dearly if you aren't aware. Make sure he's alright, will you?"

I nodded my head as she smiled faintly, removing her hands from mine and starting the run back to the hamlet. I turned my attention to Ominis who looked furious at me.

"You swore you wouldn't let Sebastian take this one step further Merlina. I trusted you and yet here we are." Ominis scolded. Was he actually trying to blame this on me?

"He wouldn't listen to reason Ominis! You know I'm on your side when it comes to the dark arts so why are you blaming this on me?!" He sighed, pressing his thumb and middle finger against his temples to apply pressure.

"You're right... I'm sorry. I should have stopped him before. Sebastian's in real trouble now. I'm going back into the catacomb and-"

"No you're not. Anne's right that the entire hamlet is in danger. Go to her... be by her side. I'll deal with Sebastian on my own." I couldn't even look at Ominis. He apologized but I know that he still blames me. I could hear him call out my name as I entered the tomb but I wasn't going to turn back.

Whatever he had to say now was not important to me any longer. I didn't care what he had to say or what warnings he might have given. I hadn't even taken ten steps in though when the first inferi came from the ground. We had already defeated this tomb and there were spiders- no inferi. Where did those come from?

The relic! The carvings on the sides of it, holding up the top of the pyramid were inferi. Sebastian must have learned to control them and conjure them to fight his enemies. Whether he knew they were fighting me or not, I didn't care. Wave after wave of inferi attacked me every step I took but each time they were set to sleep once more.

I finally entered an already made stairway of human bones. Even from a lower ground, I could see Sebastian had inferi surrounding him, acting as a group of knights. I took the steps up and the minute Sebastian saw me, he lit up. He was proud of what he was doing... which was terrifying.

"Love! Isn't this incredible?!" Sebastian asked, pointing at the inferi next to him. He waved his hand in front of it and everything to prove that he was controlling them. "I told you! The relic is the answer! I've been trying to reverse the dark magic when I should have been controlling it. Like I've controlled these!"

"Control Sebastian? I had to fight my way here. I won't lie... you're scaring me." I admitted. Before a response could be given though, one of the inferi by Sebastian was struck with a fire spell. No other than Solomon was standing there, rage blinding him.

"What have you done boy? Accio relic!"

The relic was taken out of Sebastian's hand and placed into Solomon's, resulting in him destroying the tiny pyramid. Sebastian was too focused on Solomon to even realize that the inferi he was once controlling were now free and already starting to make their way to us.

"You're going to pay for that!" Sebastian shouted. Him and Solomon began fighting, dueling spell after spell while I fought off the inferi all by myself. I knew Sebastian wanted to help his sister but was he really so blind to not realize these inferi could danger her more than anything?

Still, after what felt like forever, I was finally able to defeat the inferi. Solomon and Sebastian were still fighting and Sebastian was obviously losing. Something in me screamed I needed to protect him, and so I did. Using my ancient magic, I rose Solomon up in the air and slammed him multiple times into the ground, till the point his body formed a hole in it.

"Both of you need to stop this before it gets worse!" I shouted but neither were listening to me. Sebastian could barely stand and Solomon was gripping at his side, one of ribs bound to be broken. They were both too blinded by rage to even see rationally.

"She cannot be healed Sebastian! You must stop!" Solomon shouted, ignoring the words that had just escaped my mouth.

"I won't let her suffer! I won't let anyone I love suffer! Avada kevada!"

Solomon's body laid cold on the ground, the life fleeting from his eyes. Sebastian dropped his wand, looking at me with shocked eyes, as if asking what he had just done. I couldn't help myself but cover my mouth in disbelief. Did... did Sebastian actually just murder his uncle?

Anne, who seemingly appeared from thin air, shouted at Sebastian what he had just done. Casting depulso to push him against the wall, she ran over to her uncle's body. A look I had done myself when I saw Professor Fig die flashed her face. Their father figure had just died in front of her. Tears streamed down her face as she stood, destroying the book that would have saved her from her fate.

"You made your choice Sebastian... let me make mine for once." She gripped her stomach in pain but still stumbled over to her uncle's corpse and aparated with it.

I ran over to Sebastian, trying to help him up but he pushed my hand away. Using the wall as support, he finally stood on his own and began the fastest run I had ever seen him do towards the exit. I chased after him, calling his name out, but to no acknowledgement. He just kept running until we had reached sunlight when he finally halted. When he spun around, I could see the tears that threatened to exit his eyes as he asked what was so important that I wouldn't leave him alone.

"Why didn't you stop? I was calling after you."

"Anne won't survive this. She's withering away- inside and out. Solomon's never been there for us- not really. He gave up on Anne. I never would have done that." Sebastian rambled excuses, clearly traumatized by the actions that just took place. "I- I had to use the killing curse. He was attacking us."

"Sebastian... no one should know that curse." I muttered, not even looking in his eyes. I couldn't.

"I can't stay here. I need to find Ominis. Let's meet after the first OWL in the Undercroft tomorrow." Just like that, Sebastian left to Hogwarts to find his best friend.

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