Chapter Fifty-Seven- Kind Helga

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The morning so far had been such a drag. Poppy, Sebastian, and Ominis were all clearly worried for my safety. Poppy had ran off to the Hufflepuff common room about twenty minutes ago to retrieve my snake statue while I got ready. Now Sebastian and Ominis were both talking and following me until I stopped directly in the middle of the hall and turned my attention to both of them.

"I understand you both care about me and are worried but I'm doing this challenge. Nothing is changing my mind." I pretty much shouted, just completely annoyed. They turned to one another, as if having a silent conversation through one another's brain.

"We're just worried considering Albion and Edward are competing. I know you say we don't have to worry about Edward but-"

"I swear that you two are being ridiculous. If either of them try to mess with me, I'll deal with it then. If I skip this challenge, Morgana will see it as a win. She isn't going to get to me just because she gave me scars." I interrupted Ominis.

As if saving me from a lecture that was already brewing, Poppy climbed up the stairs in her regular clothes, my broom, and the dinged up snake in hand. Heavy breaths escaped her and a little icing on the corner of her lip.

"Knock them... dead." Poppy encouraged while handing me the snake and broom. I grabbed them both from her hand and smiled before running into the Great Hall.

Students sat in their respected house tables and in front of each one stood their champion. It would appear although not late, but that I was the last one. The Great Hall went silent when they saw me enter through the doors as if already knowing what Morgana did. One thing about Hogwarts that's the same as the muggle schools is that word travels fast. I swallowed the spit forming in my mouth and held my head high as I walked to the front of the Great Hall. Even from the other end, I could see Edward smirking and crossing his arms. Albion, on the other hand, looked as if he just saw the dead rise again.

"Now that Ms. Wood is here with her snake, we can begin the challenge that represents Helga Hufflepuff!" Headmaster Black announced. Students cheered and from the corners of my eyes could see Sebastian, Ominis, and Poppy taking their seats in the Hufflepuff table. Headmaster Black was smiling from ear to ear until people started to quiet down so he could continue.

"Helga Hufflepuff believed in kindness no matter who- or what- you are. These students will represent that today by rescuing a beast. Both Professor Garlick and Professor Howin have been working together to collect four beasts. Each of your statues will turn into the beast you are meant to rescue!" With a flick of his wand, Headmaster Black changed each of the statues.

Edward received a Murtlap, Albion a Bowtruckle, Hugh an Occamy, and mine was... oh Merlin's beard. The golden snake had changed into a damn small Wampus Cat. I could admit I didn't know much about them besides them being from America and being one of the most dangerous beasts in the world. This is precisely the reason why I wanted to study to better prepare myself.

"Mr. Avery- you will find your Murtlap somewhere along the coast. Mr. Lockhart- A trip to Hogsmede will do you nicely. Mr. Crowdy- A nest of baby Occamys is in a poacher camp in the Forbidden Forest as it was stolen by us. Extra points will be rewarded if you collect each one. As for you Merlina- I mean Ms. Wood, your Wampus Cat has actually made its way to Hogsmede Station. Please be quick as we do not want it hypnotising any residents. You each have until the end of the day to bring your beast- alive- to receive your points. You may begin." Professor Garlick stated, releasing us into our challenges.

Like last time, I didn't waste a second for my competitors to catch up or leave first. I hopped onto my broom and flew away to Hogsmede Station to which even from a distance could see the beast. A fully grown cat with beautiful taupe and cream coloured fur with six legs had it's whiskers stretched out at least a three extra inches than a normal cougars. Grown adults ran away and toward the direction of Hogsmede but nothing bothered this cat, as it was just casually strolling down the tracks.

I landed behind one of the buildings where an old Merlin trial sat. Casting my disillusionment charm on myself, I could sneak up behind it. In theory if it doesn't see me, it can't cast it's hypnosis or even see me. At the end of the train station, it plopped down to the ground and yawned before resting it's eyes. Perhaps this would be easier than I thought it would be. Sure it was kind of cheating but I wasn't going to ever admit it. I snuck up to it and from my bag pulled out the virvarium jar I had been practicing with Professor Weasley. Although I would be unable to enter, it would still have a home until Professor Weasley could bring it to safety.

Although the jar itself was clear, you could see the exact copy of the mountain virvarium and a miniture Kristof walking around the bottle's surface. The fake sun hung in the sky perfectly with sparse clouds to make it seem more realistic to the beats. It's cork was thick, able to seal everything just right. As quick as one could be in a situation like this, I pulled the cork off the top of the bottle and like the bag does, wind started to suck the cat into the bottle. Once it was safe and secure, I shoved the cork back in the bottle and sealed it.

Just as I glanced up, I could see Albion on his broom flying back towards the castle. I grabbed my broom as well and although I knew I'd be in second place once more, I didn't care. Once Morgana and Albion see I was on his tail- they'll know I know. I lied and pretended that I couldn't remember who attacked me but I knew it wasn't just as a bullying technique. They were trying to scare me so I'd back down. They would learn today that nothing would make me weak to them.
I landed on the school grounds and entered the Great Hall for whispers to immediately rise.

"Look at Merlina!"
"Not even a scratch and she got the hardest beast."
"She deserves more points than all of them for it."

As I already said- I'm taking it to my grave that the wampus cat was sleeping when I got it. I approached the podium Headmaster Black stood at and could see the little Bowtruckle resting in Albion's cloak pocket. I could see Headmaster Black start his speech about how I needed the beast with me. As quick as I could, I pulled the bottle out of my bag and placed it calmly on the podium. Every teacher looking had a face of amazement peeking into the glass and seeing both the wampus cat and Kristof playing together.

"Merlina Wood comes second place! She gives Hufflepuff 300 points!!"

Cheers from Hufflepuff rose as Headmaster Black made his announcement with Poppy running up and hugging me from behind. In one hour, I made grabbing and trapping one of the most dangerous beasts in the world look like having tea with the king. I could see Albion and Morgana exchange looks and truthfully, I didn't blame their glances of horror. They were my next targets.

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