Chapter Four- Rookwood and Pippin

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As the sun hung high in the sky with few clouds to try and cover it, the leaves were beginning to fall from their tree branches and enter the piles groundskeeper Moon was forming. Chatter from people surrounded us as they also made their way to Hogsmeade or just leaving the town.

"Do you mind if we cross arms? My wand cannot tell where to go due to the sun as odd as that may sound." Ominis requested. Without any hesitation, I pulled him in close and crossed arms together. My arm hung on top of his and although he tried his best to hide it, I could swear the flush of a soft pink rose to his cheeks.

"So do you know what you need? Or are you just getting a mix of everything?" I asked, looking up at the tower that was Ominis Guant.

"I probably should since Sebastian has been stealing my potions ingredients and thinking I don't notice."

We both chuckled and he tucked his wand away, placing his other free hand on top of mine. This was the only moment I was glad he was blind since I found myself blushing hard. The cobblestoned street on Hogsmeade sent the feeling of pure fear down my spine and I hadn't even realized that I was gripping onto Ominis even tighter than before.

"Scared you'll see a troll again? At least this time, you would know what you're doing." Ominis tried to help but it wasn't a troll I was scared of seeing here. Rookwood and Ranrok were still out looking for me. This was Rookwood's territory and who knows if he was behind a corner, waiting for me to appear.

We continued walking until we reached Pippin's shop. Entering the dim store, it was small and even more dusty than when I got all of my supplies earlier. As we walked around the shop collecting the items Ominis needed, the bell above the door rang and there he stood- Rookwood. His tall hat making him seem even taller than before. Luckily, I had seen him before he saw us.

"Ominis. We need to be extremely quiet but I need you to follow me. Do you trust me?" He nodded and held out this hand for me to grab. Smoothly and quickly, we ran over behind Pippin's counter and stayed as silent as we could be.

"Hello?! Where are you Pippin?!" Rookwood shouted from the door, sounding like a brat who wasn't getting enough attention. Mr. Pippin quickly appeared from the back of the shop and when he saw us, pretended he didn't. He continued walking until Ominis and I were trapped between the counter and Mr. Pippin's thin legs.

"Hello Mr. Rookwood. How may I be of assistance to you?"

"One of my men said he saw the girl who took down the troll walk in here. Have you seen her? It's best for your sake if you tell me where she may have gone." I glanced at Ominis who had his eyebrows furrowed and lips pierced. If he wasn't already putting pieces together, he was definitely going to.

"That little girl from Hogwarts? Yes, I have seen her. She and that Slytherin boy just left the store maybe at the most five minutes ago. I believe they said they were going to The Three Broomsticks next so maybe check there."

The minute the bell signaled that he had left the store, Ominis and I both shot up.

"You two need to go back to Hogwarts immediately. Whatever you have already, consider it free for making sure the troll didn't destroy my shop. Leave before Rookwood realizes I lied."

Ominis and I didn't bother to argue or take a second longer in the shop. Somehow, he was able to keep up with my running until we reached the stone grey bridge outside of the Forbidden Forest. We both stopped and took large breaths one after another with him plopping himself onto the ground to relax.

"I have to say this was an eventful date." Although I was already trying to catch my breath, I felt like all the air escaped my body. My heart skipped two extra beats but I don't think it was from the running or almost being caught by Rookwood.

"This... this was a date?" I paused, trying to make sure my voice remained calm.

"You know wh-what I-I meant. Let's hurry up and get back to school before Sebastian starts to worry about us."

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