Chapter Forty-Five- First Day of Class

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The first breakfast given to us was usually the best one with pancakes, fruit, and oatmeal as options. Jugs of milk and various juices would be passed around until everyone's cups are filled. Professor Garlick was going down the table, handing out schedules to every Hufflepuff while we stuffed our faces. Poppy and I were sitting to the end of the long wooden table by ourselves before Ominis and Sebastian came to join us. Although they quietly fought over who could sit next to me, Sebastian ended up loosing and making his way around the table to Poppy.

"What do you think you're doing? You do know your wife's father is twenty feet away from us, correct?" I whispered to Ominis, wondering if he had suddenly gone mad in the last twelve hours.

"Fiancé- not wife. I can only put up with so much from her and her annoying, shrieking voice. How does someone talk like that and not make their own eardrums bleed?" Ominis complained while grabbing a chunk of pear and shoving it in his mouth.

"The minute we woke up, she started screeching at Ominis like a Banshee of all the times he needed to walk her to class." Sebastian explained, clearly annoyed as well.

Professor Garlick, wearing her usual red braids and green attire handed both Poppy and I put schedules. From the looks of it, I only had one class with Poppy- Advanced Beasts. Unsurprisingly, I shared the most classes with Ominis and Sebastian, as two were with Sebastian and two were with Ominis. The only two classes not shared with them were Professor Sharp's and Beasts with Poppy. Poppy and I both thanked Professor Garlick before she made her way over the table with Professor Weasley.

"Surely she can't be-" Poppy tried to continue the conversation until a shrieking noise appeared beside us.

"Omi! What are you doing sitting over here?!" Morgana shouted, appearing out of nowhere and interrupting Poppy from defending her. Ominis sighed and slammed his eyes into the bottom of his palms and Sebastian slammed both his hands over his ears simultaneously. "Are you trying to steal my Omi Wood?! He's mine and you're just going to have to accept that."

"Why are you so threatened by me Morgana? It is literally 7:30 in the morning and you're yelling for no apparent reason. I can promise you that I have found another and have no intentions of trying to, as you worded it, 'steal your Omi.' I've lost my appetite so if you excuse me, I'll be leaving to... Advanced Potions." Her jaw hung to the ground, along with Ominis'. I had to check my schedule twice before even getting up though, just to make sure I had it right.

Based on the look that laid on Ominis' face, it was clear to see Sebastian wasn't being as truthful with his best friend as I was with mine about our summer actions. Ominis didn't bother to run after me and ask though as I left the Great Hall. No, it was Sebastian that was dragging me back into the stairway that would lead to the kitchens and the Hufflepuff common room. My back was lightly slammed against the bricked wall and his arm around my waist to pull himself closer into me.

"Did you really mean all that? That you... that you found someone new?" Sebastian asked, smirking down at me.

"I mean, I-I... I have to get to class Sebastian. We can talk about this later in the library, alright? And that doesn't mean pester me during class about it." I shoved his arm down and began taking the walk all the way to Professor Sharp's class.

Even with me continuing my walk, not even down the Grand Staircase, I could hear Sebastian shout the word 'date,' as if to announce to the entire school what had been going on between us.  I chose to ignore him with a smile and eye roll and continued all the way down until I was in the chilled dungeons and standing face to face with the scarred man.

Professor Sharp's classroom was empty, signaling I was the first, which wasn't too much of a surprise. I usually was when it came to his class specifically. He looked almost identical to last year, even keeping his stubble at the same length. It was almost as if he was frozen in time until school started back up again.

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