Chapter Seven- A Flight in the Night

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It had been a week since getting trapped in the closet with Ominis. I tried to avoid him every chance I got to sitting on opposite ends of the classrooms to walking a completely different routes to classes. How could I look at him the same way when all I keep remembering is the way his hand felt around my waist and how warm he felt against me? There were times I'd even leave meals right after sitting down because I could see him making his way over to me.

"Okay so it turns out you already popped all the balloons I blew up in the Quidditch Field. Why not hit the ones over by Hogsmeade Station?" Madam Kogawa instructed. The sun was already coming down but that didn't bother me one bit. Honestly, I preferred to fly at night and to roam the skies like a shooting star. I agreed and when I went down the stairs from her office, Poppy stood as if she was waiting for me.

"Merlina! Can I have just a moment of your time?"

"I can't talk right now Poppy. I need to do an assignment for Madam Kogawa. Wait here and when I get back, we can speak." I dismissed. Poppy stood there, slightly stunned, but I didn't stop. Without bothering to wait for another word, I hopped on the broom and flew in the direction of the bridge.

Even though I think I'm horrible at flying, I loved every single second of it. The wind pushing back, making my brunette wavy hair fly backwards. The views that would just take my breath away. Everything about it was marvelous. I hit the first balloon under the bridge, hearing the loud popping noise when I noticed two people on brooms heading directly for me.

I moved onto the next balloon, popping it when I realized it was two of Rookwood's poachers. I continued to try and finish the assignment until I was right above the station and one of the men knocked me off the broom. No matter how much I tried to cast protego, nothing prevented my arm and shoulder making impact with the ground.

"Well she doesn't look as scary now, does she?" One of the poachers shouted to the other, landing their brooms near me. Despite the agonizing pain that throbbed every few seconds, I still got back up and got out my wand. The two grown men laughed and woo'd in a mocking tone.

"Rookwood was right. You don't know when to stop. Your school is nowhere near you little girl. There's no one here to help you. You also fell from... I'd say, a good ten feet up in the air. That should have killed you if your arm didn't take all the damage." Unfortunately the poacher was right. I was not in fighting shape.

"Just come with us little girl so we can-"

"Bombarda!" I swished my wand and hit one of the poachers, making them both fly backwards and landed on their backs, directly on the train tracks. As best as I could, I held onto the broom and flew back towards Hogwarts. Shocks of pain surged through my arm as I held on the broom to fly, forcing myself to ignore it and grip the broom even tighter. As I approached Madam Kogawa's classroom, I tried to land the broom properly but it resulted in me rolling on the ground.

"Merlina?!" I turned my head and before closing my eyes, a figure was running towards me.


Waking up, I was in a whole new room I hadn't seen before. Beds were lined up with dividers placed in between them to give privacy. Directly across from me in another bed laid a first year Gryffindor with a cast on his leg. On my lap though was Ominis' arms and head as he peacefully snored away. Was he the one that rescued me? No... that couldn't be. How would he have seen me rolling off my broom?

I had so many questions that I almost forgot that my arm had been in a sling the entire time. With my free arm, I wiggled Ominis and started to whisper his name in attempts to wake him up. Nothing worked. Finally, a smack on the arm did the job as he shot up quickly and opened his eyes.

"Merlina? Are you finally awake?" He asked, yawning and stretching.

"Yes. Where am I?"

"The hospital wing. Sebastian saw you fall off your broom but he had to get to the Astronomy wing for some form of detention and asked if I would stay with you until you awoke. Why were you flying with a broken arm and shoulder?"

Damn... I had no clue that my shoulder was also broken. Sebastian as the hero though? That was someone I would have never expected. Not because he isn't capable but just because he's always busy with other girls. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of him making a huge scene while carrying me throughout the castle.

"Ominis... I'm going to tell you something only Natty and Sebastian know. It's the reason why Sebastian and I were attacked in Hogsmeade and the reason why we were being tracked." So I told him everything about Rookwood hunting me but not bringing up Ranrok. I couldn't bring myself to tell him about the rebellion. It wasn't fair to him to continue to get dragged into danger but I couldn't change everything about how he views the world.

"I see... is that why you've been avoiding me?"

"Yes..." I lied, hoping he wouldn't catch on to the truth. He just sighed and chuckled, rubbing his temples with his giant hand.

"Merlina... I wouldn't care whether you were able to take down gangs, befriending trolls, or even a mermaid. Your safety is all that matters to me. Let's get some sleep, okay?"

"Can you lay with me Ominis?" I moved over to the end of the bed to make room for him to climb in. With his hand around my waist, I couldn't help myself but to rest my head directly above his heartbeat and my hands on his chest.

"Good night Merlina. I hope you have the sweetest of dreams."

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