Chapter Ninty-Two- Secrets and Truths (Sebastian POV)

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The entire classroom was filled with people but not students. Aurors from the Ministry. Teachers from various schools. Everyone all talking amongst themselves for the mission of saving as many people as we could from the Puppeteer. Ominis, Garreth, Poppy, and I were shoved into a corner, unsure of how to behave surrounded by real, experienced adults. The door swung open and in entered Edward- cautious as ever. Once the door slammed shut and Professor Sharp saw, he climbed his way onto the top of a potion station. The entire room went silent, waiting for his direction.

"I'm going to put this as clear as I can be. One of the Ministry's double spies uncovered that this 'Puppeteer' is doing an auction of muggleborns, muggles, and their supporters tonight. Another person on our side has uncovered their port key to apparate there. That person is one of the people that were recently taken and named Merlina Wood. Our mission is to go in, save as many people as we can, and also take as many hostages as possible. If we can't get the Puppeteer herself, we can get someone to talk long enough to give us her name." Professor Sharp explained. "Now Ms. Sweeting over in the corner has come up with a marvelous plan. I'll let her explain it."

Everyone turned their heads to us, awaiting for Poppy to speak. She was frozen with fear before quickly clearing her throat and taking Professor Sharp's lead, standing up on a chair instead of a table.

"We have multiple people who come from pureblood families. Specifically the Sacred Twenty-Eight. Ominis Guant, Garreth Weasley, Edward Avery, Jamie and Rosie Yaxley, and Mary Slughorn. These six will have the highest possibility of infiltration. Sebastian Sallow, Professor Sharp, a few other aurors who volunteered will go with them in case there are security guards. The rest of you will be with me and the centaurs, waiting for the signal to attack the guards and force our ways to the port key." Poppy continued to explain, taking charge. It was amazing seeing this version of her. I know Merlina would be proud to see it.

Merlina... I could only hope she was alright. I couldn't believe the last thing she saw was me flirting with Morgana. She must have felt heartbroken and devastated. How could she not know by now that I would do whatever it took to be with her? That she was my one and only love? Poppy continued explaining the plan while Garreth and I observed people around us. Sure, Edward and I were double spies but who's to say they don't have people in here? Even a dumbass like Headmaster Black could be involved. Professor Garlick started passing around robes of black, smiling at everyone as they grabbed one. We were last as the smile faded from Professor Garlick's face into worried glances that matched with a frown.

"You four be safe... please. And tell Merlina I have a batch of homemade pumpkin pastries waiting for her." She spoke softly before handing ours individually.

"We will Professor Garlick. You have our word." Garreth promised, smiling back at her. This was probably the most serious I had ever seen him. Usually he was just stupid and comedic relief but even he was worried for Merlina.

Once Professor Garlick was finished and of our robes were on, we broke off in our groups. Running out of the castle, the rain was pouring hard with thunder roaring louder above us. Once our groups had reached the Forbidden Forest, there were many people speaking different languages walking into it. Poppy and her group crossed the river instead of the bridge, hoping not to be seen while the rest of us mixed in with the crowd.

Our group mixed in with the crowd of customers, walking down the Forbidden Forest and mixing in with all of the dark wizards. They seemed actually... excited to be going wherever we were headed. The only person I seemed to know around me was Ominis but he was too focused to even acknowledge all the chaos we were entering.

"Are you ready for this?" I quietly asked him, making sure to keep my eyes forward.

"No... but I'll do anything to make sure Merlina is safe." He answered quickly.

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