Chapter Sixty-Two- Secrets Unveiled

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I had received word via owl from Professor Sharp to meet him in the Library Annex on the Saturday a week before the last competition. Spending the last half hour searching for all my friends to see if they wanted to join, I couldn't find a single one. Not even Garreth had seen Poppy. I should be preparing for that competition next week but granted I had no clue about it. All I knew was that it involved Ravenclaw and Shah. Who knows what it could be.

The walls had green wallpaper with various paintings on it except for one wooden wall by Professor Sharp's side. Once he noticed I was in the hall, he smiled and used the wall as support to come to me, meeting me halfway. A glint of suspicious behavior hit his eyes, suddenly making me second guess everything.

"Why are we outside a depulso room Professor Sharp?" I asked boldly, pointing to the button in the wall.

"Ah so you already know it? Good. Completing it again shouldn't be too hard since all three of your friends are tied to edges in there. Let's go, shall we?" Professor Sharp stated so casually.

How Slytherins function like this was honestly shocking to me. Or maybe it's just wizards in total that pull this crap. I was completely flabbergasted by his relaxed nature of things as he limped back to where he was before pointing at the button for me to cast it. I rolled my eyes and casted depulso before watching the wall fade away to the door to enter the puzzle room.

When we walked in, Sebastian, Ominis, and Poppy were all tied to chairs on the three ledges. I hadn't noticed until now that each of their wands were in the coat pocket of Professor Sharp who seemed to be more annoyed that they were having casual conversation instead of screaming at one another.

"Did you all seriously let Professor Sharp tie you to chairs?!" I shouted out, interrupting whatever nonsense they were talking to one another about.

"Yes Merlina. I, a blind person, willingly walked into wherever we are and asked Sharp to tie me to it." Ominis spoke sarcastically.

"Poppy was the only one who knew. I actually had to knock out the other two but once they knew I was setting it up for you, they didn't see any threat I suppose." Professor Sharp explained. "Now! You three! You have been kidnapped and taken by... I don't know... Ashwinders! Yes, ashwinders! Now just do something else besides talking about homework. Scream for your lives, beg, just do something!"

Professor Sharp started making his way back to the door before lowering himself so he could sit on the ground and pulled a book out of his jacket. A book titled 'Magical Medical Wonders' he no doubt got from the Hogwarts library. I sighed and made my way back to the annoying puzzle that kept me here last time for three hours. Three. Goddamn. Hours.

One by one, I tried to solve the puzzles with Sebastian yelling at me for every mistake I was doing. Ominis mocked Professor Sharp's demands, doing a monotone scream of just saying 'ahhh' and 'oh no, will someone save me?' Poppy... Poppy was clearly enjoying this. I knew why Professor Sharp was doing this. Sometimes people freaking out will put aurors under stress. My stress though was wanting me to cast depulso on all three of my friends. After about an hour and a half, I was finally able to complete it and save all of my friends.

We all went back to the door but Professor Sharp was not there anymore. He must have left due to all the yelling distracting him from his reading. Still, we wandered out into the hall. Sebastian to the left so he could do his homework and Poppy to the right to go search for Garreth. Ominis and I were left alone and boy was I already slumped. I sunk to the floor with Ominis following my lead, sitting right next to me and chuckling.

"Already tired? It should only be nine in the morning?"

"Are you one to talk? There have been plenty of times I've wandered into the Defense Against the Dark Arts tower and seen you sleeping no matter what time of day." I responded to his question, giggling and placing my head on his shoulder.

It was silent with only our chest moving every time we took our breaths. I missed moments like this. Ones I could just relax and let the stress roll off my body. It always seemed to be around Ominis that this happened. Sure, Sebastian also helped but in different ways. His was more of distracting me from the stress. Ominis tangled his fingers with mine, clearly feeling the same way as I did.

"Merlina... I was wondering... did you want to go with Leander to Hogsmeade?" I turned to Ominis. I had to remind myself he was blind or else he would probably be laughing at the disgusted face I was making.

"No. I just wouldn't have been as straight forward with my response. He would have had to cast imperio on me like Sebastian did with Morgana." I joked before realising what I said. Shit... Ominis didn't know about that. He was going to kill Sebastian.

"He... he did what?!" Ominis shouted, standing up furious.

"Ominis, I can explain! H-"

"When did this happen?!" Ominis interrupted me.

"Right before the ball. She wanted to know what he was doing so he casted it on her to leave." Ominis began storming off in the same direction as Sebastian but it was clear he already knew where his whereabouts were. Did I just ruin something already so fragile? Perhaps.

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