Chapter Twenty-Seven- Masked Villains

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I thought the day would be a normal last day of winter break. Barely any Hufflepuffs were in the common room so I was able to relax for a little on the couch and stuffing my face with one of the best pumpkin pastries ever. That was, at least, until a portrait shouted at me that Professor Fig was outside of the common room, asking for me. He usually has us meeting either in the Map Chamber or in his classroom so why would he be waiting outside for me? What could be so urgent?

I exited through the large barrel door and there he stood, arms crossed and tapping his leather foot against the stone flooring. His silver, hairy, eyebrows were furrowed but he never took his eyes off of me.

"Young lady. What's this I'm hearing that you're ignoring classes and pushing missions involving to protecting the wizarding world for boys?" He used the term boys with disgust, as if he wasn't one before. I glanced around to see if Professor Weasley was around, putting him up to this, but she wasn't. It was just him and I alone in the hall.

"Which boys would that be?" I asked, wondering how he knew about Sebastian and Ominis; also wondering just how much he knew.

"You know which boys Merlina. Sebastian Sallow may be a great dueler and scholar but he's incredibly stupid and narcissistic. As far as Ominis- it will not last. His family... they like to keep things close."

"What do you mean by close?"

"Ominis' mother is also his aunt close. I know right now, these feelings feel so right but you do not need to be lead on by these boys. I like Ominis but his family most likely already have arrangements for him made. As far as Sebastian... any boy would be better than him. Even Garreth Weasley and he just blows up everything around himself."

I was completely dumbfounded. Who did Professor Fig think he was to tell me how to live my life? He wasn't my father.

"I have no interest in Sebastian in that manner. As far as Ominis goes... you cannot control how I feel twenty-four seven. With all due respect Professor Fig, my personal life is mine alone. I should be able to live like a normal girl, like my peers. I should-"

"You're not normal Merlina. You're extraordinary. If you want romantic relations later in life, then fine. But as of right now... you are a hero with thousands of wizards waiting for you to save their lives without them even realizing they need saving." Professor Fig stated, placing both of his hands on my shoulders. He was right... I'm not normal. I can't have normal wants or needs.

"I know. It's just... it's not fair..." I muttered my complaint and tried to hide my sadness. Professor Fig pulled me into a hug and rested his head on mine.

"I know. After all of this though, you can be with whoever you want to be. In fact, I can't wait to see what your future holds for you. Anyways... how are we doing with the student working with Rookwood? Do we know who she is yet?"

I pulled away from Professor Fig and shook my head no. I began the explanation that Sebastian saw Cressida hand Peeves the necklace but that she didn't look like the type to work with Rookwood.

"Well have you asked her directly?" Professor Fig asked. Was this his first rodeo? She would deny the accusations regardless whether they're true or not. "Try it and then follow her. Perhaps she can lead you to who was doing it."

It wasn't too shabby of an idea on his end. I agreed and left him in the hall alone as I began the search for Cressida.


Why I searched literally every floor of the castle before coming to the library, I have yet to figure out. There she sat though, by the fire place, and keeping her eyes on Sebastian in the distance studying with Ominis. This wasn't out of the usual though. Sebastian had a fan club that could stretch around the entire world. I took the seat next to her, purposely making loud noise as I quickly glanced at the stack of books next to her. Of course they were all full of things involving charms.

"Oh Merlina! H-how are you?" Cressida asked, smiling from ear to ear and adjusting her thin glasses.

"Good... I was actually coming here to ask you a question. Do you remember the day before Halloween when Peeves began to act crazy and caused the library to become a tornado?" I watched her facial expressions change from normal, happy self to nervous.

"Yes... quite a terrible day that was. I was with Lavina and Lenora when it happened."

"Well... someone saw you hand Peeves the necklace that made him act hectic... at least more hectic than usual. Why did you hand it to him?"

"Because Lavina asked me to. She said someone wanted him to wear it but that she didn't like how he smelled like toilet water. I offered to do it for her and she handed it to me." Cressida explained which definitely seemed to add up. Cressida was one of those girls that would do anything for girls like Lavina as long as their existence is acknowledged.

I knew Lavina was around this! I quickly thanked her and walked over to Sebastian and Ominis to tell them about what she said. When I approached their table, I could see instead of Sebastian helping Ominis, it was the other way around.

"It's definitely not frog warts Sebastian. Why would they use frog warts in a love potion?" Ominis asked, annoyed at even having to explain this. Things definitely looked good between them- even if they were arguing about what goes into amortentia.

"This is for school, right?" I asked them. They both turned their heads and grinned.

"Sebastian said that this textbook states amortentia has frog warts but that cannot be right! He must be joking right?"

Before I could answer him, a red string of light came directly at us. It was like things moved in slow motion with me trying to get the textbook to block it but it was too late- the blast of what I could assume was a bombarda spell hit Ominis directly in the chest with both Sebastian and I flying back. I looked in the direction of where it came from and behind Cressida, on the steps to exit the library, was a girl with a blood red mask covering her entire face and red gloves on her hands. As far as her outfit went, she wore a red short sleeved blouse and black pants. This confirmed two things though- neither Cressida or Lavina were the student working with Rookwood.

"I got Ominis! Get her Merlina!" Sebastian shouted, bringing my attention back to reality. I nodded my head, finally getting up and starting the chase after her. No matter what spells I used, she seemed to dodge them, as if she already had known what they were before even casting them.

After around twenty minutes of chasing her, we finally entered the DATDA tower- the busiest part of the castle. I tried my best to keep up with her but I admit it, my work was cut out for me. Whoever that was hurt Ominis and it was because of me. As if reading my thoughts, Sebastian and Ominis stopped once they saw me and began asking repeatedly where she was. I couldn't even bring myself to look them in the eyes.

Professor Fig was right- I needed to take down the threats first before I can even have a chance of a normal life. I shoved past both Sebastian and Ominis, muttering I needed to leave. I knew they were confused but as soon as Lodgok gets me that journal, it's over for Ranrok, Rookwood, and whoever this student was.

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