Chapter Thirty- Six- Truamatized

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The Transfiguration OWL was as easy as a fish swimming in the sea. I could tell based on Professor Weasley's smile that I had definitely gotten at least an E. Still though, my mind was anywhere but on the test. As I took the steps towards the Undercroft, the spit in my throat ran dry. The moments from yesterday played on repeat. The inferi. The future version of Cressida attempting to get into the repository. The death of Solomon Sallow.

I took a turn into the girl's bathroom as an attempt to splash water on my face. My thoughts ran at the speed of light, going farther and just replaying the entire year. Rookwood. Harlow. Ranrok. Professor Fig. My chest tightened and my breath escaping me. The bathroom door opened wide and there Lavina stood, arms crossed. By her sides were Lenora and a Slytherin girl I had seen a few times. Her straight midnight hair was below her shoulders and her eyes golden brown. She looked almost identical to Edward... this must be his sister Morgana.

"Merlina Wood! You have been a pain in my ass all year and I am done with... why are you breathing weird?" Lavina asked, obviously had been preparing the speech for hours. Her tone of voice changed though from anger to confusion, as if she actually cared.

I sunk to the floor under the sink, my knees close to my face and my hands gripping the hairs on the back of my head. My breathing harder and quicker, to the point I had to gasp just for air. I was drowning in flashes of memories throughout the year as they played on repeat, getting quicker and more livid.

"Merlina! There you are!" Poppy shouted, pushing through the three girls and sitting in front of me. "What did you three do to her?!"

"Nothing. She was already like this. Talk about a freak." Morgana spat out, earning hard laughs from all of them.

"Get out before you regret it!" They listened to Poppy, muttering as they were stepping away. Poppy managed to help me get control of my breathing after about five minutes of inhaling and exhaling. Something was going on with me- changing me. I wasn't sure what it was but I hated this new version of me.

"Are you alright now Merlina?" Poppy asked, worry plastered on her face. I immediately stood up and nodded my head, as if that meant I was truly fine. Reluctantly, she stood up and took a few steps away from me, as if to see me from a different angle. "Are you sure? I have my Transfiguration OWL next but I'm sure Professor Weasley would let me-"

"Poppy, I'm alright now. Thank you for being such a good friend but go take your OWL." I insisted, letting a chuckle slip so she would know I was truly fine. She nodded her head and left. There I was, alone again, and looking at myself in the mirror.

Poppy still didn't know what Sebastian did and I honestly wasn't sure if I should have told her. I didn't want her to ever look at him differently- even if they weren't in a relationship any longer. I just sighed and finally left the bathroom to the Undercroft. The halls were filled with students but none of my true friends in sight.

By the time I had reached the Undercroft though, you could hear Sebastian and Ominis arguing from the door. The closer I approached the gate, the louder the argument got to the point it sounded as if they were screaming at one another.

"She's devastated! She just had to bury your uncle alone Sebastian!" Ominis shouted out, pointing in a random direction out of anger.

"I did it for her Ominis! If you still cared about her instead of moving on to Merlina the second it got rough, you would understand that."

"Sebastian- Anne can't bear the thought of turning you in, but-"

"What? Turn me in?! She actually saw what happened! Merlina and I were being attacked. THAT is why I did what I did!" Sebastian shouted, pushing Ominis to the ground. I stood in between them, creating a blockade so Sebastian couldn't touch Ominis anymore but shouting it was enough.

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