Chapter Forty-One- Happy Fiance, On Pain (Ominis POV)

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As I placed the letter in the talons of my owl, I could finally let out a relieved sigh. Even blind, I could tell the trees around us were thin and long, making what should have been a beautiful day in the sun a dark one. I could only hope the letter would get to Merlina in time, explaining what I could before that damn paper does. I heard a branch behind me break, forcing me to turn with my wand at the ready. Deep laughter filled the air, coming from one of my older brothers in a mocking tone.

"Who was that letter to Ominis? Do I need to tell father you're still attempting to send love letters to that mudblood?" My older brother, Marvolo, asking in parseltongue. Anytime the Averys were around, my entire family purposely spoke in the language of the snake as if to act more superior. They didn't even realize that the Averys only agreed to this arrangement because they want descendants of Salazar Slytherin. That's all any of the Pure Twenty-Eight want.

"You shut your damn mouth Marvolo. She's not a muggle-born and she's done more than you ever will in your life." I spat out.

I was sure Headmaster Black was the 'anonymous' tip to clue my father in on my activities from last school year. Hearing that Merlina and I had become close must have finally ticked my father off, as I received word a few days before school ended that I was to be married to Morgana Avery.

"What did you say to him you muggle-fucking freak?" My eldest brother, Grimm, asked as he spit on the ground as if to intimidate me. I couldn't help but laugh but before I could get another word in, my father, Arcturus Gaunt called out my name. I started to walk towards the wooden door when Grimm smacked my wand out of my hand. Bending down to pick it up, Marvolo kicked me from behind and making me land in the dirt with my wand. I couldn't even defend myself as they laughed in unison like creepy twins.

"Boys! Go find your sister and tell her to hurry up!" My father demanded. They both began to try and argue with my dad but he didn't waste a second to cast crucio on them both, making them grunt in pain. "Now come on and get up Ominis. The Averys are waiting for you."

I could barely even think of a life without Merlina but a life with the snobby brat of Morgana Avery sounded like something Death would create as a punishment specifically for me. She made Lavina look like a saint as I knew majority of the things Lavina did were conjured up by Morgana, including bullying Merlina. I knew this because Morgana did the exact same thing to Anne when we were younger since Anne had apparently 'taken' me from her, despite never being promised to her until a few months ago.

I entered into the shack that although I luckily couldn't see, always smelled like sweaty socks and mold. Why the Averys would put up with these smells just for a descendent could leave anyone baffled. I hadn't even taken two steps when my father smacked me by the side of my head, making me almost loose balance.

"I don't care whether or not that Wood girl has the biggest rack or the biggest sack of galleons. She is not pure. I'm only allowing you to marry outside of the family because no Gaunt woman wants to be married to a blind kid who needs help on where to stick it. These Averys have good money and are completely pure. You will marry this girl and forget about this Merlina one. Do you understand boy?" My father spoke in parseltongue, spitting almost every word on my face. Reluctantly, I nodded my head yes in following his demands.

I wish I had gotten the nerve to ask Merlina to marry me before we got off the train. I let my anger and jealousy lead me though as Sebastian bragged to anyone who would listen about spending the summer with Merlina. He knew what he was doing. If I had just asked her, I wouldn't be in this position. Instead, Sebastian is probably getting his way with her as we speak and I'm stuck with the nuisance of the snake people.

I could hear my father's footsteps start to walk away and in the direction of his office, which of course I followed. As soon as the wooden door pushed open, three scents and breathing patterns could be heard. Two familiar ones, being Edward sitting by the door, and Morgana, sitting in the chair in front of my father's desk. The unfamiliar one was the pacing in front of the only bookshelf of who I could assume be their father. I took the seat next to Morgana as my father made his way around the desk and sat down. Anticipation killed me as the only thing interrupting silence was my father's prized ring hitting the desk every time his fingers came in contact with the wooden table.

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