Chapter Sixty-Six- Goodbye Year Six

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I slowly opened my eyes to see I had yet again found myself in the hospital wing. Memories of everything that happened during the puzzle would have drowned me if not for the heartbeat of a special Gaunt being in my ears. I glanced up and he was already wearing a soft smile on his face as his fingers intertwined with mine. He was out of his robes and his tie loosened, along with his loafers off. I tried to speak but Ominis shushed me politely.

"Edward is fine. He got out of here this morning. Hufflepuff won with 3200 points in your pocket. You're alright now Merlina. You have been sleeping off your injuries for only a day." Ominis explained, whispering to calm my nerves. I could admit it helped a little bit.

I let out a sigh and glanced to the table, seeing the pocket watch still there along with my clothes. I didn't even notice the tight bandages around my head until now, glancing at my stained fingers.

"Was Hugh safe?" I asked, not looking up from my hands.

"Yeah and he's pissed. Apparently coming in second when everyone thought you'd be last isn't good enough for him. Also totally ignoring that Ravenclaw had no chance of winning since... well, since Albion."

Albion... I had almost forgotten about him. I still couldn't understand why he was murdered if he was working with Morgana and Professor Avery. And poor Edward... having to kill his own father. I don't know how much longer of this I can take. I sat up and slightly away from Ominis before pressing my face in between my palm and fingers. Was this to be my life for now? Fingers softly ran up and down my back, in a soothing manner, as if Ominis was trying to calm me.

"Ominis... will you please stay with Sebastian and I this summer?" I found myself asking out loud.

Ominis used his fingers to to pull my face to meet his where our lips could meet. In between the light pecks, I could feel his smile grow as he nodded and muttered the word yes. I needed this summer to be as relaxing as possible and I knew having two of my favorite people in the world would do just that.

Distantly, I could hear Edward speaking to the nurse and asking for me. As safely as I could, I stood up and ran to the end of my bed while calling out for his name. He was holding a bouquet of flowers and all bandaged up, looking as bad as I'm sure I look. Running up to me, a small smile was worn on his face. I met him half way, running and hugging him tightly.

"Hey Hufflepuff. How do you feel?"

"A lot better thanks to you saving my life twice. I owe you."

"Good. I might need your help in the near future." I took a few steps back, eyeing for answers from Edward who was not ready to give them up yet. "Later I shall explain. For now, rest and we'll talk once I know it's safe. Tell Gaunt I said hello."

Edward handed me the flowers and excused himself before walking off and out of the hospital wing. I started making my way back to my bed to find Ominis with both his robes and shoes on, adjusting his tie.

"Where are you going?" I asked, placing the delicate flowers on the bed nicely. I just wake up and he's already leaving?

"Poppy asked me to let her know when you're awake. I intend to keep my promise. Besides, the nurse doesn't like when I'm here behind the divider." He joked, making his way to me and placing a small kiss on my cheek. I watched him walk out of the hospital wing and past the nurse who gave him a side eyed look before rushing over to me.

Before the nurse could start yelling at me to get back into my bed or anything, Headmaster Black's son entered and cleared his throat. He was still in his Ministry uniform but his hair scruffy like he just woke up as well. Nurse Blainey rolled her eyes but just went back to her desk as he made his way to me.

"Hello Mr. Black. Are you returning to the Ministry?" I asked, grabbing the watch to give to him.

"I am after I receive... oh! Yes, that." He chuckled, seeing the watch in the palm of my hand. After grabbing it, he placed it in a pocket on the inside of his trench coat. "You know Ms. Wood, you would be an amazing auror. Should you ever wish that path, let me know. I will give the Ministry my word of recommendation."

"Thank you Mr. Black. I'd greatly appreciate that. I hope you have a grand summer."

"You as well Merlina."


I was exiting the Hospital Wing after having to wait in there for four hours just for her to tell me I can't leave yet. I was not going to spend my last day of school in the cold room being lectured YET AGAIN about how I need to be more safe. How she could expect this behavior from a Gryffindor but not from a Hufflepuff. Why was everyone almost second guessing me just because of the damn house I was in?

As I walked down the steps, I began unwrapping the bandages around my head. Although Nurse Blainey was calling out for me at the top of the stairs to come back before she calls Headmaster Black, I truly didn't care. I needed to get out of there and to find my friends. It should come to no surprise that right outside of the prefects bathroom, Sebastian and I almost ran into one another. Although he didn't wear his usual goofy smile or disappointment glances. Instead, he looked saddened.

"Sebastian? What's the matter?" I asked, completely ignoring whatever joking speech I was going to use.

"Merlina... we need to talk."

He grabbed my hand and led me out of the Faculty Tower and into the courtyard in front of where Crossed Wands take place. We were alone despite the sun being out and the air barely feeling humid. It wasn't hot due to the wind carrying the heat waves quicker than they could land. Usually I would try to shut out every moment to enjoy a simple one in this weather but something was telling me whatever Sebastian was about to say would be seriously important. I glanced at him to speak to which he inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"Professor Sharp offered for me to help him on an official Auror mission this summer so he can teach me everything he taught you so far. I haven't been completely honest... Morgana said her and her father were wanting to get a hold of the repository's magic so they could banish everyone that isn't apart of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. Muggles, muggleborns, and... and even halfbloods. Now that her father and Albion are dead- who knows what she's going to do next."

I knew I shouldn't be but I still couldn't be less than shocked at hearing all of this. They want to start a war... with the entire world pretty much. It's been proven that majority of wizarding families have at least one muggle in their gene pool. Suddenly everything made sense to me though.

"That's good thinking Sebastian. I'll work with Ominis too this summer so we can be prepared. If what you're saying is true... she's going to try and attack us again next year. She won't stop until her breath does." I spoke softly, glancing around as if the once empty courtyard suddenly became full of people.

"I didn't tell Poppy and Garreth yet but I have a feeling she will be working more on those hybrid plants. I know they're going to be together this summer too. I'll try to join you and Ominis the minute the mission ends, alright Merlina?"

I nodded my head and tackled Sebastian in a bear hug. He didn't waste a single moment to hug me back just as tight. We both knew this wasn't the end but we hugged like it was. He placed a kiss on the top of my forehead, leaving it for a few moments and inhaled the smell of my hair. I couldn't yell at him or blame him as I did the same with his chest. We finally separated and looked at one another directly in our eyes. His honey eyes glistened even more brightly with the sun hitting them.

"Let's go join the rest of our friends, yeah love?"

"That's a grand idea Sebastian."

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