Chapter Thirteen- The Place It Happened

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After closing the door, I knew what I needed to do- find Sebastian. He was by the wishing well, leaning on it with his arms crossed, what I could assume was waiting on me. His robe was blowing in the wind along with the tiny waves of hair that rested at the top of his head. Once he had seen me, he stepped away from the well and made his way to meet me halfway.

"How are you doing Sebastian. That was a lot of emotions going on at once." I stated.

"You've got a first hand glance of what I'm dealing with when it comes to my uncle. I don't care that him and Anne believe there's no cure- there is. With sickness comes health aka, cures of all sorts." Sebastian spit out, gripping his fists in anger and furrowing his eyebrows.

"I know he's angry Sebastian but he's only trying to do what's best for Anne. Besides, Anne doesn't seem to-"

"Anne doesn't know what she wants. You saw the way she looked when I handed her the shriveled fruit. She's only saying what my uncle has been telling her. Come on, let me show you where it happened."

Before I could say another word, Sebastian started running up a hill and telling me about how Feldcroft was on fire. How screams could be heard. All of it done by who? Ranrok's loyalists. I could say I wasn't surprised one bit that it had happened but the thought of them doing it took me off guard by the slightest.

"We're here. This is where it happened." In front of us was a burnt down house with holes dug on the side of it. As I wondered around the property, I had realized quickly that this was in a pensive memory.

"Sebastian... I've been here before. This house belonged to an old Hogwarts professor. One of the Keepers showed me this memory."

"Merlina... what I'm Merlin's beard are you talking about?" Sebastian asked, his hands running along the wall that hadn't been completely burnt down.

I told him everything without any hold back- the Keepers, the pensive memories, the ancient magic, everything that I thought I hadn't told him was dropped on him in a matter of seconds. He kept his eyes on me, every sentence receiving an even wider eye look than the last.

"If it wasn't you, I'd believe you were pulling my leg. Regardless, what do we do now?" Sebastian asked, placing the palms of his tanned hands on his hips.

From a first glance, the wall had looked normal until the tiny bits of light peaked through the stone. Casting a basic spell, I was able to bring it down and see a whole new room of the house covered in cobwebs and dust. A double wooden bed was broken and full of hay was shoved into the corner and the opposite side of the room had a set of stairs going downward and below the house.

"Who would go through all the trouble to hide this room?" Sebastian asked out loud, already making his way down the stairs. Whoever it was definitely wanted to hide something. Whether that something had to do with the Keepers or Anne was up for debate but we needed to find out.

The room below the one we uncovered was dark with only one single candle on a desk. Devils snare had been thriving for who knew how long, going on the walls and floor of the room. Upon the desk, I found a note of Isadora's along with vials of some unknown liquids. Before I could even grab it, the devils snare grabbed my arm, knocking my wand out of my hand and pulling me closer to the wall.

"Sebastian! Get my wand!" The more I struggled, the tighter it wrapped around my entire body.

"Confringo!" Sebastian casted upon it. The blast of the flame hit the devils snare, releasing me in time to try to deal with the fire that was on me. I could feel the burn and sizzle upon my arms but knew they would be fine later. Without a second to waste, or even bringing up the pain, I went to him on the other side of the room to look when the strangest thing yet had appeared.

"Sebastian... I can see the Undercroft through that wall like it's a window." I explained, pointing at the wall ahead of me.

"Ominis is going to be floored when he finds this out." Sebastian was grinning from ear to ear, rubbing his head and pacing. "I mean, the possibilities are endless with your power and-"

"Sebastian, let's not get too ahead of ourselves. I still don't know how to control it. Besides, as much as it kills me, I think we should keep this between ourselves." I suggested, looking out at the Undercroft once more to see if anyone was in there.

"Understood but I do think we need to tell him later on since we keep getting him involved."

"That won't happen anymore, at least on my end. Now grab my hand and let's see what happens when we go through the window." I demanded, holding my hand out for him to grab.

"Oh love, I thought you'd never ask." With one step forward, we ended from Feldcroft to Hogwarts just like before with Professor Fig. Sebastian was walking around, jaw dragging on the floor with shock. "Why would someone place a door between the Undercroft and a house from a professor of Hogwarts?"

Before I could answer the question, the wall opposite of the one we came from began to form a portrait that had been previously destroyed. Parts of it were missing but the far left of it began to form what we had just seen.

"There's a parchment in the middle of it." Sebastian pointed out, grabbing it and showing it so we could both see.

"A rune symbol... I've seen ones similar used before by the Keepers."

"I've been thinking Merlina- Ranrok has been looking around the house of one of these 'Keepers' and wielding this dark magic you're speaking of. Could this same magic have cursed Anne?" Sebastian asked, finally seeing some hope in his eyes that I had never seen before.

"I'm sorry Sebastian but I don't think so."

"Hm... very well. There's so much about this magic though that we still don't know so let's not rule it out quite yet. I need to see Ominis and don't worry, I won't tell him anything. Apparently Salazar Slytherin had a secret room here in Hogwarts and Ominis had just learned of it. Perhaps there could be answers there. I'll let you know when I know more." With that, before I could even answer anything, he left and I was alone with thoughts running at mile speed.

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