Chapter Twenty-Four- The Truth Sets Us Free (Ominis POV)

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Although the kiss had barely been a week, I couldn't take my mind off of it. I sat in the common room and although the first years were mistaking seaweed for mermaids, I found no joy in it. I could only run my fingers across my lips, thinking of her. Her scent. Her voice. Her touch. Just her. Was this the feeling of true love? I can say I never felt this obsession towards Anne and I was with her for multiple years. I needed space to breathe and only one place would ensure that- the undercroft.

"So Ominis, I hear you and Merlina were kissing a few days ago. Never thought someone of your family reputation would be with anyone like Merlina." Imelda spat out with two girls giggling next to her.

"I also hear you were so easy, people would believe you're French harlot." I could hear her gasp as I walked away.

Sure my family is known for their closeness and their limited amount of genes but I was not my family. My family can be as close as they want but I was not going to do that. As I walked through the castle, trying to get to the undercroft, people whispered around me all around.

"Mr. Gaunt! Where do you think you're going?" My neck stiffened as Headmaster Black's voice caught me. He didn't smell like his usual self though... he smelled like Merlina. Her perfume is the only one that smelled like fig nectar and vanilla.

"Pardon sir? I'm simply on my way outside." I lied. Why was Professor Black speaking to me at this exact moment? Usually when he wants to ask about my father or mother, or even try to encourage the idea of my sister and his son together, he calls me into his office.

"Going outside eh? Typical student, wasting the hours away."

"I have to write twenty inches on dittany and it's uses. Was heading to the greenhouse."

"Ah, yes! Dittany mixed with, um, bubotuber pus makes a fine, erm, mustache paste! Yes, mustache paste." Headmaster Black mustered up.

Could this be Garreth with yet another polyjuice potion? But how did he manage to get Headmaster Black's hair? And why does he smell like Merlina? I understood he used one of the potions he already brewed since he was supposed to be in detention when we sent him to retrieve Merlina but why would he be Headmaster Black?

"Are you alright sir? You don't seem yourself." I asked, trying to study anything I could. A quickened breath even.

"I am quite healthy Guant. If I need a medical diagnosis, I will go directly to St. Mungo's. Now be on your way!" Before I could even respond to his quite rude remarks, he ran off and through the doors. I sighed, knowing this wasn't worth fighting for.

By the time I finally entered the undercroft, Sebastian was already in there and muttering to himself. Even though I'm blind, it was like I could see the relic with the amount of dark magic radiating from it.

"Oh... hello Ominis. I was actually just about to leave and-" Sebastian started but I interrupted him immediately.

"If the end of that sentence involves Merlina, I'd kindly suggest you rethink your idea." I threatened. "I know you're trying to convince her to help you so you don't feel like you're doing the wrong thing here Sebastian but you need to stop. If you want to go down this path, I will try to stop you every step of the way but that is still your choice. Don't take that away from Merlina."

"Ominis, do you even care for Merlina? I know she told you everything that she's going through- that Fig and those damn Keepers are putting her through. If you actually cared for her, you would understand why I ask her if she wants to know these spells and the dark arts!"

The silence between us was louder than any words could have ever been. At least this time, she didn't have to witness it. I could hear him laugh in a menacing tone as one could assume he messed with his hair. As he walked past me, he placed a potion of some sorts in my hand and whispered in my ear.

"Give this to her and then ask her if she actually supports my hobbies. It's veritaserum; the truth telling potion. While you're at it, ask her if she enjoyed when I kissed her. I'm curious for the answer."

I'm not sure what came over me but in that moment, I swear I saw for a split second before the rage took over my body. I slammed Sebastian against the wall and placed my wand underneath his face just like in the scriptorium.

"You ever kiss her again, you won't live to another day. Did you even care about how much Poppy cares for you and-"

"I already sent her an owl breaking up with her. I told her I already had another girl in my eyesight... it's only a shame for you that I can actually see how beautiful she is." Sebastian pushed me away and said his goodbye, leaving me alone in the undercroft.

Why was it I was barely finding out Merlina and Sebastian kissed? Was it before or after I had kissed her? Even more questions ran through my head of all the possibilities to more questions. The truth was though that none of it mattered because I was in love with her. She knew it already but it couldn't help for some reassurance.

I spent the entire day searching for her throughout the castle although the more I searched, the more likely I felt she was Headmaster Black that I bumped into earlier. The scent, the awkward encounter, and even the rumor circulating that Black had the great hall decorated in Hufflepuff's honors. He would have never actually done that. So instead I waited for her outside of the kitchens where I hear are near the Hufflepuff dormitories.

"Ominis! What are you doing here?" My ears perked up at the sound of her voice, spoken like a melody. I immediately stood up and grabbed the potion out of my pocket, holding it out to her.

"I need to ask you some personal questions and need you to drink this. It's a truth telling potion."

"Ominis... I've been truthful about everything up to now. Are you afraid I will lie with one of these questions?" I could feel her disappointment when I nodded my head. Still, she sighed and grabbed the potion out of my hand. I could hear every gulp she took of the potion until she placed it back into my hand, one could assume empty. "Go ahead and ask."

"Are you supportive of Sebastian's new hobbies recently?"

"No and you know that. Did you really waste-"

"Why didn't you tell me you both kissed?" She went silent, shocked as to how I knew. "Sebastian told me earlier. Please answer the question."

"Your friendship is already falling apart Ominis... I didn't want this to add to it. I can assure you though that the minute he touched my lips, I pushed him off and told him how I felt."

"And... how do you feel?"

"Like I really want to kiss you right now to prove a point of how much I care for you."

She wrapped her arms around my neck softly and lightly tugged my chin to make my eyes face her. I wish I could see her face like Sebastian can or see if she wears a new outfit or gets a new haircut. To admire everything about her, like the beautiful art piece she was. Our lips touched like before and just like last time, her lips were just as soft. Even with no eyesight, I could tell she was smiling into it.

"Before we continue, I must know, how was it being Headmaster Black for the day?" I asked, keeping my arms wrapped at her waist.

"How did you-?"

"I told you many months ago Merlina that you have a very unique scent. Besides, dittany and bubotuber pus? Mustache paste? That was seriously the best you could do?"

We both erupted into laughter as she tried to explain herself but it was already too late. She could barely make the words out with how hard she laughed but all I could think about was even with the truth potion, she chose me. She wants me. Being the one person nobody really chooses themselves, I knew after today- Merlina was the one.

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