Chapter Thirty-Two- Follow the Hufflepuff (Ominis POV)

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It had been a week since Merlina disappeared and apparently, I was the last person to see her. She didn't even tell goodbye to Poppy or Sebastian. Just left. Rumors had gone around school of her tormenting local ashwinder and poacher camps like some sort of vigilante. Moments like these, I wish I had my eyesight and bravery. I would have found her days ago if I had but I was stuck. Stuck having to just wait for her to return- dead or alive.

Sebastian and I hadn't spoken in days since she left. He blames me... I know he does. He wasn't there though- feeling her pain as if it was a blanket covering her skin. She was not thinking straight and hadn't been since Professor Fig died. I couldn't help but blame myself as well. It was the early morning when a I could hear Sebastian finally clear his his throat and change his positioning on the bar, straightening his back.

"Mr. Guant, Mr. Sallow, could you both follow me?" I turned around and there was Professor Weasley standing right behind me. I nodded my head and stood, starting my walking to her classroom immediately.

Once we had finally made it to her office, I could tell I was standing in the middle by Poppy and Sebastian. Professor Weasley made her way to the seat behind her desk. We each stood there as she tapped her fingers against the table, probably eyeing us to see who would speak first.

"Professor Weasley, are we in trouble?" Poppy asked quietly. Even blind, I could tell she was gabbing one arm with the other and raising her shoulders in discomfort.

"No, Ms. Wood is. I know you three are close to her which means one of you probably know where she is. So tell me or else when she gets back, all four of you are going to sit in Professor Binn's classroom and listen to him ramble on about goblin rebellions while cleaning his tables." Professor Weasley demanded but none of us spoke.

"With all due respect, don't you think if we knew, we wouldn't be dragging her here? I've spent every moment of free time searching for her this past week Professor Weasley and she is still not here." Sebastian stated. I turned my head and widened my eyes, quite shocked he would put so much effort to find Merlina. I knew he cared for her the same way as I did but I didn't realize what extent until now.

"Very well... Headmaster Black has given me permission to let you three have the day off of schooling. If she's not here by curfew, along with the rest of you, I will have to write that she has dropped out of Hogwarts. Before you three leave on your mission, I'm sure this goes without saying that Ms. Wood is going through quite a rough time. She needs all the support she can get- even if she doesn't realize that her support is here." Professor Weasley dismissed us and we exited her classroom together, standing in the Transfiguration Courtyard.

"You two can stay here. I know neither of you care so I can get her on my own." Sebastian spat out. Before I could even speak, Poppy cleared her throat in preparation to speak.

"That's not true... I haven't looked because... because I know where she is." Poppy announced. I'm sure by her nervous chuckle, she could see both mine and Sebastian's anger.

"You knew this entire time Poppy and you haven't said anything?! Why not?! Explain yourself right now." I shouted. Usually Sebastian was the angry one between us but I felt as if steam was coming out of my ears. The entire courtyard became silent but I didn't care. How could she have known and not say anything in the first place?

"Perhaps... in a more secluded area? It's kind of a secret mission." Before Poppy could say anything else, I grabbed her hand and started dragging her to the Undercroft. The entire time, I could hear Sebastian trying to keep up with us and Poppy asking where I was taking her but I needed to know what was so important for Poppy to keep secret.

By the time we entered the Undercroft, both Sebastian and Poppy began shouting at the same time. Poppy asking about the Undercroft and Sebastian asking how I could show her the one place we shared with Merlina. It only took a glare to get them both to shut up.

"Explain Poppy. Now." I demanded, not willing to deal with all this extra bantering.

"Alright... Merlina and I have been communicating since she left. She doesn't want to put me in danger but come on... I'm that girl's only real friend. She and I are meeting tonight though for a really important thing. I'll explain to her that she needs to come back and surely she will." Poppy reiterated but didn't actually tell us anything. I tried to speak, even started the first sound of ridicule but Sebastian slammed his foot directly on top of mine.

"Oh I'm so sorry Ominis! Anyways Poppy, thank you for trusting us with that information! We'll leave you to it and hope your mission goes well with Merlina." Sebastian spoke for us. I tried to speak again but he slammed on my other foot this time. I was left groaning and hopping like a rabbit until the gate closed and Sebastian slapped my arm.

"Merlin's beard, Ominis! You would think the first stomp would be a hint enough to shut up. Now hurry up and get over it so we can follow Poppy!" Sebastian shouted like a scolding mother, which I thought that position was taken by Poppy.

The entire day we spent following Poppy around the school. She had even told Professor Weasley she would need a delayed curfew if she was to bring Merlina back, to which Professor Weasley agreed. I couldn't help but feel envious, knowing that if Sebastian and I asked for that Professor Weasley wouldn't have allowed even the thought of it.

It wasn't until night fall that Poppy left Hogwarts with us following close behind. How she didn't realize it was beyond me. Especially with how loud Sebastian and I were whispering to one another. Maybe she did know and just wanted to remain oblivious so if Merlina caught on, she could act shocked as well. We walked for what felt like hours until arriving at what Sebastian guessed was a tomb.

"This place definitely looks creepy. And she hasn't even noticed the giant spiders over there." I could hear Sebastian complain as we hid behind a wall that could crumble at any minute.

"What's with you and spiders?" I asked, glancing at him like I could really see him.

"They're just creepy. Six legs are too many legs if you ask me."

"Sebastian, they have eight legs."

Before he could even try to argue, I slammed my hand over his mouth. Fig nectar and vanilla was near us meaning Merlina was close. Her footsteps breaking branches beneath her boots and stepping on tiny rocks was all I could hear besides Sebastian's breathing.

"Merlina! There you are!" Poppy announced excited. Sebastian removed my hand and peeked over the wall, only able to mutter a single 'wow.'

"I got here as soon as I could." Merlina responded.

"How does she look?" I asked Sebastian, honestly afraid of the answer. If he told me she was looked her best, than I would feel selfish to try and bring her back to Hogwarts. If she said her worst, than I would feel terrible for not putting up more of a fight to make her stay.

"Like she hasn't slept in weeks... hold on they're walking. Let's go." We followed behind Merlina and Poppy until something sharp was pressed against my back. I could tell by the hardest swallow I had ever heard Sebastian do, he also had something pressed against his.

"What are you doing here?" A deep voice asked us.

"We're here to make sure Poppy and Merlina don't get hurt and- woah you're a centaur! I've never seen one of you guys in real life and I live in Feldcroft!" Sebastian explained, excited. Does he not pay attention in the History of Magic? How could be not be more terrified right now?

"Really eh? Let's ask them."

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