Chapter Sixty-Eight- My First For Everything

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This is a SMUT chapter so run away if you don't want people around you being nosey!

It was the day after my birthday while I hung up the wet clothes on the clothesline. A bright sunny day with few clouds. Ominis was still inside but napping the day away on one of the couches in the living room. The only sound was the slight wind that would zoom past my ear until I heard an owl screech call out from above. I glanced up and knew exactly who's owl it was- Poppy's. Since the last day of school, we have been writing back and forth to one another. She and Garreth had the entire summer to themselves as well. They were supposed to stay at her grandmother's but since her grandmother had a research mission to do all summer, they got a lot of privacy. The letter dropped down to my feet without the owl stopping before spinning around and heading straight back to her.I picked up the thick soft pink envelope that had my name written on it in her handwriting.

Hello Merlina!

I hope you and Ominis are doing well in the mountains. Garreth has been experimenting on his potion brews and I on my hybrid beasts. I still haven't told him what Sebastian told us but I'm not sure how much longer I can hold off on it. Luckily Garreth is a little... anserine. Speaking of Sebastian, have you heard from him yet? I've been trying to find news of what mission they're doing but it's not in either the Daily Prophet or any of the muggle papers.

Sebastian... I had almost forgot he was actually working with Sharp on a mission and not just spending time with him. I wondered when the next time I would see him be. The beginning of the school year? Even later? I hoped whatever it was- he wasn't putting himself in too much danger. I glanced up to the sky, as if expecting him to drop out of there, before continuing to read the letter Poppy wrote.

Any who... you'll never guess what Garreth and I did. We did it! It was a lot different than what my grandmother described it would be like but I still quite enjoyed it. Garreth also proposed to me! He says we're going to get married at his house at the end of the year after we graduate. I know it's customary to have it at the bride's house but his family has a huge yard and he says we can have a huge celebration there. Anyways, I will await your letter.

Love, Poppy

A wedding? I suppose if anyone should marry young, it should be those two. The wedding wasn't even the most shocking part of this letter. I was quite surprised to hear they had already done... it. I always imagined Garreth would be too shy to do the deed and Poppy too pure. I wondered if Ominis or even Sebastian have done those things yet. I couldn't help but glance back inside the house as if worried Ominis could hear my thoughts from here. Quickly shaking my head to get rid of them, I shoved the letter into my apron pocket and continued to place the clothes on the clothesline.


The moon was now high in the sky as I sent my owl with my letter in it's talons to Poppy. Part of me wished I had never read it because now I can't get those thoughts out of my head. It's not like he could tell but I couldn't even look Ominis in the eyes the entire day. Would it be weird to ask him if he had those same desires? If he's ever done it with anyone else? I should be sleeping in bed but I just couldn't with the thoughts running through my mind. I didn't hear Ominis snoring so it was safe to assume he was still awake. I didn't bother to change out of my night gown or put on any under garments because it's not like he was going to see me and judge.

I made my way to his bedroom door and knocked lightly to hear him shout that it was alright to come in. I opened the door and there was no light except from the moon in the room. The window above the bed was wide open, allowing the smells of the night to drift into the room. Ominis was shirtless once more, buttoning his pants. He somehow looked even more pale in the moonlight than he did naturally.

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