Chapter Seventy-Four- The Final Sorting

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We watched closely upon every new face walk closely behind Professor Weasley until they stood in front of Headmaster Black's podium. In front of the podium was the same wooden stool and the dusty hat that sorted me into Hufflepuff two years ago. Professor Weasley began giving the same speech she did last year but I wasn't listening. Honestly, I didn't even care.

"Albus Dumbledore" She called out and suddenly, just like when I was sorted, whispers began to flood the Great Hall. A short little boy with auburn hair glanced nervously around his surroundings before taking his steps up and sitting on the wooden stool.

"Who is that?" I whispered to Poppy.

"A halfblood who's father attacked a group of muggle boys a few years back. Poor kid already getting judged." Poppy responded.

"Gryffindor!!" While usually the tables would clap and cheer, only Garreth stood and cheered him on, inviting Albus to sit next to him. How kind of a gesture he just did.

Once the final student sat down at their sorted table, the feast could commence. I had taken one bite when I felt the tapping of two fingers against my shoulder. I spun around and there was Ominis. A smile crossed both of our faces, as if he somehow knew I was happy to see him too.

"Hello Merlina. I was hopeful we could speak in our uh- private space?" He requested. I knew he meant the Undercroft.

"Sure! Let me grab a plate of dinner and-" I started but Ominis grabbed ahold of my hand and started leading us out of the Great Hall immediately.

Why was he so eager to talk? We ran down the halls, taking quick turns until finally reaching the Undercroft. Once we arrived, he let go and made his way to the concrete floor, letting out one big sigh.

"How have you been? I didn't want to ask in front of everyone in case you didn't want them knowing." I answered, sinking down beside him.

"Grimm was a terrible person. Not saying he deserved it but I'm also not saying that he didn't. Thank you for asking though. I wanted to talk to you about us though. I want... I want us to be official again." Ominis requested.

I could not believe what he was asking. He wanted to be together once more like we were back in our fifth year. I should be jumping for joy but why couldn't I? Surely it had to do with my feelings for Sebastian still. Perhaps Aruna was right. I needed to choose one or the other. I can't do that though if I keep playing this back and forth game between him and Sebastian.

"I can't do that right now. You deserve the truth and it's that I love both you and Sebastian. I... it's not fair to either of you if I date one while still having feelings for the other. I intend to use this year to figure out who my soul needs more. I hope you understand Ominis."

A sharp pain shot at my sides with every word I spoke. I knew it's not what either of us wanted to hear but it's what we needed. It was silent between us until he swallowed hard and nodded.

"That is understandable. If it helps you with your choice, you should know I'll wait a hundred years if it meant a single moment with you. If it means I get to fill my lungs with the air you're breathing. You are the most important person to me Merlina and that is the truth. I hope you never forget that simple truth."

I could live one thousand lifetimes and still never deserve Ominis Gaunt. Before standing, he found my face and placed a single kiss on my cheek. Once he made his way onto his feet, he walked out and left me alone in the Undercroft.


I walked into the dorm room and there was Poppy on the bed next to mine with mine having a plate of food on it. A little bit of everything from the table and a pastry on top of a napkin next to it. She was already in her night gown and reading a book titled 'Beasts and Their Wonders.' She looked focused until I closed the door, earning a smile and the book being set down beside her.

"I brought you dinner since Ominis stole you. How did it go?" She asked, being nosey but grinning.

"He asked me to be his and only his... I rejected his offer. It's not fair of me to play two friends against one another any longer." I responded, plopping down on the bed and grabbing the turkey leg to dive in like a barbarian.

"That's probably wise... especially since Morgana is planning on starting a war over blood status. How do you feel though?"

"Saddened. But no child feels excited about eating carrots despite them being good for them."

"That's valid. I do not envy your life Merlina."

"Oh sure you do Mrs. Weasley." I teased, grinning and throwing my roll at her. She giggled and threw it back before hugging the pillow that was once behind her. "How do you feel though?"

"Despite all of the bad energy surrounding the year- I'm ready. Sebastian and I spoke to Professor Sharp by the way. He wants all five of us in his class first thing tomorrow. Says he has something important to tell all of us- including Garreth surprisingly." She informed.

"Including Garreth? He hates Garreth." I responded, honestly shocked.

"I know huh...? I don't know. Professor Sharp must know the truth though."

"Which is what Poppy?"

"That we're going to need all the help we can get if we're going after this Puppeteer."

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