Chapter Eighty-Six- A Healer of Sorts

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This is a SMUT chapter so run away if you don't want people around you being nosey!

Despite tiny puddles following our trail, I didn't care to wipe them down or warn people as we passed them. Even barely entering the Faculty Tower, we could hear Professor Sharp shouting and arguing with Nurse Blainey. No doubt questioning her medical opinions. By the time Ominis, Poppy, and I had reached the Hospital Wing, Garreth was stuck between Nurse Blainey and Professor Sharp's shouting match.

"Professor Sharp! Have you thought maybe for a single moment that I have so much trouble getting Ms. Wood to listen to my words because she takes after you?" Nurse Blainey lectured.

"I told you madam that I am fine. What I need to do is find-" Professor Sharp argued until he laid eyes on us, gaining the biggest grin ever. "It worked."

It worked? I couldn't even ask before Professor Sharp started walking with no limp, laughing in absolute shock. The potion actually worked... Professor Sharp's leg was cured. He even slammed his foot in a tapping manner against the floors to prove his point.

"But how...?" Poppy started, completely shocked as well.

"It does not matter Professor Sharp! You need your rest!"

"Nurse Blainey- Could we have a moment alone with the professor? We promise we'll tie him to the bed if he doesn't cooperate and we'll leave immediately after." I assured, already taking steps towards him.

"Fine. You have got twenty minutes max!" She shouted before entering her office, slamming the door behind her.

Once that door was slammed, I wasn't sure what came over me. I just found myself one moment in the entry of the Hospital Wing and the next in Professor Sharp's arms with tears staining my cheeks. His arms awkwardly wrapped me too, trying to hush me and making sarcastic comments as if that wasn't Ominis' department.

"I... I thought I killed you. I was so worried that it was all my fault." I admitted, trying to control my emotions.

"No Merlina. You and your unique skills healed me. Although why do you and Mr. Gaunt stink?" He asked, glancing between us.

"I'd rather not say... but we have more pressing matters."

Once Professor Sharp was back in bed, we dumped everything we had learned. The cave and Morgana and Imelda's conversion. He sat there, thinking hard about everything.

"Alright... Where is Sebastian?"

"Serving detention. He seems to have struck a cord with Professor Chang." Poppy answered Professor Sharp's question.

"Very well. Merlina and Ominis- go use the Prefect bathroom. Have a note saying I have you permission to use it. Garreth, go find Sebastian and tell him to meet us in my classroom. Poppy... I'm sorry to be a bother but you're going to distract Nurse Blainey long enough for me to sneak out of here and then come join us after. Do we all have an understanding of what our tasks are?" He asked while already writing the note for Ominis and I.

"Yes Professor... I'm glad your back with the living." I informed before grabbing onto Ominis' hand and dragging him to the prefect bathroom.

I've only seen it once. Even so, I could still remember the mermaid painting that hung up and the soft bubbles that filled the tub. I had more trouble concealing my excitement than even acknowledging the fact that Ominis and I would be naked and in a bath together. It didn't even dawn on me until I found us in the tub together but still keeping a small distance.

"Merlina... what did the Professor mean when he said it worked? What did you two do?" Ominis finally asked, looking in my direction.

"I... I managed to heal his leg." I admitted, glancing away in embarrassment. I knew he couldn't see me but I could see him. Every indent of skin from his collar bones sticking out. Each mole on his upper body. Everything.

"That's amazing Merlina! You should be proud of yourself."

"No... no I shouldn't be. And I'm not."

"Why not?"

"He died for a split moment. The whole reason we were trying this was because I wanted to offer it to you." He stayed silent, looking away from me. "I'm glad it worked for him but I refuse to do it again. I... I cannot risk losing you Ominis Gaunt."

I hadn't even realized what I said at all until Ominis made his way to me and slammed his lips onto mine like earlier in the lake. He was hungry and had no sign of stopping ahead of him. I wasn't planning on stopping him or denying what he clearly had been wanting. Slowly, his hand moved down my body until stopping in between my legs. I had been wondering what those hands could do for months and he was finally going to show me.

"Let's continue where we left off before Poppy interrupted us." He demanded more than requested. 

He started with two fingers, going directly in. My breaths picked up in an instant, quietly moaning his name. This was different than last time where I was taking charge. Seeing Ominis so dominant was something I never suspected. Ominis attacked my neck, nibbling on it and picking up the pace he moved. What a sight this must be to witness. He moved his fingers out and with my help, something much larger replaced his fingers.

"I want you to beg for it. You're only going to crave me by the time I'm done with you." Ominis spoke deep in my ear before thrusting himself all the way in. "No more stress for you my darling. Only pleasure."

I gasped, wrapping my arms around him and only pulling him in closer. A low chuckle escaped Ominis' lips before continuing what he started. I found myself to be a moaning mess but two could play this game. As best as I could, I moved him onto the bench so I could straddle him like last time. 

"Put your hands out." I demanded. He did as I told him but gave me a mixture of confused and curious glances. I dumped the liquid soapy concoction I had found in his hands and placed them right above my breasts. "Might as well clean me if you're going to dirty me."

He knew where I was going with this. Both hands found their way around my breasts. massaging them while we moved as one. He was right. Even with us still moving, I craved only him. His hands moved down to my butt, making sure to claim me as his with a loud spank. I didn't need to see to know I would have his handprint in the morning. Knots formed deep in my gut and I could see in his eyes he was close too. Our pace picked up until I released but he wasn't done. Placing both hands on my hips, he moved me the way he wanted. I was here for his pleasure and I didn't even care. In the split moment right before he came, I moved off of him and could watch the show.

"You... you really are great at that." He complimented between breaths. Laughter escaped me as I climbed out of the tub to dry off and throw my clothes on. 

"Merlina," Ominis started. I could feel the entire mood shift with whatever he was about to tell me next. "I want you to heal my eyes. I want to be able to witness everything we just did."

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